Category: ☢️ Gamma World

Gamma World

Explore the post-apocalyptic universe of Gamma World, a thrilling TTRPG where mutants and technology collide. Join adventurers, uncover secrets of the irradiated wastelands, and navigate through a future reshaped by cataclysm!

  1. The imposing figure of Michael-JX in a barren wasteland by Ted Tschopp
    Michael-JX: Moonwalking Through the Apocalypse brings a legendary animatronic into your TTRPG campaign.
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  2. An ancient, rusted piece of advanced technology, half-buried in the ground, with glowing circuits and strange symbols. Inspired by Gamma World TTRPG, combining elements of steampunk and sci-fi, Spelling out
    A collection of images to use as backdrops for Gamma World, inspired by Pixel Art and Retro Video Games
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  3. Zombie «Canopus Plague Victim» by Unknown
    The figure appears humanoid and is clothed in a plain jumpsuit. It seems to have no other possessions. Its body quivers and shakes in a very inhuman way. It appears to be made of a dark brown, glistening, gelatinous substance. The disgusting creature will attack the party by bashing characters with its two misshapen fists.
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  5. Zappers «Blaster Blossom» by Unknown
    The few expeditions that have made it to the lunar surface and back tell dreadful tales of the strange life forms that developed after the inhabitants of Tycho Center, the Moons only manned base, were slain by disease. (See A World Gone Mad, DRAGONissue #86, and A Field Guide To Lunar Mutants," DRAGON issue #87.) One of the mutant plants now found at Tycho Center is the so-called blaster blossom, a mutant orchid.The blaster blossom is a reactive mutant, using its powers whenever it is touched. It has two attacks. The first is a spore cloud (treated as intensity 17 con- tact poison) that can slay victims with relative ease. This is fired whenever anything touches the blossom. The sec- ond attack is a actually a series of ran- dom energy attacks, fired whenever any metallic object (such as a robot) touches the plant. In a random manner, it will use one of the following attacks (roll1d4, one attack for one action turn):1) inflict 3d10 heat damage up to 3 m from the blossoms flower stalk, in the direction of the thing that touched it; 2) fire an electrical bolt doing 2d26 damage up to 10 m from the blossoms flower stalk, in the direction of the thing that touched it;3) fire an energy-draining bolt that instantly reduces all power cells within 5 m of the blossom to half energy; or,4) energy negation activated for 2-20 action turns, within a 15 m radius. If the spores ever kill the creature who touched the plant, they will grow in the dead body and become 1-3 new blaster blossoms within three days.
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  6. Rodquas are mutated cousins of the common house mouse, except that they are a little larger and have an electrically charged tail.
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  7. Gliders are large lizards which possess extraordinary powers of concealment. They are carnivorous in nature, and their forelegs have developed into broad wings, which they use to swoop down on their prey. Gliders cannot truly fly, but can descend upon a victim in a silent glide that adds a +2 bonus to oppo- nents chances of being surprised (even with heightened hearing). This glide can be extended for twice as far a distance as the gliders altitude at the time it takes off; e.g., a glider starting at a height of 20 m can glide down to prey on the ground 40 m away. Gliders climb extremely well using their back legs and winged forearms, each of which has a free claw useful only for hooking into tree bark to hold position. Gliders may be found at any altitude to which trees can grow. They avoid sailing out over bodies of water, as they cannot swim. Though of animal-like intelligence, gliders rarely bother creatures which possess considerable amounts of Tech II or Tech III equipment, perhaps because they dislike the smell produced by such items. Gliders often can be caught when young and raised as pets. Native jungle inhabit- ants have also lived in peace with gliders, feeding them on scraps and employing them as guards for villages. Gliders possess a low-grade form of radiation eyes (2d6 Intensity Level radia- tion per shot) that is emitted as beams of green laser light. They use this attack only against large creatures, and never against creatures they intend to eat.
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  9. Win Seen are ground covering creepers that can spread to cover a large area (as much as 20 meters in diameter) The blue-green land variety covers shady areas of ground and grows in groups which are so entangled that is difficult to tell where one plant beigns and another leaves off. The yellow-green aquatic variety floats freely on the surface of shallow water, ponds, marshes, and rivers.
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  10. The sarbis looks strikingly like a 2-meter-tall bipedal aardvark. Its body is covered with coarse yellow to gray fur, and its face is dominated by a long snout. The hands, while manipulative, end in powerful claws good for digging and fighting. Sarbises can be found in almost any terrain except the coldest. Their settlements or camps invariably signal the presence of minerals, for the sarbis are passionate miners. The camps are a mixture of above and underground constructions. Sarbises are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to 'claim-jump' their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings. Sarbises rely on trade for food, clothing, and other interesting goods. In exchange, they sell refined minerals ingots of pig iron, copper, lead, tin, nickel; bags of sulphur, salt, and coal; whatever is useful from the earth. Because few others have the talent to dig and smelt these needed metals, sarbises are often left unmolested, even in the most hostile territories. Each camp is ruled by a strong man, a single leader who achieved his position through bullying and threat. All trading in the camp is controlled by the strong man or his minions. Sarbises will often buy artifacts useful to mining, sometimes offering other artifacts or to make useful implements in exchange.
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  14. The X.M.A.S unit was oringnally designed to serve in department stores around the world. The general design became so popular that it wsa manufavtured with grav sleigh and robotic servo reindeer. The unit that landed in New Hope had obviously been modified into something different than the original design intended. It will be friendly to all the people of New Hope and give out tous and hte like to kids. It will talk to everyone and ask them what they want and promise to bring it the nex year ( a promise that cannot be kept). If the characters contine to attack after it lands, it will be forced to devestate the town, until some mutant destroys its power source.The unit is also equipt with Vibro Dagger, a Stun Greande Thrower , Laser Pistol, and Laser Rifle.Although it normally operates with hand and foot controls, it does have limited audio control capacity and will obey simple directional commands. All units, including the laser weapons, are powered by broadcast power from the robot factory, giving units a range of 500 kilometers. The S. Reindeer will react to any physical attack with the flame thrower in their tails. Their mini-missiles are shot on the instructions of the X.M.A.S. unit. If the X.M.A.S. unit is destroyed, the X Unit Sleigh and remaining S. Reindeer will return to the factory at maximum speed. Although the X.M.A.S. unit is programmed to be jolly, it will not allow itself to get into situations where it can be easily destroyed.
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  15. This unit was originally designed to be a Small Cargo Transport. The modified unit has the following additions: Two Separate Force Fields: 200 hit points each; the force fields operate independently of each other. Electrified outer shell: Does 3d10 of damage to all those touching it. Although it normally operates with hand and foot controls, it does have limited audio control capacity and will obey simple directional commands. All units, including the laser weapons, are powered by broadcast power from the robot factory, giving units a range of 500 kilometers. The S. Reindeer will react to any physical attack with the flame thrower in their tails. Their mini-missiles are shot on the instructions of the X.M.A.S. unit. If the X.M.A.S. unit is destroyed, the X Unit Sleigh and remaining S. Reindeer will return to the factory at maximum speed. Although the X.M.A.S. unit is programmed to be jolly, it will not allow itself to get into situations where it can be easily destroyed.
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  17. Worker «Android» by Unknown
    Man-made beings with red hued skin and blank stares.
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  18. These bipedal, human- oid wolves are one of the more deadly species on the Gamma World. Luckily, they arent encountered often, for these clever and malicious creatures enjoy tricking parties of adventurers. They will meet adventurers in their Pure Strain Human form and try to join the adventurers. If they gain the partys trust, they will carefully work their way into positions in which they can success- fully slay as many Pure Strain Humans as possible, as they consider the meat a delicacy.For some unknown reason, howlers are highly allergic to silver metal. If they are merely touched by silver, it will cause 1 point of damage per action turn to them. A weapon made of silver will do double normal damage if it hits a howler. Any damage caused by silver or silver weapons cannot be regenerated or healed by these creatures. Howlers are actually able to smell silver.Both howlers and dracs (q.v.) are believed to have been purposefully bred by unknown agencies or beings for unknown reasons. Howlers resemble the Ancients concept of werewolves in many ways.Howlers will usually possess several items of Tech Level II. They will only associate with other mutant animals, and are quite rare at present.
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  19. Ert telden are sleek fish up to a meter long, with black scales, often tinged with red or orange along their fins. They have 'whiskers' along their chin like a catfish.
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  24. These one- to two- meter long fish are a deep brown color with a dull yellow underbelly. Weirbuled seemingly have some form of intelli- gence, for they are known to cleverly attack only helpless or unsuspecting humans. These creatures have stubby teeth in their gaping mouths which enable them to bite for one die (d6) of damage. Their real weapons, however, are the three pairs of tentacle-like feelers which sprout from either side of their jaw. The longest pair (40 to 80cm) is coated with an acidic mucous which causes one die (d6) of damage when a feeler wounds an opponent. The other two pairs of tentacle-like appendages are semi-manipulative, and, in conjunction with strong pectoral fins and the creature's tail, can be used for locomotion, including climbing into vessels with low gunwales. Weirbuled have been known to capture small boats by climbing or jumping within, followed by the slaying and eating of the occupants. It is reported that truly giant weirbuleds of three or more meters length hove been seen, and such creatures would undoubtedly have more virulent acids. These reports have not been confirmed, although claims of sighting these large creatures persist.
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  25. These small winged humanoids are only 20 cm tall. They are nocturnal and their bodies give off enough life to illuminate 1 meter around them.
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  26. Shinarl is a translucent sheet of slimy platlife that inhabits the bottom of shallow pools, puddles, and so on.
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  27. Keeshin are albino mutant frogs, standing 1 meter tall with a humanoid posture and functional hands. Their skin is completely white, almost translucent, and coated with a thin layer of slime. Their eyes are wide-set and their mouth is filled with sharp teeth. They rarely wear clothing or adornment.
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  28. Ger'tal are mutant water striders. They have a slender, dark body, and the ability to "walk" on water. This is accomplished by large water resistant hairs on each foot. To move It extends one claw into the water (otherwise it would just sit there unable to move). They are important carrion eaters.
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  29. Water Crep «Crep, Pink» by Unknown
    The water crep has a pink flower and lives submerged in freshwater lakes and swamps. Surrounding the plant's bulbous flower is a mass of strong, leafy vines. The crep can move about (slowly) on its thick, flexible roots, seeking better "hunting grounds". The crep's vines are mobile and quite dexterous (although the plant is largely blind, and not very intelligent).
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  31. Warrior «Android» by Unknown
    Man-made beings with red hued skin and blank stares.
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  32. The Podogs are huge mutated mastiffs that can be ridden by man-sized creatures. Podog packs consist of a mated pair and half the pups from the previous litter. Podogs will have a litter of 1d6 pups per year for 1d10 years.
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  33. This vaguely turtle-shaped unit is 9 meters long by 6 meters wide by 3 meters tall. It has 4 Micro-missile Launchers, 6 Torc Grenade Launchers (500 meter range and 5d20 Torc Grenades), 4 Black Ray Guns (200 meter range), 8 Mark VII Blaster Batteries of 3 guns each, 1 Matter Bomb Launcher 1200 meter range and 6d6 Matter Bombs) and 6 Laser Batteries of 5 guns each (1500-meter range and 15d6 damage per battery). All Warbots have a 200 Hit Point Energy Screen. They can use all weapons simultaneously.
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  34. Wandering Blackuns «Attercop Abulare» by Unknown
    Attercops, also known as Blackuns, are mutated garden spiders. They have long bristles across their bodies, making them unpalatable prey to all but the largest creatures. They have 12 eyes located all over their head, giving them 360 degree sight.
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  36. He slouches to 1.5 meters tall. His large ears stick out from a bald head. The deformity of his arms and legs would earn him a spot on any beggers' steet. His nose is completly sealed over, eliminating any sense of smell. Waja usually reeks of garbage and rot. His entire body is covered with small suction cups, even his head and face.
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  40. The Vene'a'mub is similar to a six legged scorpion with large, four gitit hands instead of pincers. A bludgeon tail instead of a stinger, and a lizard like head that weaves back and forth on a thick muscular neck. They are usually colored an oily blue when they are not camouglaged. They have the intelligence and ability to cover themselves with their surroundings for their own safety or to trap prey.
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  41. Each worm is between .25 and 1 meter long and is bright red in color. They are encased in a mineral and metallic sheath around them.
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  43. This ovoid is sent by the Manhunter to track and hunt down crea- tures that attempt to escape by fleeing into a watery environment. Some versions of this cyber have camouflage detectors that cause fish and creatures using camouflag- ing mutations to appear normally for attack purposes.This cyber is covered in a plastic water- proof covering. It is also equipped with two spear rifles that have a range of 50 meters and have two spears each, coated with a substance that causes sleep for 4d10 action turns (characters drown in 2d4 action turns unless rescued or taken by the cyber). The underwater drone is also capable of leaving a thick black fog of chemical for 10 meters around itself in the water. This allows escape and obscures the vision of creatures in the area for 2d8 action turns. The cyber has sonar sensors that detect creatures up to 200 meters away.Four small, high-explosive, heat-seeking torpedoes (weapon class 16) can be launched, each having a range of 200 meters and do 4d6 hp damage each. The cyber is also equipped with an ultra-pow- erful light that blinds characters looking directly at it for 1d6 action turns out to 30 meters. The cyber has a tractor/pressor beam capable of lifting and carrying up to 200 kilograms.
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  45. The Holcut stand 4 feet tall at the shoulders and are mutant dogs with skin that looks like a rhino's. They have two rows of teeth in their mouths that they use to tear meat. They also have strange looking muzzles that house their elaborate olfactory system. They are immune to any sort of gas attack.
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  46. The Holcut stand 4 feet tall at the shoulders and are mutant dogs with skin that looks like a rhino's. They have two rows of teeth in their mouths that they use to tear meat. They also have strange looking muzzles that house their elaborate olfactory system. They are immune to any sort of gas attack.
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  49. These bipedal, humanoid boars are one of the deadliest species on Gamma Terra. Cruel, cunning, and sadistic, they hunt and scavenge in packs of three or more for sport and survival.
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  53. These short, elfin- looking humans are well known for the practical jokes they play on unwary travelers. They live in dense forests, making their homes in hollowed-out tree trunks, and feed upon locally gathered fruits, nuts, berries, roots, leaves, and other edible plant matter. Jestes use their confusion, illusion generation, and density control mutations to cause wayfarers trouble. Of course, speed increase and chameleon powers prove useful when jestes need to hide. If a jeste is hurt by an angry victim of a joke, others will retaliate with their gamma eyes.If characters laugh along with the jestes practical jokes, they will reveal themselves and help the characters if they can, though they will still play tricks now and then. Jestes are curious by nature, and can often be coaxed into joining a party of adventurers. They will always be loyal companions, though they will still joke around when the party is not in a dangerous situation. Jestes encountered in the wild will have 1-4 items of Tech Level II. These will be items that they are able to handle with ease (for example, pistols instead of rifles).Jestes enjoy the company of friendly mutant animals, grens, and wardents. They dislike androids greatly and hate robots, reserving their more malicious tricks for these two groups of beings.
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  54. A small, tree-dwelling variety of mutant alligator, screps are bright red in color and easily visible among tree foliage. Despite their small size, screps are highly intelligent and possess manipulative hands on their fore- limbs as well as on their rear legs. Their tails are almost as prehensile as those of spider monkeys.These social and friendly creatures live in well-ordered communities among high treetops. They contruct nests from twigs, leaves, and stems, and use rudimentary tools to hollow out holes in trees for shel- ter. Some screps probably live out their entire 200-year lifespans without ever touching the ground. Some screps, being curious and fascinated by technology, carry small Tech II and Tech III devices and weapons, though this is not commonly done.Screps get along especially well with intelligent reptilian beings, but few crea- tures want to attack them anyway. This is probably due to a unique mutation screps possess, termed friendship generation. This unconscious mental mutation oper- ates continuously, and it produces an effect similar to the plant mutation allure- ment, in that anyone within its range may be persuaded that the mutant is a cher- ished ally who must be protected and defended at all costs. This is treated as a mental attack, with the mutants Mental Strength serving as both the range of the mutation in meters and the attackstrength. Since the presence of several mutants with this power requires individ- ual attack rolls for each, those who visit screp communities almost always report that those are the nicest places that any- one could ever imagine.Screps do have one enemy a mutant form of chuckwalla that has made its way into areas bordering screp forests. This creature is not very large, but it is raven- ously carnivorous and possesses a strong form of mental shield. Screps hate these creatures, known as guans, and often recruit friends to fight them.
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  55. Truly neither fish nor fowl, the terl is a 2 to 3 meter long mutant baracuda that is covered in bright parrot like feathers rather than scales, and capable of breathing air. They are capable of "swimming" through the air via telekinesis. They live in trees like birds as well. The Trel returns to the water to spawn in the spring and it is fully capable of breathing both water and air.
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  57. These worms have 12 tentacles that extend from around the mouth. They dig a burrow in the coral and lay the tentacles out in a circle.
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  62. Herps are mutant beetles that grow up to 3.5 meters in length, about the size of a subcompact car, with a thick, hard carapace and powerful mandibles able to crush metal and bone just as easily. They have six spindly legs and they're surprisingly accomplished climbers for their size.
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  65. This mutant snake has changed beyond recognition since the Social Wars, and it now lairs in mountainous regions and near the north and south polar areas. Being clumsy and slow on land, the hogart prefers to stay aloft and avoids contact with almost all other creatures.The hogart is capable of creating sonic his mutant snake has changed beyond recognition since the Social Wars, and it now lairs in mountainous regions and near the north and south polar areas. Being clumsy and slow on land, the hogart prefers to stay aloft and avoids contact with almost all other creatures.The hogart is capable of creating sonic booms from snapping its wings. Sonic boom generation is a conscious physical mutation, useable three times per day, and it will affect all those within a 20-m radius in front of the hogart. The sonic boom blast causes 6d6 points damage, and all those who fail a constitution check (CON x 5) will become deaf for 24 hours. A hogart will only attack out of hunger or if attacked first.The hogart has learned to use its heightened vision to scan intelligent parties carefully from high altitudes, thus avoiding the more dangerous oppo- nents. If necessary, a hogart will delay attacking an enemy until the opponent is engaged in combat with another crea- ture or until the opponent is asleep. The hogart will then drop out of the sky like a rock, coming to a sudden halt directly over the victim as it snaps its wings and generates the sonic boom. It can then hover and continue to generate thesonic boom every action turn thereafter. Hogarts can sometimes (if carefully approached) serve as guides, for theyknown the territory around their snowy lairs very well. Hogarts do not like yexils for some reason, and often attempt to blast them out of the sky.Hogarts have snow-white scaly skin and feathered wings, with a coarse blue mane running from the backs of their heads to their tails. Their wing feathers are highly prized for decorative pur- poses, and four sacks full of feathers (as much as can be taken from a hogart) would be worth about 150 gold pieces.
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  66. These great mutated bald eagles take their name from ancient human stories of giant birds that lived in hidden mountain lairs. With a wingspan of over 20 meters, these are the largest avian creatures known on Gamma Terra. They otherwise look much like their ancestors, with dark brown or black feathers and a white-feathered head. Their keening cry can be heard for miles around, and their talons can grasp and pick up a rakox with ease.
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  67. This 18 meter tall mutated forest iguana is one of the most fearsome omnivores in Gamma World. It will shake the ground as it passes.
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  68. A scorpito is a mutated form of scorpion. The creatures are approximately 5 centimeters long. They are equipped with a pair of pincers, a jointed tail tipped with a stinger, and a pair of membranous wings.
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  71. Serfs are semi-nomadic mutated humanoid that live in quasi-military clans, wearing ancient police and military uniforms as clan symbols.
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  72. This mutated snake grows to a maximum length of 4 m, and is a deep, cobalt blue in color. A xloe pos- sesses a single pair of lizardlike legs just behind its head which aid in movement, and its body splits into two separate tails, which gives the xloe the ability to use them as whips in combat.In addition, when excited or surprised, the xloe can slap its two tails together to produce a thunderous sound equal in force to a sonic blast, aimed in all direc- tions. This attack has a range of only 8 m radius, and can only be performed three times per day. Those who have never experienced this attack must roll against their MS x 5 or flee as if affected by the fear generation mutation, as the blast temporarily affects the victims nervous systems. Those who have suffered one xloe blast, however, can mentally strengthen themselves against furtherattacks of this sort, and they do not have to flee.Xloes live in any climate save arctic and high mountainous regions. They prefer fresh-water lakes, probably because of the abundance of wildlife in these areas.
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  73. Thinker «Android» by Unknown
    Man-made beings with red hued skin and blank stares.
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  76. Encroaches are found wherever food to their liking (i.e., food prepared for humans) is available. They inhabit ruins instead of populated cities because of their talent for turning popu- lated cities into deserted ruins. They are prolific and voracious, and there is vir- tually no way to remove them from any sort of building. Furthermore, they frequently (GMs option) carry terrible diseases similar to those used by plants with the bacterial symbiosis mutation. Encroaches are very fast for their size, but they are unintelligent and generally do not move more than a few meters in a straight line. It is their habit to spread their kind by hitching rides on more mobile creatures when the local popula- tion reaches saturation point or the food supply is exhausted (which is virtually always). Character parties will encounter encroaches in abandoned storerooms and kitchens. The little insects will pour out of cupboards and containers and try to crawl all over the party. They can be outrun by creatures faster than themsel- ves who are not surprised. Otherwise, nothing will prevent each and every character from being literally covered with encroaches. Encroaches are immune to all forms of electromagnetic, thermal and nuclear attack (and to poison as well); only direct kinetic force (squashing) will harm them. It is futile attack them en masse, since each one that is killed will be replaced tenfold. Slapping, picking off and stomping, rolling on the ground, and similar strate- gies will kill all but 1-10 per character. These will remain on a characters per- son or in his or her gear until they are brought to a new environment (which need not be too far away from the old environment) where there is food. Meanwhile, the encroaches will devour any carried food supplies that are not perfectly sealed. Any character who has housed encroaches for an hour or more will have 1-10 encroach eggs laid on his or her person, clothes, or gear. These eggs will hatch in two days, producing new encroaches ready to mate and start a new colony. The eggs will inevitably be in an inaccessible location (if that is in any way possible), but they can be killed with a fresher or energy bath, or disposed of by leaving the gear behind. Cities that have had experience with encroaches will ordinarily have devised horrible forms of execution specifically for any person or creature that infests the town with them.
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  83. These vicious and destructive pests delight in ravaging fields cultivated by humans and humanoids. They attack anyone or anything that tries to interfere with them. They can bite, but more frequently they spit a glob of highly volatile, Greek-fire-like liquid that ignites on contact with open air. It hits any unob- structed target within 8 m and burns for 2d6 damage (unless the target is immune to heat and fire). It continues to burn for 5 Action Turns, doing 2d6 damage per turn, unless it is smothered out. To do this, the creature must roll on the ground for a full Action Turn; water (excepting full immer- sion) or cyrokinesis wont put out this fire. Firebugs can spit this liquid once every four Action Turns. The bodies of firebugs are also very hot, and any creature touch- ing them takes 1d4 damage the extent of their heat generation powers.Most communities plagued by firebugs resign themselves to the loss of part of their grain. But firebugs are destructive by inclination as well as by ecological niche. They sometimes burn a field or attack a harmless passer-by out of sheer vicious- ness. They are also extraordinarily vindic- tive and typically respond to the loss of a fight by burning down the nearest village. Firebugs are also arrogant and seldom retreat from a fight. When they do flee, they are nearly impossible to catch, even though flightless, as they put up their force fields and hop 50 m in one jump, 5 times per Action Turn (ten times at fast speed).Firebugs are glossy black in color, with orange-red eyes like burning coals.
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  85. The S're'dan is a mutated ant eater. It has a barrel-chest with a bright red-mane covering much of its entire body. It is within this mane that the rider travels. It has a thick, 3 foot tail and a bony head with a horn on it. The S're'dan has large sad looking brown eyes. The S're'dan is an insectivore and uses its long, purple tongue to eat as it travels and therefore doesn't need to rest often as long as there are bugs for it to eat.
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  86. The Bu'Daan resembles a huge Weasel with great bat wings and is extremely rare. It usually lives in high areas and its fur brings an enormous price.
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  88. Mutated sparrowhawks that grow to a height of 1.5 meters with a 1 meter wingspan. Their legs do not end in talons, but end in hands.
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  90. It is rumored that the Buggers appeared even before the onset of The Shadow Years, having been spawned decades earlier by the radioactive fallout of an atomic bomb test. In appearance, these malevolent creatures have the synthesized features of a man and a gargantuan insect. The creatures are bipedal (standing between 150-200 centimeters) and have only two arms. Their bloated abdomen and thorax are connected to a large head complete with long, fern-like antennae and broad mandibles.When attacking, Buggers either strike with their two claws and bite for 1-6, 1-6, and 1-10 points respectively or they can use a crude weapon such as an axe, sword, or mace. When using a weapon the creatures can also bite.These termite men live within nests made up of a myriad of burrowed passages and chambers. Due to the lack of light in the Buggem nests, the creatures hove developed heightened senses that allow the Buggers to see in the dark. Buggem nests ore found in almost all climes and are easily recognizable by the prominent mound of dirt formed over the opening into their chambers. Like any of their smaller relations these termite creatures are primarily fungus eaters, raising their own food supply deep within their dark burrows in strange fungus gardens.Although they prefer to remain in their nests, Buggers must occasionally venture outside to get hosts for their parasitic infants. These hosts ore invariably humanoid and always perish during the eventual hatching of the young. In a world of far more dangerous creatures, the Buggem species survives partially due to two unique mutations that occur occasionally among their kind. Appearing in one creature out of twenty, the Buggers' first mutation is that of gas generation. Several different types of gas are possible with varying probability of appearance. The types and associated probability are: 1-40 Opaque Gas, 42-80 Caustic Gas, 81-100 Poison Gas Each mutated Buggem is able to generate only one type of gas, and may use this ability only three times per day. All Buggers are immune to any of the gases` effects.The second mutation is more rare, occurring in only 1% of the species. The abnormality causes the termite man's size and strength to decrease, but, in return the Creature gains greater dexterity, heightened , and telepathic ability. These telepaths are able to communicate with any member of their hive regardless of distance or physical obstruction. They direct all important actions taken in their nests, allowing a degree of intelligence to enter into their lesser brothers' actions. In addition. these biological freaks use archaic weaponry such as blasters, lasers, and death roy projectors whenever such advanced weapons ore available.
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  94. A twisted, ugly head lies atop the hill. it is with shock that you realize the head is actually 10 meters tall. Long, greasy strands of brown hair flow down a hundred meters from the head in all directions. The face is barely human, covered in mottled green and brown. The cavernous nose is covered with a strange, fuzzy growth; the eyes are closed. The creature's body, if any exists, is buried deep in the hill.
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  98. Automatons are two-meter-tall robots made of metal and plastic. Automatons were given humanlike features to make students and owners more comfortable
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  99. These giant, docile herbivores roam the vast overgrown grasslands of Gamma Terra, and are comparable to the large herds of buffalo that once roamed the plains of America. These animals typically have no mutations other than their large size.
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  100. This carnivorous horror arose from the fusion of intense heat and extremely high radiation levels caused by an exploding meteor as it crashed upon the surface of the earth. Fortunately, only one Tarn Zeb exists at this time, but wind-scattered seeds make it quite likely that more will appear in the near future.A 20 meter tall giant Mutated tree, this "thing"is highly visible because of its bright purple hide-like trunk (Texture Change) which gives the Tarn Zeb its armor class of 6. The strange mutation of "Physical Reflection" that this mutated tree possesses causes it to reflect all radioactive energies out in random directions up to a distance of 10 meters. Long twisted branches filled with dwarf- sized leaves cover the entire upper region of the tree. Randomly distributed patches of yellow fruit populate the mutant tree's leafy branched areas.Growing all along the purple tree trunk are a dozen "Squeeze Vines" of lengths varying from 5 to 25 meters.The mobility of the Tarn Zeb is due to its four strong feet-like root projections each 2 meters long. Found at the under the base of the mutant, between its four "feet," is a hollow mouthy opening where the squeeze vines insert dead human-sized or smaller creatures that are to be eaten and digested.Strong "Aromatic Powers," effective up to 10 kilometers, lure creatures of all kinds toward the Tarn Zeb in the hopes that these victims will come close enough to become ensnared in the Squeeze Vines. Three of the Squeeze Vines per round can each do 2- 12 (2d6) points of damage. Unless freed, a snared victim will suffer 2 dice of damage each round until it dies;at which time the dead creature is fed into the mutant tree's mouth opening. Another attack form the Tarn Zeb possesses is its exploding yellow fruit. The three shortest Squeeze Vines each take turns plucking these fruit off the branches and hurling them at opponents.Only one such "missile" can be tossed per melee round and is always thrown at a penalty of -2 "to hit." A distance of 30 meters can be reached by anyone single toss.Once picked,the fruit explodes in 10 seconds and causes 3-18 (3d6)points of damage to all creatures caught in its one meter radius area of effect.The Tarn Zeb is a vicious opponent, but it knows that it is a solitary being and will retreat if it feels overly threatened after engaging its opponent or opponents in battle.
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  108. The maali are bipedal descendents of the ancient North American moose. They stand upright on two huge, wide claws chat ace as snow shoes. Their anders are unusually wide and extremely sharp. The maali keep them this way because they use them as melee weapons. Their front hooves have evolved into leathery, four digit , manipulative hands.
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  109. The maali are bipedal descendents of the ancient North American moose. They stand upright on two huge, wide claws chat ace as snow shoes. Their anders are unusually wide and extremely sharp. The maali keep them this way because they use them as melee weapons. Their front hooves have evolved into leathery, four digit , manipulative hands.
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  111. The parn or "sword beetle" is one of the deadliest predators of Gamma Terra. It's 3 meters long, with a hard carapace covered with sharp spines. It's spindly limbs are also spiny, but the parn earns its name from its long antennae, which are each tipped with two sword-like blades that it wields with frightening skill.
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  112. Sweetpads «Ber Lep» by Unknown
    Ber lep are mutant lily pads that grow up to two meters across on the surface of still water. White or pale purple flowers grow in the center of each pad, emitting a strong, sweet scent.
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  113. The entire body of a sucslith, usually over 6 feet long, is covered with sucker like discs and barbed tendrils. The snake's ability to crawl anywhere is amazing (equal to its land speed on any surface but liquid, which reduces its speed by half). It prefers to climb up to a vantage point, usually about 3m above the surface and stay there indefinitely until prey comes along. It is a chameleon and can match its surrounding coloration in 5 turns.
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  114. These gigantic, kindly natured tortoises roam radioactive deathlands and other dry, desolate places. They are always willing to telepathically talk to any intelligent creature, and gener- ally try to help anyone in trouble or need. The only exception here is a dagmit. This is understandable, since dagmits kill and eat stuhumphagas whenever they can, and make their homes out of the empty shells.When a stuhumphagus is attacked, it immediately withdraws into its shell. It is able to pull the undershell shut so that it is completely protected. In this state, most attacks can only hit the shell (which is still AC 3). Thrusting and slashing weapons, such as spears, arrows, and all but two- handed swords, do not harm the shell even if they hit. Cutting and crushing weapons, such as axes, two-handed swords, and maces do full damage to the shell, which can take damage equal to the stuhumphaguss hit-point total before splitting open. Damage from energy attacks such as sonic blast and heat gener- ation are split evenly between the shell and the tortoise inside, but lasers and energy weapons do their damage to the shell only. Blasters treat the shell as nonliv- ing matter they put a 10-cm hole in it.The tortoise relies on its defenses as long as it can, and saves stunning force for cases of absolute necessity, even though it can use that mutation three times per day. A stuhumphagus uses thought imitation when attacked with a mental mutation.Stuhumphagas have extra room in their shells; one can carry three human-sized creatures. A stuhumphagus can carry or house friendly, intelligent creatures in its shell at need. The passengers gain all of the shells protection, including immunity to radiation outside. Stuhumphagas sometimes carry Healers through deserts and deathlands, functioning as small mobile hospitals. Stuhumphagas need very little food and water to survive (considering their bulk), but they always know where safe food and water can be found. Stu- humphagas weigh approximately 25 met- ric tons each. If one steps on a smaller creature (something they never do inten- tionally, even to a dagmit, and something they certainly cannot do as an attack in combat), the victim takes 2d6 hp damage. Stuhumphagas heal all damage to their shells at the same rate as they heal dam- age to their bodies. No known medicine can speed up the process.
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  115. This gon is six meters long with green-brown hide, studded with small, black horns.
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  117. The N'thlai are three meters tall, have two long barbed, triple-jointed legs, and have four two-meter tentacles extending from a barrel chest. At the end of the tentacles are eight-digit hands that they use with complete dexterity. Their head is heart-shaped, cleaved down the middle. On the right and left sides of their head are 60-cm long comb feelers, similar to those found on moths. In addition, around their heads are clusters of multiple optical organs. At the bottom of their face is a huge circular orifice that serves as a moth. Inside are thousands of writing, worlike tongues and flat, grinding ridges used for chewing. They suck up munched protine through ta hollow tongue.
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  118. The ert is a normal looking fish with silvery scales growing up to a meter long at maturity, similar in many respects to its ancestor, the salmon. It's ordinary appearance disguises an unusual defensive mutation.
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  121. Rismish comes in a variety of colors, but is always opague. It usally can be found on the floors and walls of tunnels or corridors. It resembles huge patches of jelly smeared on the walls. It cannot move to attack and has no range attack, but its surface is deadly.
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  124. These mutant beetles are the bane to all fungi life forms. The appear to be earwigs with reduced cerci (tail pincers)
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  127. Vast tracts of North Americas wild forests were destroyed in the years prior to the Social Wars and only a few large wildlife preserves were in existence before the start of the Social Wars Unknown to mankind these areas also served as the homelands of the mountain men formerly known as sas quatches or now squatches Semi intelligent apelike creatures the mountain men knew they had to avoid humans or perish Though they were sometimes spotted by trappers or hunters little hard evidence of their existence was producedFollowing the Social Wars and the disruption of civilization the mountain men left their forests and began to spread through the North American west Bigger and stronger than before they have also become more aggressive especially against Pure Strain Humans Mountain men attack with their fists refusing to use any technological items or tools If one hits an opponent with both fists he can hug the victim for an additional 1d8 points of damage and he will also attempt to bite the victim and inject intensity 5 poison into the oppo nents bloodstream Only those who are the same size as or smaller than a moun tain man may be huggedMountain men are also able to throw stones at opponents hurling rocks up to 5 m diameter as far as 10 m The largest rocks cause 3d10 points damage weap ons class 9 Mountain men can catch similar missiles if they see them coming firstMountain men live in caves forming loose family groups of 2d6 adults with 1d4 children Females and males appear in equal numbers Animal skins are used to cover cave entrances and to make beds A fire is usually kept burning near the cave entrance to ward off animals and to cook foodFemales often pick berries and dig for roots to get food for the family group while males hunt whatever herbivorous creatures live nearby If a mountain man tribe feels it necessary they will raid a humanoid village for food Pure Strain Human villages are attacked with the intent to destroy them completelyMountain men do not like machines robots or any mechanical devices Even before the war their ancestors were known to have destroyed construction vehicles and automobiles Wardents and mountain men frequently trade with each other and a strong friendship exists between the two racesMountain men appear to be large brown gorillalike beings who walk erect Their thick fur keeps out the cold and serves as their only body armor
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  130. Though primarily nocturnal, these large quill-covered mammals occasionally venture out into the daylight in search of tasty grubs or insects. Spinies are large mutated porcupines that grow up to two meters in length. They are slow-moving, preferring to climb a tree or use their quills to defend against predators.
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  131. Spiny Recluses «Deng Kheshes» by Unknown
    Garrels are agile mam- mals of reasonable intelligence that have developed several special skills to foil predators. They are intensely curious beings, and they love to collect small pieces of both metal and plastic, espe- cially if they are shiny, have strange shapes, or are in some other way attrac- tive to the garrel. Because of this, gar- rels often unwittingly have one or two small artifacts in their possession, mak- ing them targets for treasure hunters(especially for Archivists). However, it is unlikely that the garrels need fear extinction at the hands of such as these.When not gathering food, a garrel is always on the lookout for new items to add to its collection. Anyone who camps in or near a forest inhabited by garrels can expect at least one of these creatures to be lurking nearby, just out of sight. The garrel will wait until it sees something attractive thats also unguarded. It will then use its teleport object ability to gain possession of the item and will then return to its lair, most often a hollow tree trunk or a small burrow, where the garrel will put the item with the others it has accumulated.If a garrel is attacked, either by a predator or by angry beings whose equipment has been borrowed,' its first reaction will be to flee, holding any treasures it has acquired for as long as it can, using its speed, agility, tree-climbing skills, and any available foliage to speed its escape. Garrels prefer forests with a thick blanket of undergrowth so that they can lose pursuit with a minimum of effort. During the chase, the garrel will trust its displacement ability to send it to safety if it is at any time in imminent danger of being killed.If displacement cannot be used, the garrel will then use its stunning force to buy time. Garrels are immune to the effects of another garrels stunning force attack. If both of the previous powers have been used and the garrel is still in danger, it will then attack its pursuer, biting with its sharp teeth and never relenting.
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  133. A batslith is a beautifully colored snake noted among scholars for its unusal transportation and attack-- Spinning. A batslith can raise its one-meter length up to full length vertically and begin spinning, pivioting on its tail. After one action of this the snake spins so fast to seem like a miniature, multi-colored tornado. Live batsliths are worth quite a bit to certain collectors.
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  134. A Verbat is an intelligent creature of unique appearance and purpose. A verbat is spherical, covered with glossy black mirror-like facets, and is usually found floating mid-air. They move about by levitation, but they can not levitate others and do not tire in levitating themselves. A verbat has a keen memory and lives for centuries. Despite its weird appearance, a verbat is both highly intelligent and peaceful and will not attack intelligent creatures unless provoked.
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  135. Maroon Birds, 16cm in length, covered in black spikes. They make strange, almost electronic sounds. They live in holes in the round or in among rocks and cliffs. They always travel in flocks and act as a single unit
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  147. Garrels are agile mam- mals of reasonable intelligence that have developed several special skills to foil predators. They are intensely curious beings, and they love to collect small pieces of both metal and plastic, espe- cially if they are shiny, have strange shapes, or are in some other way attrac- tive to the garrel. Because of this, gar- rels often unwittingly have one or two small artifacts in their possession, mak- ing them targets for treasure hunters(especially for Archivists). However, it is unlikely that the garrels need fear extinction at the hands of such as these.When not gathering food, a garrel is always on the lookout for new items to add to its collection. Anyone who camps in or near a forest inhabited by garrels can expect at least one of these creatures to be lurking nearby, just out of sight. The garrel will wait until it sees something attractive thats also unguarded. It will then use its teleport object ability to gain possession of the item and will then return to its lair, most often a hollow tree trunk or a small burrow, where the garrel will put the item with the others it has accumulated.If a garrel is attacked, either by a predator or by angry beings whose equipment has been borrowed," its first reaction will be to flee, holding any treasures it has acquired for as long as it can, using its speed, agility, tree-climbing skills, and any available foliage to speed its escape. Garrels prefer forests with a thick blanket of undergrowth so that they can lose pursuit with a minimum of effort. During the chase, the garrel will trust its displacement ability to send it to safety if it is at any time in imminent danger of being killed.If displacement cannot be used, the garrel will then use its stunning force to buy time. Garrels are immune to the effects of another garrels stunning force attack. If both of the previous powers have been used and the garrel is still in danger, it will then attack its pursuer, biting with its sharp teeth and never relenting.
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  149. This fearsome mutant bear usually lives in isolated forest regions. It travels on all fours but if need be it can stand on its hind legs. While standing up the barxyn can use weapons of all types with its front paws at -2 to hit. This creature is very large, 2 and a half meters at the shoulders and almost 5 meters when standing fully erect. Although larger, it is much sleeker than its unmutated predecessor.It is a fierce hunter and will attempt to kill almost any creature. The barxyn has razor sharp teeth and claws with which to attack its opponents. The dark brown partial carapace protects the barxyn's head and shoulder area from most attacks, giving the creature an Armor class of 4. Large purple buglike eyes project deadly radiation at opponents when the barxyn is angered.Evolving over the years, this mutated bear has developed fur that is multicolored brown, yellow, and green in patches. When hungry, the barxyn delight in burning trapped creatures out of their hiding places with Pyrokinesis powers (hence the name, Smokie)
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  153. This is a giant silverfish. They are a major nuisance in and near cities. They are tear dropped shape and are bright silver in color. Their antennae are hair looking.
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  154. Slimy grazers are giant sea slugs found in the Great Western Ocean.
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  155. 10 Meter long intelligent water snakes with 1d10+4 one meter long arms ending in hands with opposable thumbs.
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  157. These carnivorous worms have 6 long blades, 3 on each side
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  159. Sky Walkers «Aerosquid» by Unknown
    The aero squid is an amphibious predator, equally formidable in or out of water. Its telekinetic flight ability is constant: it essentially swims through water and air with ease. An aero squid does not need to return to the water except to mate, so it may be encountered over all sorts of terrain in all climates but the coldest, as well as in the ocean depths. It has no need to sleep, although it will rest after a large meal. The small and completely aquatic infant form of the aero squid is exceedingly vulnerable, so the adults are happily rare. A hungry aero squid is an eating machine that will devour any form of animal life it can get its tentacles on.
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  160. These mutated Mosquitoes grow up to 1.5 meters long. They inhabit graslands, marshes, and forests where they can easily hide.
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  165. Floth-Ha are mutated "common house" moths. They are virtually identical to their predecessors except for their extra front two limbs from which they can manipulate objects and also for their great size. (wingspan is an impressive 3m) Their bodies are covered in a fine fur, and for those who have seen a Shutter in flight, the underside is a palette of light browns. Due to the chameleon powers their back and wings poses, the natural coloring of these surfaces are unknown. Floth-Ha do have antenna but rely primarily on sonar to guide them.
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  171. Xanquas does not look like ordinary whiteish fungus growing on an item or surface. Xanqas adapts to the color and texture of the surface upon with it grows.
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  174. The worm is covered with plates of chitin
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  178. Ameebies may be descended from giant microbes produced in genetic-engineering laboratories during the Shadow Years, though little else is known of their origins. An ameebie has two forms. The first is that of an amophous blob, roughly 2-3 m in diameter. The blob is omnivorous and attacks living prey by attempting to stretch out, envelope, and smother the victim. A successful to hit roll means the ameebie has extended a pseudopod and successfully covered the victims face. (Being rather intelligent, the ameebie knows where to aim.) The victim takes 2d6 damage per Action Turn there- after until either it or the ameebie is slain. Blunt weapons (clubs, maces, etc.) do no damage to the ameebie in this form, as it can reshape itself to absorb the blows impact.The ameebie's second form is that of a humanoid being, devoid of facial features, hair, and so forth. This form is about 1.5 m tall, and takes 2 Action Turns without interruption to assume. In this form, the ameebie cannot digest prey, as it is using all of its energy to maintain the humanoid shape. It is not known if ameebies can assume other forms.Ameebies cannot be affected by cold. They automatically form a hard, rubbery surface when subjected to cold tempera- tures, and actually gain 1 armor class level for every 10 hit points of cold damagethey absorb (even from mutant cold-generating powers). The lowest armor class they can attain is AC 3.Ameebies are quite intelligent and may join adventuring parties out of curiosity. They see by using thousands of minute eyespots over their bodies. Though severely myopic (missing all objects fur- ther than 10 m away), they cannot be surprised within their limited visual range. Ameebies are deaf, but have normal senses of touch. They eat any organic matter, being immune to poisons. Some ameebies have learned to communicate with other beings using very rudimentary sign language. They also regenerate any physical damage they take.Nothing is known about how ameebies reproduce, though it is guessed that they use budding or fission. Ameebies cannot be contacted by using telepathic powers of any sort. For some reason, they seem to avoid their own kind, and are only encountered singly.
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  179. Shapeless Ones «Ameebies (as blob)» by Unknown
    Ameebies may be descended from giant microbes produced in genetic-engineering laboratories during the Shadow Years, though little else is known of their origins. An ameebie has two forms. The first is that of an amophous blob, roughly 2-3 m in diameter. The blob is omnivorous and attacks living prey by attempting to stretch out, envelope, and smother the victim. A successful to hit roll means the ameebie has extended a pseudopod and successfully covered the victims face. (Being rather intelligent, the ameebie knows where to aim.) The victim takes 2d6 damage per Action Turn there- after until either it or the ameebie is slain. Blunt weapons (clubs, maces, etc.) do no damage to the ameebie in this form, as it can reshape itself to absorb the blows impact.The ameebie's second form is that of a humanoid being, devoid of facial features, hair, and so forth. This form is about 1.5 m tall, and takes 2 Action Turns without interruption to assume. In this form, the ameebie cannot digest prey, as it is using all of its energy to maintain the humanoid shape. It is not known if ameebies can assume other forms.Ameebies cannot be affected by cold. They automatically form a hard, rubbery surface when subjected to cold tempera- tures, and actually gain 1 armor class level for every 10 hit points of cold damagethey absorb (even from mutant cold-generating powers). The lowest armor class they can attain is AC 3.Ameebies are quite intelligent and may join adventuring parties out of curiosity. They see by using thousands of minute eyespots over their bodies. Though severely myopic (missing all objects fur- ther than 10 m away), they cannot be surprised within their limited visual range. Ameebies are deaf, but have normal senses of touch. They eat any organic matter, being immune to poisons. Some ameebies have learned to communicate with other beings using very rudimentary sign language. They also regenerate any physical damage they take.Nothing is known about how ameebies reproduce, though it is guessed that they use budding or fission. Ameebies cannot be contacted by using telepathic powers of any sort. For some reason, they seem to avoid their own kind, and are only encountered singly.
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  180. The S. Reindeer was originally designed to serve as a surplus pulling unit for the X.M.A.S. unit's sleigh. It has been modified to act as Fire Support for the protection of the X.M.A.S. unit. Its systems are internal. Mini-missile launcher (20d10) Flame Thrower (10d10)All units, including the laser weapons, are powered by broadcast power from the robot factory, giving units a range of 500 kilometers. The S. Reindeer will react to any physical attack with the flame thrower in their tails. Their mini-missiles are shot on the instructions of the X.M.A.S. unit. If the X.M.A.S. unit is destroyed, the X Unit Sleigh and remaining S. Reindeer will return to the factory at maximum speed. Although the X.M.A.S. unit is programmed to be jolly, it will not allow itself to get into situations where it can be easily destroyed.
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  185. Sleeths are highly intelligent mutated lizards who walk erect. They have hands with opposable tumbs. They tend to live in small, peaceful, scholarly communities.
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  187. This is an upright-walking 2-meter-tall unit that is humanoid in shape. It has two arms and two 2 meter long tentacles, each equipped for handling precision instruments and can light 200 kilograms each. In addition to the tentacles each robot is equipped with a pair of tractor / pressor beams that can lifht 200 kilograms at a range of 30 Meters. Weapons inlcude 4 paralysis rods (each with a 3-meter extension, a slug thrower A (with 10 clips of ammunition), and a grenade launcher with 60-meter range and 1d6 tear gas grenades and 2d6 stun grenades.
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  188. This is an upright-walking 2-meter-tall unit that is humanoid in shape. It has two arms and two 2 meter long tentacles, each equipped for handling precision instruments and can light 200 kilograms each. In addition to the tentacles each robot is equipped with a pair of tractor / pressor beams that can lifht 200 kilograms at a range of 30 Meters. Weapons inlcude 2 paralysis rods with a 3-meter extension, energy mace, a Vibro blade, a Mark V Blaster. A grenade launcher with 60-meter range and 2 tear gas grenades, 2 stun grenades, 1d6 chemex, 1d6 poison gas, 1d6 emergy.
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  189. Horsy (sometimes spelled Horsea) are giant ridable seahorses. Many underwater races prize them as mounts. They are capable of very fast movement underwater and are easy to train once domesticated. Their only attack consists of smashing into an opponent. The Horsy must have enough room to move in order to use this attack. Horsy are quite loyal creatures whether it's to a family group or rider.
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  190. A giant cross between a crab and spider about 5 meters in size. This creature spins sticky webs in areas of sea currents to catch food. It is non- venomous. It typically hides in its lair (like a cave or rock outcropping) until its prey exhausts itself in the web. Then it goes and picks the victim to pieces with its claws while the victim is still stuck fast. The sea spider is immune to the stickiness of the web due to body excretions.
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  191. This serpent is a mutated eel. Other than it size, it appears no different.It hunts by sonar. If attacking another creature, the serpent uses its eyes to slow the prey, then its bite and tail whip to slay the prey. When attacking ships, the green slows the ship, then uses magnetic control and TK to unarm the crew. Next it activates kinetic absorption, roars at the ship nand constricts it. The ship must be made of wodd and be between 4 and 8 meters in lenght for constriction to be successful. After the ship sinks, the serpent bites the whole crew to death before feeding. If it fails a moral check, the serpent generates fear and flees.They breed in the late summer at depths of 40-60 feet. They rarely come to the serface and will attack ships only if starving.
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  192. Black sea serpents are mutated snakes that have adopted the anaconda's lifestyle. They are between 3 and 12 meters long, jet black with green stripes, have thick scales, and sonar to detect prey. Black sea serpents capture a prey animal by biting it and coiling around it. It does not crush the prey (like the myths state), but instead, keep the animal from breathing by compressing its lungs (use suffocation rules). They then swallow the prey whole, having no way of chewing. If found on land, a serpent is just as dangerous as if it was in the water. They can be driven off by fire and extreme cold.Black sea serpents are only found in freshwater lakes and ponds. They like to hide among the weeds that float near the surface and catch the birds and fish that visit the weed mats. Occasionally, one out hunting will fall prey to sea lilies or the giant sea serpents, but otherwise they tend to die of old age. They hibernate during the winter on land in deep mud. The snakes are considered a major threat to the fishermen of both bodies of water. They do not congregate, except during mating, when up to 10 males try to mate with a single female.
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  193. Sea Monkeys are a generally peaceful group of creatures. They are very curious however and will watch or follow anything out of the ordinary with great interest. This includes adventurers who travel through their areas. In fact, Sea Monkey are so curious that after the initial observation period is over, they will actually come right up to the thing which has held their attention for a better look (if it doesn't seem too dangerous). Once in close proximity, they become very playful and mischievous - taking items, throwing small objects, making a chaotic ruckus as they move rapidly in an out of reach. If harmed they will fight back by scratching or biting. They cannot survive out of water.
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  194. Hydrozoans are two meter tall jellyfish-like creatures. They are of a particularly evil nature and consider themselves the most superior form of life on the planet. Because of this all other life forms fall into two categories, food or servants. The Hydrozoans have been actively pursuing plans of dominating the entire ocean environment for sometime now. They have found this to be more difficult than they first expected because of efforts by others to accomplish this same goal. They are now pursuing plans to eliminate said competition. They have a number of attacks they are capable of using on others (in fact, they can even wield weapons which are not too heavy - but this is rare), but their most feared ability is their poisonous skin which turns victims to stone (exactly as per Ert in the rulebook - but will cause damage even if the victim doesn't turn to stone).
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  195. Sea lilies are cousins to starfish. They have a base developed to hold strongly onto the bottom in the body of water they dwell (it looks like worms attached to a root). Attached to this are dozens of "arms" covered in fine hairs, used to catch food. Some species have evolved to survive in fresh water, and most of those developed a mass attack to consume large prey. Anything wandering through a sea lily patch to attacked once per phase using an enzymatic approach. If the person is moving, treat every square meter as a single patch. They do grow up to the waters edge, so anyone reaching in the water is also attacked. Their defenses are based on the fact that they are submerged; if they are brought up on land, they have no armor and are totally defenseless (-4 to ranged /melee attacks).
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  196. Sea Gators «Draguns» by Unknown
    Draguns still resemble their ancestral alligator forms, though they are much larger and cannot leave the water. They establish territorial areas across sea beds, defending them fiercely (even against ships and submarines just passing by). Being particularly stupid and rather clumsy, draguns may be slowed and stopped by heavy, steel cable nets dropped across their paths. They seem to like basking on the surface of the ocean during sunny days, and they are often encountered during these times.Draguns possess a rudimentary form of communication consisting of bellows, croaks, and grunts, all of which are uttered while the dragun is floating on the surface. Mutant reptiles may learn to imitate these sounds with some success (50% chance of getting a vocalization correct), and this technique, coupled with an amplifier, has been used to attract or drive away these beasts.Draguns have three forms of attack. They prefer to bite and swallow prey that is man sized or smaller, there being a 15% chance per bite that such prey is gulped down whole. A swallowed character takes 2d6 damage per action turn from slow suffocation and drowning on water the dragun swallowed, plus an amount equal to his or her base AC from digestive acids. The victim may only attack with daggers. claws, or teeth against the dragun's insides (AC 9). The dragun must be slain in order for a victim to be removed. Once this is done, 100 points of damage must be inflicted on the dead dragun's midsection, either by persons outside the dragun or by a swallowed victim, to free the captive. Note that a dead dragun floats easily and can be towed to land.Draguns also like to ram ships and other creatures that are floating on the surface of the water, using their snouts as battering rams. A vessel of sailboat size or smaller is 90% likely to capsize if rammed; a ship the size of a sailed frigate would have a 5% chance of rolling over.Finally, draguns have a New Body Part: a gizzard that collects large stones and can expel them forcefully out of the dragun's open mouth. A fired stone weighs 2d4 kilograms, has a 40 meter range, and does 6d6 points of damage to whatever it strikes. Draguns only fire stones when floating, not underwater. Because of this effect, and because of the blasting sound made when the stone is launched, the original name of `dragon'was modified to its current form. A dragun has 1d4 such stones which may be fired at any particular time.If a dragun senses any sort of poison gas on the water's surface, it immediately submerges and flees the area.
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  197. During the twentieth century the world heard tales of a large creature living within the unexplored regions of the Congo The beast was said to be larger than an elephant with a long serpentine neck and small head The natives called the creature mokele mbembe and scientists were able to film it in 1984 However the beast was not proven to exist until a live one was cap tured in 1989 These creatures were soon bred and cloned in captivity by the Ancients In time they were as common a sight at the zoo as were elephants them selvesAfter the Social Wars some of these creatures escaped from captivity to live in warm areas of the wilderness At present there are two species of this creature one which has been mutated by the war and one which has remained virtually unchanged over millennia The Pure strain variety is described firstMokele mbembe better known as the mokla or baby bront is a modernday descendant of the brontosaurus which was believed to have become extinct over 100 million years ago The mokla weighs 915 tons and is a brownishgray in color Like many mutated reptiles and just as scientists had suspected of dinosaurs for many years moklas are warmblooded The mokla spends most of its time in the water only coming to shore in the early morning and late evening to feed on plant life there Otherwise it eats coarse lake vegetation of many sortsMoklas are very territorial and attack most creatures and boats which get too close to them Any creatures that are 3 m in height or less which are stepped on by a mokla must in addition to taking damage make a CN x 3 check or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours due to the beasts weight Creatures which come too near to a wading mokla may be knocked aside by the charging creature and probably nipped with its flat but painfully powerful teeth Moklas are not very brightThe mutated mokla has flippers in place of legs and it strongly resembles the prehistoric plesiosaur This flesheating creature feeds upon fish and small landdwelling animals like humans humanoids and so forth The sea devil as it is known has been known to attack ships in order to devour the crew It fires electrical bolts from its back tentacles after arising from the water before a vessel attempting to sink the ship and gather up crewmen to eat The back tentacles are highly flexible and can squeeze prey 3 m or smaller doing 3d6 damage every Action Turn without requiring a roll to hit after the first successful hit The electrical hands of power mutation can be used up to 4 times per day Sea devils are completely immune to electrical effects If a sea devil fires its hands of power at the surface of the sea or underwater the damage done is reduced by half round fractions up but the electrical bolt is diffused over a spherical or hemispherical area with a radius of 3 mDuring the summer mating season both species of Moklas come ashore to lay their eggs in huge clutches which are covered over with sand and left alone The eggs hatch within a month and the young moklas then stay with the nearest local herd of their own species Moklas reach adulthood after a period of 1015 years and have a lifespan of over 500 years
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  198. This highly mutated arachnid is considered the cow of the sea by many. It is an oval with 8 legs and a small head.
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  199. Sea Behemoths are little more than gigantic mutant versions of ordinary sea creatures. Their large size (usually around 100 meters or so) makes them extremely dangerous. They can be encountered in any region of the ocean and sometimes will come ashore looking for food when it becomes scarce in their area. In most cases they will have no additional mutations (other than their monstrous size), but some may have numerous mutations which they will use to full effect.
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  200. Very little is known about this strange and twisted species of mutated beings, They are thought to be sexless and so do not reproduce themselves biologically, propagating their kind by the destruction of other life-forms instead. The corpse of any human or humonoid creature killed by a screamer slowly metamorphs itself into a screamer the nightfall following the day of its death. The only way to prevent this is to completely destroy the body before the change is effected. From mere wounds inflicted by screamers, however, one recovers in a normal manner.Screamers appear as emaciated and shrunken humanoids with yellowish-grey skin. They are usually clad in the rotting remains of what was once normal clothing. The heads of screamers are brutally hairless and their faces have disappeared, mutated and melted into a glistening, featureless mass of sickly- colored flesh. Only a formless, cavernous, toothless mouth is still discernible. From this mouth come the unnerving moans, shrieks, and howls that give the creature its name. Though unable to communicate verbally and seemingly not capable of rational thought as we understand it, screamers appear to have a highly developed, instinctive sense of balance and direction.Radiation causes screamers to emit a bluish-green glow, the brightness of which varies according to the level of screaming maintained by the creature.AII screamers are totally immune to laser, radiation. stun, poison, heat and cold-based attacks. They possess the abilities of directional sense and life leech, the Iatter with a ronge of 20 meters (mental strength 12). In addition, the touch of a screamer gives a sudden lase of intensity 13 radiation to its victim.
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  201. The Lorida Orp has the brownish color of its ancestor. It has two sets of claws that it uses very well. The first pair of legs have mutated to large arms and the second pair of legs have also mutated to arms, though smaller than the first. The Lorida Orp has two tails.
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  203. Mutated Jaguars prowl the vast grassland. Their front paws have been modified to give them thumbs.
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  205. The kep is a plant consisting of a deeply buried root cluster and a network of strong, tough root-like tendrils that grow just below the surface of sandy soil. A mature kep can cover an area up to 30 meters in diameter.
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  206. A giant cross between a crab and spider about 5 meters in size.
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  209. Skwil are dog-sized mutant squirrels that inhabit most of Gamma Meriga's wilderness. This shy creature is easily recognized by it's curly light brown, gray, and black spotted fur, and it's large zebra striped prehensile tail. These mutated squirrels are so shy that they use their Empathy powers to detect the approach of other beings and can only be surprised on a roll of 1. If they feel sufficiently threatened by the approaching creature, they will use any number of protective mutations (Beguiling, Physical Reflection, Stunning Force, Teleport Objects, or Weather Manipulation) to ward off the intruder. These mutants are quite acrobatic (Heightened Balance) and live most of their lives in the branches of trees.Skwil are mildly intelligent and can speak in short simple phrases when using Trade language. They love collecting shiny items and stealing things from other creatures (Teleport Objects). These mutated squirrels are able to use small weapons and items of the Ancients with their front paws. Their main source of food are berries, nuts, and fruit found in the fertile wilderness. Skwil often, because of immediate dangers or because of incredible laziness, teleport food from neighboring trees or bushes into their paws. Although these mutants are very sensitive to pain (Doubled Pain [D]) they overcome this debilitating defect by employing their powerful mutation, Total Healing.
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  211. Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. They can grow up to 30 feet in length, and they are over 12 feet tall. They are primarily nocturnal and thus almost completely blind in the daylight. However their hearing is excellent and can get around with just that sense. Ba'mutan have large shells that can conceal the formation of a "land pearl". A little less than half of the Ba'mutan out there have these pearls. There is no way to determine if a given Ba'mutan has a pearl outside of killing it and spending four days extracting it from its shell. Because of this, over time the Ba'mutan who were solitary creatures have become extinct and the only surviving creatures are herd animals. This means that groups of these creatures will be found together and attacking one to extract its pearl will cause the whole herd to panic and attack.
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  212. Based appear as gray, hunched-over bipedal humanoids with long, apeish arms ending in large claws. If they stand still they can pass for rocks using the same rules Plantients can to hide. They have a goat-shaped head with two wide set eyes. They are extremely belligerent towards intelligent life forms.
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  214. The Robohunter was specifically constructed for several track- ing purposes, including the ability to fol- low escaping creatures over any type of terrain. The Robohunter was designed for use with the tracking of creatures during the Pre-Shadow era, but is now normally controlled and responsive to the pursuit of mutated animals (making them very trea- sured by the Knights of Genetic Purity), as well as the few remaining resistant animal population (those creatures that were not affected by the radiation). It was used to either capture or destroy prey, depending on the needed function. Gamma World sages speculate that this type of unit has been much modified by post-holocaust humans because of the robots extreme deadliness, far beyond what would logi- cally be required of an animal hunter.The Robohunter can never harm crea- tures of Pure Strain Human appearance (including humanoids with non-obvious physical mutations), but always tries to kill or capture any creatures of mutated stock, as well as all characters that have muta- tions which obviously separate them from pure stock. The Robohunter only de- stroys its objective and anything that attacks it (including PSH characters), ig- noring all other life forms. Due to its pro- gramming, the Robohunter cannot be commanded for other purposes until whatever current mission it possesses is completed.The Robohunter appears as a massive, large-proportioned humanoid. It has a height of 4 meters and is actively hidden by a holographic projector. This device allows the robot to have environmental coloring as if it had the chameleon powers mutation. Various equipment and housings cover the outside of the Robohunter. The surface of the body is covered in sharp duralloy shards that do not affect any of its functions.As with all of the other units in the Hunter robot class, the Robohunter is capable of utilizing all of its weaponry simultaneously. Included in its vast arsenal are several weapons not detailed in the GAMMA WORLD game booklets. Unless detailed elsewhere, these weapons and their functions should only be used in conjunction with the Hunter-class robots.Placed in the robots upper chest is a taser rifle with a range of 100 meters, charged by an atomic energy cell that allows 20 shots; a supply of 20 cables is also provided for use with this weapon. The weapons damage is variable; a taser cable can be charged to do from 1d8 to 4d8 hp damage to a victim, once the dural- loy cable is fired at an opponent and deliv- ers its electrical damage directly to the victims skin. The cable is also equipped with magnetic seals that enable the cable to wrap around a victim. These cables require a combined or singular strength of 21 or greater to pry apart. If a cable is destroyed (each takes 10 hp damage), another replaces it. Cable-wrapped charac- ters can be hit by other weapons automati- cally. The weapon class of the taser rifle is 16.Built into the hands of the Robohunter are separately powered razor pistols. These devices have a weapon class of 16 and a range of 80 meters. A razor pistol fires a stream of duralloy shards at crea- tures. These shards do 8d8 hp damage per hit; victims take 1d4 hp damage from bleeding per action turn until the shards are removed and the damaged area is treated. The razor pistol has enough ammunition for 15 shots and is powered by two solar energy cells that allow for 15 shots to be fired per charge.The head of the Robohunter has been made with several offensive purposes in mind. Attached to one side is a flamethro- wing device with a weapon class of 16. It does 8d10 hp damage and has enough flammable gas for six shots. The possibility of the fire spreading to flammable materi- als is up to the Game Masters discretion. The helmet also has an optical weapon built in; this eye is capable of firing radioactive energy in any direction the Robohunter is facing. This weapon has the same effect as the mutation radiation eyes, and fires a beam of Intensity Level 3d6 radiation like the mutation. This attack can only be used 10 times, until the atomic energy cell source is drained and must be recharged.Two robotic tentacles spring from the back of the Robohunter, allowing it to attack in all directions at once in hand-to- hand combat. These tentacles do 1d8 hp damage and are capable of lifting and throwing up to 200 kilograms 10 meters away, causing 2d6 hp damage. Stored in the lower chest area of the Robohunter are three magnetic seal nets that are the same in detail as those of the Cybohunter. The Robohunter also has a needler pistol that contains needles coated in a powerful sleeping serum. This serum will cause the victim to fall asleep for 4d10 action turns unless he rolls under his individual consti- tution score on a d20. The pistol is built into the robots chest.The Robohunter is also armed with an automatic rifle. This rifle is capable of firing a steady stream of duralloy bullets that do 10d10 hp damage per burst. Only one burst can be fired per action turn, and the weapon has a range of 200 meters and a class of 16. It is powered by three hydro- gen energy cells and has enough ammo for five bursts. This weapon is built into the left arm of the robotic unit.For underwater hunting, the Robohun- ter can utilize a modern spear gun. This spear gun has a range of 20 meters and does 3d8 hp damage. The device has a weapon class of 12 and is attached to a strong line that allows the Robohunter to automatically retrieve its spears, as well as dead creatures. The Robohunter is equipped with two spears and one hydro- gen energy cell that allows 10 shots. This weapon can only be used in underwater environments and is part of the right arm of the robot.The Robohunter has numerous unusual defenses. A magnetic field can be created that can either be used to repel or attract small metallic objects near the robot (like guns). If held by living beings, these small objects may be retained only if the being holding them has a strength of 18 or greater. If this field is activated when the robot is near large metal-constructed buildings, then the robot itself is drawn to the building and takes 2d6 hp damage unless braced against the building before- hand (a Robohunter scans its area auto- matically to make sure this wont happen, but the unit can be tricked). This field also allows the bot to climb vertical surfaces made of duralloy or other materials that can be magnetically charged, moving at the rate of 20 meters per action turn. This field has a range of 50 meters.A paralysis field that has a range of 10 meters can also be activated. This field causes effects much the same as the paral- ysis rod. The field also causes its victim(s) to fall into unconsciousness and not be awakened for 4d4 hours. Plants are not affected by this field, but beings with organic brains are.An energy field that surrounds the Ro- bohunters surface at a 2-centimeter-wide layer does 3d10 hp damage to characters coming into contact with it. The entire duralloy surface of the Robohunter is covered in sharp metallic protrusions, similar to a sharks rough skin (only magni- fied in effect). Individuals pressed against this surface or held there by the robot suffer 2d4 hp damage. The Robohunter may also attempt to bear-hug any crea- ture. This hug requires two consecutive successful fist attacks. Trapped characters take 6d4 hp damage per action turn until dead or rescued.Various equipment and items used for other purposes of tracking and hunting are also present in the Robohunters con- struction. Although not originally planned for offensive use, some of the devices can cause damage. Acid spray was used to destroy the remains of a hunted animal; it can be fired up to 10 meters away and causes 1d8 hp damage per turn until washed away or neutralized. The Robo- hunter has enough acid for 20 spray at- tacks. Two vibro saws used for cutting through dense underbrush can be used to attack and have abilities similar to the vibro blade. Each vibro saw does 8d6 hp damage.The Robohunter is also equipped with herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides (as detailed in the GAMMA WORLD game), used in sprayers to help in the pursuit of deadly game. A sonic torch used for de- stroying structures and large obstructions does 8d6 hp damage per action turn and is capable of cutting through duralloy walls in 10 action turns (allowing enough space for the Robohunter to pass through). The sonic torch has enough power for one hour of use. A tractor/pressor beam capa- ble of moving up to 1000 kilograms at a 30-meter range is also included.The Robohunter has radar/sonar func- tions that are capable of detecting crea- tures up to 100 meters away, allowing the robot to never be surprised, save by tele- porting beings. There is also a medi-kit for use on captured animals (which works as a normal medi-kit on mutated animals). The bot is sealed for underwater use and is able to move 50 meters per turn in this environment. The Robohunter is also able to skim across the surface of land with the aid of anti-grav pods. The Robohunter can obtain only a maximum altitude of 2 me- ters, but can use all weapons and defenses normally while in the air.Oddly enough, some Robohunters are capable of changing their structure to avoid recognition by animal prey. Such a Robohunter can resemble the following robots: Engineering Bot Light, General Household Robot, Medical Robot, Security Robot, or Supervisory Borg. This change requires two action turns of inactivity, and all attacks and defenses are kept while in the changed appearance. The Robohunter has radio-controlling circuits which allow it to control other robots as if it had a Stage IV I.D., which further enhances the deceptive changing ability described above. These functions appear to be re- cent additions made by Knights of Genetic Purity or other groups.The arms of this unit are capable of sustaining 40 hp damage before being destroyed, and the tentacles take 30 hp damage before being useless. A fist strike from a Robohunter does 4d6 hp damage.
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  215. This incredibly fast tracking and killing machine was designed for unknown purposes about which Gamma World sages can only speculate. Its abilities and functions make it a perfect construct for following and killing oppo- nents, but the original need for the heavy armor and weaponry of the Manhunter is unknown. The unit may possibly have been used to defeat rogue Defense Borgs and Warbots, in conjunction with several others of its kind. Other uses may have included assaults on advanced-tech gue- rilla squads, but this is not known for sure.The Manhunter is an exceptionally pow- erful robot, but is extremely rare and found only in the surrounding areas of the Cybernetic Installations they were com- manded to guard. Others can possibly be found patrolling vast regions, still follow- ing ancient, outdated programs. They ignore all beings that are not directly affected by their missions, unless foolish characters attack them. As with other units of the Hunter class, the Manhunter continues to follow its mission until com- pleted, ignoring all other commands from any source.This 16-meter-long, 8-meter-wide, 2- meter-high hunting and tracking machine is covered in weapons and sensors. On each side of the unit are 2-meter-long, 1-meter-wide, and 1-meter-high ovoids stored in depressions (these are the cyber robots detailed below). Near the back of the Manhunter are four smaller ovoids (only .5 meters long) stacked in a row, their front ends aimed forward. On the bottom of the robot is a faint outline of a hatch (leading to the stasis chamber) and many projections surrounding it (the pres- sor/tractor beam). On the upper side are the main batteries of weapons and most of the tracking equipment. The sides of the unit are fitted with all of its close-range weaponry.The Manhunter is capable of using all weapons and defenses (including screens and fields) simultaneously. For long-range and immediate killing purposes, the Manhunter has several effective weapons. The unit has a battery of two lasers at- tached to each of twelve optical scanners; each has a range of 500 meters and does 10d6 hp damage per battery. A photonrifle that delivers 18-intensity radiation has a range of 300 meters and a weapon class of 5. Four automatic rifles that have a range of 200 meters and do 10d10 hp damage per burst are included, each equipped with enough ammunition forfive bursts. Two micro-missile launchers with 2d10 missiles are on the sides, each with a range of 1000 meters. One top- mounted mini-missile launcher with 1d10 missiles has a range of 3000 meters and can be fired individually or simultaneously with the micro-missile launcher.Two black ray guns (front- and rear- mounted) have a range of 200 meters, and a laser cannon (front-mounted) does 20d6 hp damage and has a range of 1000 me- ters. A fusion cannon that does the same damage as a fusion bomb but only has a range of 50 meters is centered on the top. A molecular disruptor that has the same effects as the mutation molecular disrup- tion, but has a range of 150 meters and twice the normal chances of disruption, is also top-mounted (on the robots front). A fission gun occupies an upper-rear plat- form, having a ray with the same effect as a dirty fission bomb, with a range of 4000 meters and a weapon class of 16. A top- mounted bomb launcher that has a range of 750 meters is able to fire the following bombs: matter bombs (up to four Alpha, two Beta, or one Delta), fusion bombs(only two), clean fission bombs (only two), mutation bombs (up to four), and negation bombs (up to four). Only one type of bomb load may be carried.The Manhunter also has a grenade launcher (with capacity for up to 100 grenades of any type) that has a range of 150 meters and is used to ferret out hid-den individuals and destroy buildings. The unit has a stun-missile launcher equipped with six stun missiles; each missile has a range of 500 meters and has the effect of stunning everyone within a 30-meter range of the impact for 2d4 search turns. Both weapons are side-mounted on oppo- site sides of the robot left for the gre- nade launcher and right for the stun-missile rack.Two forward-mounted Mark VI rifles and a battery of four stun-ray rifles (two front, two rear, all bottom-mounted) round out most of the long-range offensive weap- onry. The unit is fitted with a forward- underside taser rifle that has a range of 1000 meters and does 4d8 hp damage, wrapping a cable around the character; only a combined or individual strength of 21 or greater can free a trapped victim (see the Robohunter for details on this weapon). Fifty spare cables are included.A battery of four razor rifles is mounted on the forward underside of the robot. They have a range of 90 meters and each do 8d6 hp damage per hit (causing an additional 1d4 hp damage of bleeding per action turn until blades are removed and wounds are healed). For close-range com- bat, there is a needler rifle with needles coated in a sleep-inducing serum. This serum causes characters to fall asleep for 4d10 action turns. The needler is another front-underside weapon.The Manhunter has several weapon devices not described elsewhere. The unit can spray a heavy nerve-affecting gas. This heavy gas flows down to the lowest level possible (draining into holes) and causes creatures caught in the cloud to save against the effects by rolling under their constitution on d20. Characters who fail this roll are totally unable to perform any movement voluntarily (involuntary muscles such as the heart and lungs still function normally) for 4d20 action turns. Twelve vents (six per side) spread the gas in a 20-meter radius around the robot. Enough gas for six uses is provided.Another gas that can be sprayed up to 20 meters away affects only metallic ob- jects. This gas coats such objects with a chemical that, in two action turns, turns the metal into a frail glasslike substance. Any object coated with this gas is de- stroyed if struck against any hard surface and melts if it is a heat-using device (such as a laser pistol). The chemical must be washed off as soon as it comes into con- tact with metal to counter the damage. The Manhunter is coated with a substance that makes it immune to the gas itself, unless the covering of the robot is cracked to admit the gas into its interior.The Manhunter can also drop a canister that explodes on impact, sending special particles raining down on the ground below. These particles cover a 50-meter- radius area and only affect organic mate- rial (characters totally covered in metallic or plastic armor are unaffected). The robot has only four of these cannisters. Attacked creatures suffer 1d6 damage per action turn for 1d4 turns (while particles are still in the air). Unless affected victims made a CON 2 check on percentile dice, they lose 1d10 points of strength, dexter- ity, and constitution as well for 2d8 hours (no score can drop below 1).The Manhunter also has a force-field destroyer that inflicts 100 hp of damage to all force fields within a 100-meter range, but it wont affect unprotected characters. A force field that can sustain up to 200 hp of damage per action turn is part of the Manhunters protection. The hull of the robot is covered in a thick duralloy shield- ing that allows the unit to operate under- sea or in near vacuum conditions. A reflective hull causes laser attacks to do up to half damage on hits (the robot can take 200 hp of damage from lasers until the reflective ability is destroyed and laser attacks are then made at normal damage).The robot is surrounded by a paralysis field that has a range of 20 meters. This field stuns characters as the paralysis rod can, and it allows the Manhunter to make attacks that automatically hit the para- lyzed victims. This field has enough power for 30 action turns of use.The Manhunter itself is equipped with a holographic projector, which it can use to make itself appear invisible or camou- flaged in the surrounding vegetation.There is a 1% chance per action turn that the projection will flicker, allowing onlook- ers to realize the deception and make attacks as normal until the Manhunter leaves the area. While hunting or tracking, the robot is totally soundless and surprises characters on a roll of 1-5 on d6.A robotic deactivation/activation field can be used up to 200 meters away. The robots can also be controlled by special circuits as if the Manhunter had Stage IV I.D.Herbicides and fungicides can besprayed over an area of 100-meters radius per use (10 such uses possible) to destroy ground cover for hiding fugitives. The unit can immerse its entire self in water, but is incapable of combat while in this environ- ment. It has special remote-controlled drone units which are described below.
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  219. Rescue Bot «Disaster Robot» by Unknown
    The top of this oval robot looks like a serving plate. A smooth mass of metal hangs down a full meter below this concave area. Two 2-meter-long retractable tentacles are mounted along the edges. It floats on antigrav pods. It uses a calm, smooth female voice for victims, anda bold, authortative male voice for bystanders.
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  220. Reptoads appear to be nothing more than normal, olive-brown toads. They dig their lairs in sand, loose soil, or mud, leaving only their dark brown eyes showing. Unwary creatures have no chance of noticing these eyes. Creatures without heightened vision have only a 2% chance per action turn even if they are scanning the ground in search of a reptoad; creatures with heightened or otherwise highly superior vision have a 10% chance per action turn, and creatures with heightened or otherwise highly supe- rior smell have a 5% chance per action turn of locating a reptoad if they are actively trying.The mastery that reptoads have gained over force fields and repulsion fields is unparalleled in GAMMA WORLD game lands. Like standard repulsion fields, these fields last as long as the creature concen- trates on them. Reptoads can create an unlimited number each day. However, the reptoad has developed concentrative powers sufficient to maintain up to eight repulsion fields at the same time. The fields have a surface area of no more than 24 square meters, and must remain within 20 meters of the toad, but within those strictures, a reptoad can shape its repul- sion fields into any shape it wants a 2-meter cube, a circular band to bind opponents together, a 2 x 8 x 8 meter cage (with repulsion field bars and gaps between), or a toad-shaped force field. (Reptoads keep any one of these fields around their bodies at all times.) When it wishes to eat, a reptoad simply puts up an outside repulsion field around itself and its prey, and only then takes down the inside one surrounding itself; thus, it is never vulnerable.All of a reptoads repulsion fields are proof against any normal physical attack; physical objects cannot pass through or damage the field. Also, laser, blaster, and energy-weapon attacks cannot pass through the field, but they can hit and automatically do normal damage to it. Each field has 50 hit points, but the reptoad can instantly renew any broken repulsion field if it is alive, conscious, and still within range. Radiation, heat, cold, gas, mental attacks and stun rays do not affect the repulsion field; these attacks pass through the field, although the first three attacks cannot harm a reptoad.Twice per day, a reptoad can also create a long-lasting repulsion field identical to the others in every way except that it does not require the toads continued concen- tration to keep it up. These shields stand for 50 + 1d100 days or until destroyed by energy attacks, even if the reptoad dies, is stunned, or goes away. The area around a reptoads lair is often cluttered with old, forgotten, invisible cages.Reptoads are vicious and cruel, hating all larger forms of terrestrial life. Their favor- ite pastime is to trap creatures in repul- sion fields and watch them slowly dehydrate or starve to death. Fortunately, reptoads have never been known to coop- erate with anyone not even the Red Death. They care nothing for treasure or artifacts. The only creature feared by a reptoad is a sleeth, for a sleeth can dispel all of a reptoads repulsion fields just as if they were force fields.
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  223. The tall, deep red living mold is shaped like a man with claws.
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  224. Red Deaths «Blood Bird» by Unknown
    The blood bird, also know as the Red Death is a mutated Scarlet Tanager. It retains the startling red plumage of its unmutated cousin, but is much larger, standing nearly a meter tall. Its serrated beak is a formidable as the spurs on its wings. On the top of its red head, the blood bird carries two long spurs that apparently serve no purpose. Its eyes are exceptionally keen.
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  233. The rodcut are mutated descendents of white lab rats. They have an affinity for intelligent characters who wish to restore order and science. They are sometimes mistaken for squeekers. They can be found in any terrain, but prefer underghround areas.
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  236. This mechanical Forest Ranger is about the same size and shape as the Ecology Bot-Agricultural. It has two 6 meter long tentacles and four 3 meter long tentacles. All are equipped the same as the tentacles on the Ecology Bot - Agricultural (but there is an 80% chance they have electrical stun). All have soil, air and water analysis labs, nozzles for spraying the same liquids as Ecology Bots - Agricultural, (but with defoliants in addition), a sonic torch, laser torch, flame gun and vibro saw. Each has capture equipment including a paralysis field with a 30 meter range (works like a Stun Grenade), a net launcher with 3 weighted throwing nets and a 20 meter range, and a collapsible man-sized duralloy cage. A veterinary Medi-kit will be included that works on Mutated Animals the way a normal Medi-kit does on Pure Strain Humans. The kit also has surgical tools for the Robot's use.
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  237. The juggernaut is a large rhinoceros with bright red eyes and armor-like skin of a metallic, blue-black color. The juggernaut is not a carnivore, but is still dangerous as it may charge if irritated by some move- ment within 100 m of its eyes (its effec- tive visual range). A juggernaut will attack first by charging, and then by standing and goring one or two oppo- nents. A charging juggernaut can cover an amazing distance in one action turn (60 m), and a standing juggernaut can gore twice in a round. However, its weak eyesight makes it -4 to hit at all times, although it has good senses of hearing and smell. An attacking jugger- naut will use its radiation eyes (intensity3d4) while goring if it is really angry (GMs option, based on the situation). One charge will often satisfy a jugger- naut, especially if its target falls down and plays dead. However, a wounded juggernaut will attack anything in range at random (including trees). Juggernauts are totally immune to poison and radia- tion.Though juggernauts are found only in North America, they were not originally native to this land. They are descended from zoo specimens that escaped confinement during the Social Wars.
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  238. Rammers «Blade Whale» by Unknown
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  240. Purple Pygmies «Dagmits» by Unknown
    The few expeditions that have made it to the lunar surface and back tell dreadful tales of the strange life forms that developed after the inhabitants of Tycho Center, the Moons only manned base, were slain by disease. (See A World Gone Mad, DRAGONissue #86, and A Field Guide To Lunar Mutants,' DRAGON issue #87.) One of the mutant plants now found at Tycho Center is the so-called blaster blossom, a mutant orchid.The blaster blossom is a reactive mutant, using its powers whenever it is touched. It has two attacks. The first is a spore cloud (treated as intensity 17 con- tact poison) that can slay victims with relative ease. This is fired whenever anything touches the blossom. The sec- ond attack is a actually a series of ran- dom energy attacks, fired whenever any metallic object (such as a robot) touches the plant. In a random manner, it will use one of the following attacks (roll1d4, one attack for one action turn):1) inflict 3d10 heat damage up to 3 m from the blossoms flower stalk, in the direction of the thing that touched it; 2) fire an electrical bolt doing 2d26 damage up to 10 m from the blossoms flower stalk, in the direction of the thing that touched it;3) fire an energy-draining bolt that instantly reduces all power cells within 5 m of the blossom to half energy; or,4) energy negation activated for 2-20 action turns, within a 15 m radius. If the spores ever kill the creature who touched the plant, they will grow in the dead body and become 1-3 new blaster blossoms within three days.
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  243. Whirrzlers are carnivorous desert plants that have developed a unique method of flight. They have no gas bags, instead rotating their flat rosettes of leaves so rapidly that they lift off like helicopters. They use this ability to settle their roots on carrion. Whirrzlers must feed fairly often; from time to time, they attack larger creatures wandering the desert. Whirrzlers are light metallic blue in color, so they are hardly visible at a dis- tance. However, they never surprise crea- tures that can hear, because of the low whirring sound they make when they fly. Whirrzler leaves are as hard as iron and as sharp as swords; they attack by edging sideways into their opponents and slicing with several leaves at once. Whirrzlers attack creatures with AC 1 or 2 only once before flying away, since this hurts their leaves (doing l-4 hp damage to them).Whirrzlers have the adaptation muta- tion, so each can only be injured once by any nonphysical form of attack. The GM may decide to which attacks any given whirrzler has become immune, or may roll 1d6 2 to see how many immunities it has developed. The GM should then roll 1d8 for each immunity on the following table. Whirrzlers encountered in radioac- tive deathlands are assumed to be immune to radiation.1d81 - Immunity2 - Cold3 - Heat4 - Light and lasers Electricity5 - Sonic blast and blasters 6 - Radiation7 - Life leech8 - Molecular disruption
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  244. Whirrzlers are light metallic blue in color, so they are hardly visible at a distance. However, they never surprise creatures that can hear, because of the low whirring sound they make when they fly.
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  245. Dyllon are a race of insular mutant porcupine. They never grow much taller than a ten year old, and are covered in a mass of long, sharp brown quills. They also have an organ on their rear that can produce either light or musk, depending on them. Occasionally (10%) one is born that is much bigger than the others, and these are always tribal leaders, known as the Bobs. Strangely, the Bobs do not share the quills of their smaller relatives, and instead are a frail, naked pink, and usually seen wearing heavy robes as protection. Dyllon live in small tribes of up to 30 members. They construct plastered, squat adobe houses for shelter, but for the most part spend their time hunting or farming the grasslands. They are also extremely adept scavengers.
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  250. The horl choo is an odd black plant that looks like a lumpy porcupine with long quills, about a meter in diameter with quills about a meter long, it's also known as the "spiny" or "spear-thrower" plant. It can move with a slow, shuffling motion and usually does so only at night, seeking better hunting grounds. Although it has no visible eyes or ears, a horl choo can sense heat (notably body heat) and has a rudimentary sense of touch (but no other senses).
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  254. (Pet) Sho'day are nocturnal birds that avoid confrontation and are extremely curious. They will circle low over encampments and sometime 'buzz' them to get a better look at those sitting around the campground. They love hot food of any kind. If the campground has any, and the campers are friendly, they will attempt to land. The Sho'day nest in trees and tall rocks and soar to incredible heights when hunting, they usually hunt small mammals or fish. They have incredible sight, are completely black, and have a wingspan of over 6 feet.
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  257. The plague beetle is a giant scarab. It is 1 meter long and has almost perfect chameleon abilities (in fact, it can not turn it off). It is a scavenger that uses disease to kill its food (like a Komodo dragon). They are not violent, and will only use the disease when their food supply is in major decline.
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  259. Phoenix hedges are long low hedges that perfectly match other, normal hedges in the same geographic locale. They are called phonexis hedges because they can be hacked burned, radiated, checmically defoliated, etc, and they will still grow back within a week.
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  261. Autobots are 1 meter tall personal servant robots. They body is constructed of a plastic shell with hydraulic muscles and solid state circuitry. they may either possess three legs or three wheeled struts which are used for locomotion and balance.
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  262. Autobots are 1 meter tall personal servant robots. They body is constructed of a plastic shell with hydraulic muscles and solid state circuitry. they may either possess three legs or three wheeled struts which are used for locomotion and balance.
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  264. The paradise tree is very rare and quite small. It looks like a heavily nut-laden oak tree. The tree never grows anywhere closer to another one, can not be harmed by fire, heat, or chemical defoliants. It can ether be extremely hardy or very frail. It produces a variety of nuts from other trees.
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  265. This creature is an odd fusion of a Parakeet and Piranha. It can hunt under or above the water. These creatures are very social and hunt together in large schools. They will go into a feeding frenzy much like Herkels, but while in the frenzy a random number of the group will emit high-pitched Sonic Blasts.
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  268. These 9 feet tall humanoids have two heads and four arms.
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  270. The Yexil stands 3 meters tall, has a nine meter wingspan, and has two hariy hind legs. It has muan hands attached to its shapely wings and alion head with large mandibles. It is entirely covered with long, soft, orage down.
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  271. A two meter tall egg-shaped quadruped with two pairs of arms. This orange living mold looks like a bizarre egg. It is usually solitary and feeds on lesser I'Xon.
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  275. This mutant cicada is the terror of green folk everywhere. Other than its size, it looks exactly like their small ancestors.
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  276. They appear as 1 meter tall flying squirrels who now walk on two legs, have manipulative paws, and can speak. They can spread the membranes that streach from their hands to their feet, leap off a high area, and glide.
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  288. The Nos'Ferat are nocturnal, vampiric monkeys. They are light sensitive, primarily nocturnal, and travel in numbers more often than not. They give off an earthy odor at all times, which can be a tip-off for the wary adventurer
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  289. Large Scorpion
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  292. Originally this creature was a small potted houseplant which was left here by a frightened tourist during the evacuation of the starport. When the cloud of radioactive dust swept over the area, it caused the plant to mutate. Over the years the plant has kept the starport pest-free by devouring all intruders.
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  296. This brilliantly striped insect is 5m long, 2m wide, and 1.75 meters thick. It's bright yellow, two-meter long antennae are the only sensory organs it has.
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  301. The omnitar are atmovores, that is, they exist without consuming any plants or animals, just microbes found in the air. They resemble 1.5m tall crystalline cones that have millions of 10cm bristles underneath that provide locomotion. So smooth is the bristling action that it looks like the omnitar is floating on air and just brushing the ground.
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  306. Mingos are birdlike creatures descended from Flamingos. They are now more at home in the water than they are on land. Mingos travel in groups to hunt down their meals, often looking like a large school of long legged fish when encountered underwater. They still retain the ability to hunt while standing along shores, but find prey easier to catch in the open sea. They no longer have the capability to fly because of their water adaptations. They have been known to attack humans/humanoids when hungry.
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  307. This creature is a detached part of a sentient coral reef (see below). A successful attack means the creature has bitten its target (1d4 damage). A second attack against the victims AC means the creature has attached itself to the victim and stabs the victim for 1d6 damage. A third successful attack means the creature has entangled the spinal cord and now controls the creature via the Coral Reef (see above). Once the creature is attached, all of the target creature's abilities are under the control of the reef. Any land creature which is controlled by the Minda Ray can breathe both water (after 10-20 seconds) and on land, as the ray breathes for the creature underwater and the land animal can breathe for both creatures on land.
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  308. These foul sea creatures look very much like female Mer-kind. However their disposition is quite evil. They are well aware of their physical similarity to Mer-kind (except for a row of razor sharp shark-like teeth) and will use it to every advantage. However, Psirens prefer to remain out of sight of their potential prey, if at all possible. They typically use their mutations to lure victims to their doom by first using Empathy to gage the emotional state of their target. Once this is accomplished, they will then begin singing" to their potential prey. Using Sound imitation to spread confusion (in any number of ways based on what their Empathy has revealed), or directly into the mind with Beguiling or Mental paralysis. The later is the preferred method to finish off their victims, as it keeps the Psirens out of harms way (and leaves their meal undamaged).
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  310. Mimic plants are mutated orchids that grow up to 3 meters high. They have large showy flowers that can look like various animals. Mimic plants grow near ponds and their root tendrils extend into the water from underground. Their roots absorb large amounts of water that are given off by their leaves as a fine mist. The mist obscures vision enough that the flowers are mistaken for animals.Animals and characters who find mimic plants have a chance equal to 50% minus their intelligence of believing the plant to be an attractive animal or character of the opposite sex. When a creature is attracted to within 6m of the plant, an elastic tentacle whips out and wraps itself around the victim. The tentacle secretes a corrosive fluid which contains adaptive enzymes. The fluid burns the skin for 2d4 points of damage if it is not washed off in a number of turns equal to 11 minus the victim's armor class. The tentacle will withdraw as soon as the victim fights back. No plant will attack two crea-tures, and no creature will be attacked by more than one plant each day.
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  314. Mer-kind are half-man, half-fish beings (human torso with a fish tail) who live in harmony with most creatures of the ocean. They usually reside in small undersea communities and will sometimes use trained Horsy as mounts. They will generally help any creature they come across who appears to be in trouble. Of the many intelligent beings living in the strange seas of Gamma World, they are perhaps the most noble. They are able to survive for short periods of time above the surface.
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  318. This upright-walking, 2 meter tall unit is humanoid in shape. It has two arms and two 1 meter tentacles, each of which is equipped for handling precision instruments. Special equipment includes all normal Medi-kit tools and materials (in 5 times the quantity found in a Medi-kit) plus more extensive medical labs than are in the Medi-kit. A Medical Robot can perform complex surgery, if necessary. It heals characters at the same rate as a Medi-kit (1d10+20 hit points of damage to Pure Strain Humans and 1d10+10 hit points of damage to Humanoids and Mutated Animals).
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  319. The euryl looks like most aquatic insect larvae: long, thin with the legs cramped up near the head. The long antennae, large tusks, and frilly gills on its abdomen identify it as a euryl (mutant mayfly). Unlike its ancestors, the euryl will remain in its larval state (but still will be able to reproduce). They are found in gravelly areas looking for food.
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  321. This gon is the king of the species and may communicate with any other gon telepathically if within sight. The Sergon is deep purpse and six-legged. It has a magnificent set of teeth and razor-sharp claws.
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  324. This cyber is also cov- ered in plastic armor, but has tracked rollers that can be lowered for ground movement. It is equipped with radar capa- bilities (up to 200 meters) and armed with two Mark V pistols as well as two stun rifles on a top mount. A flamegun that has four charges and does 8d10 damage out to 10 meters (weapon class 16) is attached to one end of the robot. The cyber is also capable of spraying a kinetic nullifier fluid (effects are detailed in the GAMMA WORLD game rules) over a 10-meter- square area (six uses possible).Like the underwater model, this under- ground model is equipped with a tractor/ pressor beam capable of lifting up to 200 kilograms for the purpose of transporting the character or object it was assigned to ind back to the Manhunter.The cyber units are used for retrievingor killing characters that flee into areas the Manhunter is not suited for traversing. Once a character is caught by a cyber tracker, he brought back and captured by the Manhunters own tractor/pressor beam (which can lift 500 kilograms). Once in this field, the individual is taken up into the unit and stored in a very special facil- ity on its underside.The Manhunter contains one entire stasis chamber that works as the one described in the GAMMA WORLD game. The character is kept in the state of slee- plike suspended animation until brought back to the commanding Cybernetic Instal- lation for whatever purpose the CI has in mind. Individuals in this chamber can be healed by a robotic medi-kit if necessary, but the stasis chamber can also work as a rejuv chamber for characters who are nearly dead. Up to four man-sized beings (500 kilograms) may be kept in the chamber.The upper surface of the Manhunter also carries a number of special probes, described below.
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  325. These data-probes are used to send televised pictures of areas that the robot is investigating, for general tracking and surveying missions. They are used to scout areas before alerting the Manhunter to send out the cybers or have the Manhunter come itself. The probes are equipped and fitted for underwater use. The armor given combines the probes speed and size, and the number given in parentheses indicates the armor class while the probes are stationary (hovering). The probes can be controlled by the Manhunter up to a distance of 10 kilome- ters, and they automatically return if a distance greater than this is indicated. The probes have radar- and infravision-jam- ming screens (which even affect muta- tions) that allow them to pass by unnoticed.The probes are also equipped with an electrical defense shield that does 1d10 hp damage to characters touching them. The probes themselves cannot attack, and flee as soon as they have registered the posi- tion of the desired hiding group.
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  326. Man with Tails «Anfal» by Unknown
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  327. No doubt about it, the brilliant hues that this mutant species of Portugese Man-O-War comes in are a warning of extreme danger for anything that crosses it's path. Armadas float slowly along coastal rivers and streams, supported about 2-3m above the surface by a natural hydrogen balloon, aided by the wind, or pulling themselves by their larger, visible tentacles if the air is still.
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  328. A hissers is a 3-meter long mutant snake with a humanoid torso and arms, and a snake-like head and lower body. They can rear upright on their powerful tails to stand about 1.5 meters off the ground. Hisser scales tend to be green or brown, lightening toward the belly and chest area, although some tribes of hissers have brightly colored markings.
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  329. Intelligent humanoids that have adapted to living on both land and in the water. The fen is a 2 meter tall humanoid fish with both lung and gills (similar to a prehistoric lungfish). It has pearly white, almost translucent, flesh and scales and can walk (slowly) on land on its stubby legs. It has hands able to crudely manipulate objects (including weapons).
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  335. The carnivorous ape is a larger, stronger and very aggressive mutant relative of the gorilla. This beast has fair intelligence and is extremely cunning. It hungers particularly for human flesh (Grens are also a favorite item on their menu). The eyesight of the ape is keen, as is it's hearing and sense of smell (any attempts to surprise or sneak up on the beast suffer a -2 die roll). It can also swing limb-from-limb in the trees at a speed of 18.
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  336. These solitary creatures are rarely seen and only a few of them are known to exist in this region. Evolving over the years from the haphazard exposure to high energy radiation, Maali seem to be the distorted descendents of the North American moose.Their general appearance is still moose-like as they still possess short brown fur and large branching antlers. These bony and sturdy antlers usually grow over a meter in height and are used as deadly weapons by these mutants. Maali are four-legged creatures when travelling over great distances or when running, but through successive mutations they have evolved thick muscular hind legs. A startling development in these mutants was their change from hooven front feet to leathery human-like hands. The combination of strong rear legs and manipulative front hands has permitted these creatures to stand up, walk around, and use tools, weapons, and devices of the Ancients.Outstretched on its hind legs,a Maali stands over 3.5 meters tall. The most amazing aspect of these mutants though is their ability to speak. Rumor has it that they even understand the language of humans! Maali live in forest areas, but they are occasionally found in grassy locales when encountered migrating from one forest to another. They enjoy eating vegetation of all kinds and are known to have enormous appetites. All Maali hate meat.These beasts are almost always leaders of a large territory within the forest.It is very rare for another creature to challenge the Maali's authority within its domain,and in return the mutant moose becomes a fierce protector of its forest home.The facial expressions of these mutants have been scarred by the cruel effects of radiation,so much so that their crossed-eyes and drooping tongues have made them appear as idiot creatures.This impression is often the downfall of most enemies, since Maali are a dangerous and deadly foe if provoked.These mutated moose possess great mental powers and having a dual brain allows them to function quite effectively in the wild forests.Maali are fascinated by high technology and will always try to acquire artifacts and items created by the Ancients.They are very skilled in the handling of such items and they enjoy using these devices whenever the opportunity arises. However, the sight of robotic units sends these mutants into epileptic trances (Epilepsy defect).Maali will remain motionless for a period of about 10 minutes when robotic units are first seen,then afterwards they will react normally.
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  337. The lurker barely resembles its ancestors. The body is heavily plated and the first pair of legs end in long, barbed hooks. All of the legs are covered in green fur, matching the coloration of the body.
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  339. Luk
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  343. These look like a 20-50 cm long seabass with 8 spiny legs sticking out of their sides. They are nearly harmless, but can be annoying. They sometimes (1 in 4) mindlessly attack anything that moves. On a roll of natural 20 they score 1 point of damage. They are rather tasty if cooked.
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  345. Lizard Fish «Cren Tosh» by Unknown
    The cren tosh (or "lizard fish" as it is sometimes known) is a 2 meter long fish with silvery-green scales and a relatively flat body. With its mutant shapechanging ability, it can appear as various other creatures and even operate on land for up to 24 hours at a time.
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  346. At first glance, a kai lin looks like an odd sort of reptile: a 3-meter long, sinuous body with a single pair of short, claws limbs that allow it to move, dragging its long tail behind it, a blunt, triangular head like a snake and rough, green scales. But in fact the kai lin is not an animal, but a mutant breed of plant. Its "scales" are rough bark and its "claws" a thorny pads and its "tail" is a trailing root cluster.
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  349. This 1 meter high, 1 meter wide, 2 meters long unit has 2d4 3-meter long tentacles, each of which can lift 100 kilograms and use human tools. It has a tractor/pressor beam that can move 500 kilograms at a 12-meter range. Special equipment includes a sonic torch, micro-laser, power winches and power tools. Small numbers of replacement parts are stored inside its steel hull. It can operate underwater and in near-vacuum.
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  350. This 6 x 3 x 1 meter (tall) unit has a front-mounted 1 meter by 3 meter equipment platform carrying the following: a 6 meter crane with a 3 pronged claw able to lift 900 kilograms, four 6 meter tentacles able to lift 500 kilograms each and a tractor/pressor beam able to lift 1800 kilograms at a 30-meter range.
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  351. This unit is the same size and shape as the Light Cargolifter. Transports can be electronically coupled to other units of the same types for convey movements. This is handy when the transporters are moving extremely large objects or when large quantities of items.
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  354. Letharp are huge, bottom-feeding fish which range in size from four to seven meters in length. Letharp have silvery-white underbellies and solid or mottled backs which range from blue-brown to yellow to brilliant orange. Mottling is usually white, groy. ar yellow. Coloration is seldom unchanging for very-long, since letharp have chameleon powers. Their heads are cov- ered with a bony plate around which are many enlarged and thickened scales. Projecting upwards and forewards from this plate is a horn-like bone growth whose length varies (accor-ding to the size of the lethorp) from one meter to nearly two meters.Normally sluggish and peaceful, sudden movements or passing shadows throw a letharp into a state of alarmed frenzy which results in the creature swimming in a blind rush (double normal movement far up to 100 meters) towords the possible threat, either to frighten the intruder away or to kill by ramming with its horn. Because of this unpredictable behavior boats are often smashed or holed by frightened letharp.Knowledgeable mariners are reported to paint the bottoms of their vessels a bright yellow-orange, far this color tends to repel or possibly reassure the would- be attacker.
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  355. Giant black flies, jo'tal have mutated to consume blood and intelligence. Other than size, they appear no different.
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  357. Perhaps the most hideous of all of the Gamma World creatures, the Vath are twisted mutant descendents of the vampire bat. They are much deadlier than their ancestors and a meter in size. The most striking feature this mutant possesses is its two heads (Multiple Body Parts). Each of the Vath's heads is connected to its body by a long, thin, muscular neck, 15cm in length. Both heads and faces are similarly shaped (just like a vampire bat's face) but one head is colored bright crimson and the other a ruddy brown. The bright red face has poisoned fangs (inflicting 2d6 damage and causing 2d4+5 intensity poison damage) while the other has hollowed fangs for sucking blood (2d8 points of damage). This bat continually seeks out the blood of other creatures in order to get its essential nourishment. The body and wings of the mutated bat are colored a golden brown speckled with black. Like other bats, Vath travel and maneuver through the use of sonar. When encountering opponents, these creatures prefer using their Beguiling. Only in desperate situations will the Vath use their Life Leech mutation. The hard rubbery skin of the Vath slows its air speed by 25% when the weather gets cold (Skin Structure Change). These creatures make their homes in caves and other dark places, although unlike their ancestors, they travel during the day as well as night.
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  358. Kreel torrn are large, bipedal grasshopper-folk with manipula- tive forelimbs. Though they have lost the flight capability of their ancestors, they still retain their leaping ability. Kreel torrn may leap up to 30 m in any direction every other Action Turn, for as many leaps as they have CN points. Afterwards, they must rest 10 minutes for each leap made before they can leap again. A kreel torrn in mid-leap is -3 to hit and be hit.Kreel torrn are semi-nomadic beings and employ Tech Level I weapons and equipment. They often supplement their wealth by ambushing unwary travelers. When lying in ambush, kreel torrn use chame- leon powers to conceal themselves until their quarry passes by. They then leap out of cover, attempting to surround their prey and overwhelm any opposition, attacking to kill only if resistance proves to be too great.A favorite tactic of the kreel torrn is to hide completely out of sightand use their empathy to follow the progress of their target(s). A similar ploy is for the kreel torrn to wait in complete darkness, using ultravision to find their marks. Kreel torrn are opportunists and flee if their position becomes untenable. They can sometimes be hired so long as the work is not too hard and the pay is good.
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  362. These immense worms have a brown or tan thick leathery skin. When one moves there is a 45% chance that the soil above them moves.
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  363. Seps are mutated sharks that have fully adapted to life on land and are no longer suited for living in the water. The Snow Seps are adapted to living in the Snow and Ice and are only found in arctic conditions. The Sep has an organ in their brains that pushes and packs snow and ice pack out of its way allowing it to swim forward below the surface.
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  364. Seps are mutated sharks that have fully adapted to life on land and are no longer suited for living in the water. The Sand Seps are adapted to living in the sand and are only found in deserts. The Sep has an organ in their brains that pushes and packs earth out of its way allowing it to swim forward below the surface of the earth.
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  365. The zarn or 'boring beetle' is an insect about 10 centimeters in length with an orange carapace, black limbs and underside.
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  370. This mutated descendant of the great barracuda retains many of the habits of its ancestor. To become a successful feeder, the Great Barracuda developed a technique of racing through a school of fish with its blade like teeth attacking the helpless fish. After it injures and immobilizes some of the fish, the barracuda returns to snatch them up. Koodas do the exact same thing, but are even more effective due to their larger size and their mutations. The Kooda's Speed Increase is improved in that it can be used three times per day. Koodas use their highly evolved instincts to take advantage of the disorder that occurs around dusk, when the nighttime fish switch places with the daytime fish. It is at this time, when their prey least expect it, that Koodas make their attack.
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  371. The Ooz Blen numbers and hitdice are based per square meter. Patches can be larger than that.The ooz blen is a form of mutated algae. This type of plant grows in patches near areas of radioactivity, almost always connected to a source of warmth. Hot springs, fumaroles, and living flesh are their favorite locations.Ooz blen are iridescent black in their natural state, and live on rocks or the branches of trees and feed on tiny organisms such as bacteria. They possess a life detecting sensitivity (New Sense), adaptability, color response to radiation, and tiny fiber extensions that allow them to enter into a symbiotic relationship with warm-blooded creatures (New Body Parts). A final ability, Teleportation, allows them to project themselves onto passing creatures.To establish symbiosis, the ooz blen will teleport themselves onto the surface skin of any warm-blooded creature that passes within range. Once on the skin, the algae must be scraped off for 1d10 Action Turns with the creature taking 1d6 damage with the creature taking 1d6 damage per turn of scraping. If the creature does not scrape off the algae for the number of turns rolled, the ooz blen uses their New Body Parts to enter the skin of the creature. This causes the creature to become a shiny black, as if they possessed an insect chitin over their bodies. The color is not dangerous, nor does the presence of the ooz blen harm the creature. The ooz blen will remain on the creature it cannot be removed for 2d10 months, after which it will teleport onto some other character at the first opportunity.While on the skin (or fur, scales, feathers, etc.) the black color will remain useless unless the creature comes into the presence of radiation. If in an area of radiation, the ooz blen will change color (depending on the intensity see chart below). The ooz blen will absorb one-half the damage from radiation.INTENSITY NEW COLOR1-5 Blue 6-14 Red 15+ GreenThe color changes actually help a creature survive radiation by giving warning through the color change and absorbing damage from harmful radiation.
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  373. Mutated Rats that are 5 times the size of normal rats, at over 1 meter in length.
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  376. Each head will have seperate Mental Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.Descended from the snapping turtle, this two-headed creature is certainly one of the strangest mounts that can be found. A nireg is basically friendly in nature, though its left head tends to be aggressive in attitude and its right head prefers to solve things without a fight. Since the right head does all of the talking with other creatures, the left- sided head can be rather surly if ignored.Niregs are dangerous in combat. Aside from the bonuses that the left head gets in combat, a nireg can generate sonic blasts simultaneously from its two mouths. These blasts can be focused on a single target within range, and the two blasts combine to produce extra damage equal to a third sonic blasts effects. The two fore feet are clawed and can be used in fights as well. If an opponent is bitten by one of the huge, parrotlike beaks (which always strike first), then claw attacks against the bitten person are made at +4 to hit on the die roll.A nireg (if willing) can carry up to 200 kg at full speed over any terrain but the rockiest, and can haul up to 400 kg at half speed over smooth ground or roads. Niregs typically have a single name despite having two separate personalities.
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  377. Vilchneks are predatory spiders that use their chameleon powers to lie in wait undetected until prey hap- pens by. Parties are surprised by a vilch- nek encounter unless they succeed on a surprise roll and the character with the highest IN in the party makes a successful check vs. IN x 1, or unless someone in the party has a mutation that negates surprise, such as intuition. Vilchneks have eyes all around their heads, so they cannot be surprised by anything visible. They are surprised by invisible creatures on foot only on a 5 or 6, because they are very sensitive to ground vibrations. Vilchneks tend to lurk in trees or among shrubs on the ground, and hunt by day or by night. They can cover up to 12 m in a single leap. Their fear impulse is set off only by birds and other winged creatures at least as large as themselves, and they may not notice furled wings.
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  381. Jeremiah is as nutty as a fruitcake. He lives in Mindkeep's upper levels and sometimes goes outside through the roof hatch when the
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  383. Hoppers are herd animals that are mutated from Jackrabbits. Each Hopper stands 3 meters tall at the shoulder, large enough to carry 1 man-sized creature. Hoppers look like giant hares, the size of small horses, usually with brown or tan fur (although their fur color changes to suit the environment when they use their Chameleon Flesh mutation).
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  387. (Mount) The Smovbai is a short, six legged reptile with a brown plated body and mottled grey head. It resembles a small triceratops without horns. It has a plate / crest around its head that can flare out when the Smovbai wishes it, and allow the rider to sit on the neck. Once in position the rider is considered to be better protected from all attacks that don't come from the front. The Smovbai are found around swamps, marshy areas, along rivers and lakes and other areas where there is a lot of standing water.
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  388. Sre'froth are lifeofrms that resemble two to three meter transparent gelatinous planes. Their origins are unknown, but they are thought to be amphibians who learned how to glide. They are definitely not flyers. Sre'froth can blend in anywhere, crawl up any surface, and attach themselves on anything, even ceilings, by secreting a warm, sticky fluid as they move.
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  390. There are two 6-meter-long tentacles on the front and a single smaller claw on a 2-meter-long arm just below them. The body is a large block, with a cargo bay area loaded from the top. Large tracks line either side, each 2 meters tall. Usually these behemoths are tracked robots (as is this model), but occasionally, they will have wheels or legs, or, rarely, anti-gray pods. These robots have a flat, emotionless, stereotypical computer voices.
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  396. Conola are large, living spheres covered with matted hair. They travel by rolling forward, like a tumbleweed, aparently under their own muscle-power. They are relitevely unitntelligent scavengers. Ususally found in installations and other types of ruins. conola roll endlessly through the hallways consuming dirt, debris, carcasses, dropped items. Conola are completly silent.
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  398. These are mutated garden snails that make their homes in old rusted appliances, vehicles, and robots. They creature itself is a 4 meter formless blob with 3 tentacles sprouting from its sides. They are very vulnerable in this state (AC 10). But because of their unique habitat, they are almost always well protected, by the sturdy carapace" of whatever metallic hulk they choose to live in. Young rust'ee can be found in small metallic appliances, oil drums, etc. As they grow larger they will periodically move into something larger. The biggest rust'ee may inhabit an Ancient robot or even a car or a truck!
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  399. Intelligent man-dogs over two meters tall, standing on their hind legs. The only wear leather or leather studded armor and carry shields. They have thick fur.
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  402. A Mutated thornbush that is neither a horse nor a cactus. The Pinetos has a horizontal trunk and thick leg stalks giving it a equine appearance. This is increaed by way the pineto dips its roots to take in water by lowering its "head" to drink. The compairson to a cacuts comes from the sharp thorns entirely covering the plant. These thorns make it impossible to ride without a saddle. A sharp prod must be jammed between trunk and the root ball. They are extremely valueable as mounts, and it is very difficult to catch them and then even harder to tame them. However those that are are considered excellent mounts.
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  403. Rakrods are mutated cousins of the common white labrotory rat. They are 30 centimeters long and have lost their tails. Located in the middle of its forehead is an 8 centimeter long horn that is tipped with a poisionous barb
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  406. High Thinker «Android» by Unknown
    Man-made beings with red hued skin and blank stares.
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  408. A hellworm is a giant caterpillar with orange and yellow stripes and spots. It has 4 horns and a ridge of spines along its back.
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  409. giant butterflies with red and yellow markings.
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  411. Purrlions are among the largest mutant felines in North America, reaching 3.5 m high at the shoulder and 9 m long (excluding the 3 m tail). Possessing a beautiful tiger-striping over a golden- brown coat, purrlions are fairly easy to domesticate as guards, and some communities have even used them as steeds, though they are not the best. A purrlion comfortably carries up to 230 kg of mate- rial, including riders, at full speed, but it wont often carry any more than that. Purrlions have a loping gait that is very uncomfortable for riders, particularly if the purrlions are moving quickly.Purrlions are able to climb large trees and steep slopes using their claws. One may even do this with a rider on its back, though the rider had better be securely fastened to his seat. Purrlions move very softly despite their size, causing opponents to be surprised on a roll of 1-4.Like their ancestors, purrlions have an affinity for certain smelly herbs and flowers, particularly catnip. Certain forms of mutant catnip cause purrlions to behave in a dazed and irrational manner, though the purrlions usually cause no injury to anyone while under the effects of this substance.
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  412. This cigar-shaped unit is 18 meters long and 6 meters in diameter. Its 4 retracting 12 meter long cranes can lift 2000 kilograms each and its 8 heavy duty 18-meter long tentacles can handle 800 kilograms each. The Robot also has four 6-meter tentacles for handling human equipment. A tractor/pressor beam can lift 2000 kilograms at a 30-meter range. Special equipment includes batteries of 2d4 sonic torches, lasers, atomic torches and power tools. Most units also have 6d12 triangular duralloy sheets and a supply of assorted rivets, plates, bolts, etc. plus the special tools needed to use them. All units are sealed for underwater use.
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  416. Floth-Ha are mutated 'common house' moths. They are virtually identical to their predecessors except for their extra front two limbs from which they can manipulate objects and also for their great size. (wingspan is an impressive 3m) Their bodies are covered in a fine fur, and for those who have seen a Shutter in flight, the underside is a palette of light browns. Due to the chameleon powers their back and wings poses, the natural coloring of these surfaces are unknown. Floth-Ha do have antenna but rely primarily on sonar to guide them.
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  417. The Krea looks like a nightmare. It is a snail that stands just over 5' in neight. The head of a Krea is a lime green frog like head. Four 15 foot tentacles splay out from beneath the head. It has a great gaping mouth that is lined with bony ridges as sharp as meat cleavers.
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  419. Sea Crones are evil tempered sea dwelling humanoids whose sole purpose seems to revolve around causing suffering to others. They sometimes have a pet or pets in their company which they use for various purposes. They generally attack using their mutations, but if pressed will use their bony claws.
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  422. Grizlion «Bearcat» by Unknown
    Also called the grizlion, this fearsome predator is actually neither bear nor cat, but rather a giant mutation of the wolverine. If anything its ferocity has increased with size. The griozlion is fully 3 meters from nose to tail and over 1.5 meters tall at the shouldder. Its fur is black and dark brown, often with dark yellowish coloration around the face or haunches. It has vicious claws, and its mouth of razor-sharp teeth is usually twisted in a snarling grimace.
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  425. Loo purs are cunning, carnivorous, mutant wolves that inhabit great portions of Northern Meriga. These six-legged (Multiple Body Parts) creatures are silvery grey in color and have glowing red eyes. A fierce predator made more deadly by its Chameleon Powers, loo purs travel in packs when hunting food in the forests and plains. When close to prey, these mutants let out a terrifying howl (Sonic Attack) and then strike with lightning speed. Individual mutant wolves within a pack will, on occasion, use their power of Temporal Fugue to make an entire pack of loo pur appear larger and more menacing to opponents. Lone loo purs often use this mutation to make prey believe there is more than one present.Standing 1 and a half meters tall at the shoulder, this mutant is able to carry a single rider of less than 50kg without any loss of speed. Obtaining a loo pur for a mount would require some form of mental force, as they are extremely intelligent, speak Trade language, and can even use some artifacts of the Ancients (limited by their physical constraints and their mutational defect see below). All of these mutated wolves are afraid of electrical power, robots, etc. (Energy Sensitivity Defect) and will avoid such items at all cost.
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  426. A Two Meter cigar-shaped quadruped with 4 five-meter loing tentacles sprouting from the top. Grey lving molds look like bizarre clay-like horse/octopus symbiot.
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  431. Win Seen are ground covering creepers that can spread to cover a large area (as much as 20 meters in diameter) The blue-green land variety covers shady areas of ground and grows in groups which are so entangled that is difficult to tell where one plant beigns and another leaves off.
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  433. Giant Praying Mantises that stand 3 meters tall at the shoulder.
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  434. Grens look like Green skinned pure strain humans. However, Grens are mutant humans with entirely green skin, hair, and eye pigment due to their photosyntheic skin. They have no body hair except on their heads and tend to wear little clothing so that light can reach their skin.
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  436. This is a huge metallic green tiger beetle. It looks like a long thinner version of a ladybug. They hunt in the air in open areas and by foot in closed ones.
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  438. One to Two Meter long mutated Alligators with a pair of one meter long tentacles attached to their foreheads.
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  439. Giant deer flies, che'tal have yellow eyes, black spotted wings, and a dark brown body with light brown stripes.
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  440. Slippigs resemble the pink, curly-tailed porkers of the pre-holo- caust era, but they are completely hairless. They are, of course, frequently attacked by carnivores, and their only effective defense lies in running away. They use their speed increase only when they can- not outrun a pursuer any other way. They are expert dodgers and almost never tire. However, they are no more intelligentthan an ordinary pig, so they can be trapped, or hunted and cut off by an expert team of hunters (GM may judge the effectiveness of hunting strategies). It is also possible to surprise a slippig and kill it with a single powerful attack before it has a chance to run.Slippigs secrete a very slippery oil similar to Kinetic Nullifier Fluid, which covers their entire bodies at all times. Any physical blow does only half damage to a slippig, since the sword, paw, or whatnot slides off on any roll except a 20. Any sort of grabbing maneuver (including a bite with a mouth of any size) causes the pig to spurt out of the clutches of its attacker, giving it a full Action Turn head start while its pursuer gets up or looks around for it again.As slippigs are basically herbivorous, they are often attacked, poisoned, radi- ated, or infected by plants. A slippig seri- ously hurt by poison, radiation, or disease is easy to catch, but dangerous to eat. Only the considerable fecundity of slippigs has enabled them to survive as a species.
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  441. A big worm with 4 tentacles with mouths from its own mouth. The mouth has 3 sections that look like beaks.
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  443. These terrestrial birds are heavy and stupid, but fairly fast on their feet and able to fly clumsily for short distances. They have acute hearing and are only surprised on a 1. When encoun- tered by a known predator, they scatter, each leaving behind a cloud of opaque gas 9 m across which blind any character or creature that comes in contact with it. Each bird can do this only once every 4 hours, and it is indicative of their stupidity that they all release their gas at once whenever they are encountered.If a creature or character is not a known predator and approaches lukalukas in a peaceable, reassuring manner, roll a reac- tion check they scatter on any result of 9 or less, and must check morale on any roll between 10 and 17.Once their gas is used, lukalukas are virtually defenseless when caught. How- ever, due to their habit of eating plants with bacterial symbiosis (which does not harm or leave any symptomatic marks on the bird), they should be thoroughly cooked before eating. If not, there is a 60% chance that any lukaluka is carrying a random plant-carried disease.
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  445. Radiation Zombies are survivors" of the apocalypse, usually found sealed away in ancient structures or underground complexes where they have dwelled mindlessly for many, many years. These survivors" are not truly alive anymore, but kept animated through the radiation which killed them. For some unknown reason they have an urge to kill and eat any living thing which they encounter. They are usually easy to avoid if encountered, as they are very slow moving and practically non-intelligent. However in close confines or in large numbers they can be quite dangerous.Though their insatiable hunger is horrific, it isn't the most feared thing about radiation zombies... it is the deadly radioactivity they carry with them. Each group of radiation zombies will be contaminated with 3d6 Intensity radiation. This will be uniform for each individual within the entire group. Any contact with a radiation zombie will require an immediate check on the radiation table to determine the damage caused by the radioactivity.
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  446. These mutant fungi always live near or in radiation zones,and if possible will grow next to sources of water.They appear to be glowing reddish slime growths whose light slowly pulsates; hence the name Glowers.Growing on rocks and stones is their preferred place of habitat. Being near a river, stream, pond, or lake helps them to ensnare unsuspecting creatures that come to drink. Glowers grow to a height of only 5 cm and live in densely clumped patches.The Glowers release their Sleep Gas when touched by any living creature trying to put their victim into a deep sleep.If the creature falls asleep and lands on top of the mutant fungi, their dissolving juices will then go to work to break down the creature's body into digestible enzymes.These glowing mutants are a deadly poison if swallowed by any creature (Int 16). However, when these mutated fungi are boiled down, they produce an antidote for Int 16 poisons.Each square meter of this growth will yield one dose of this anti-dote.
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  449. This gon is eight meters long and easily identified by its transparent skin, internal organs, bones, etc.. A jemagon looks like it is made of glass and is conisdered by many to be the most beautiful animal in creatoon).
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  450. Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. They can grow up to 30 feet in length, and they are over 12 feet tall. They are primarily nocturnal and thus almost completely blind in the daylight. However their hearing is excellent and can get around with just that sense. Ba'mutan have large shells that can conceal the formation of a 'land pearl'. A little less than half of the Ba'mutan out there have these pearls. There is no way to determine if a given Ba'mutan has a pearl outside of killing it and spending four days extracting it from its shell. Because of this, over time the Ba'mutan who were solitary creatures have become extinct and the only surviving creatures are herd animals. This means that groups of these creatures will be found together and attacking one to extract its pearl will cause the whole herd to panic and attack.
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  451. Giggle bugs spend most of their lives as caterpillars (the statistics in parentheses above refer to the adult moths, which do not have the beguiling mutation). Unlike most caterpillars with protective coloration, giggle bugs are quite prominent and distinctive: spotted, striped, and checkered in green, yellow, pink, red, blue, and white, with a clownlike false face on each end and mobile projections that resemble pin- wheels and party noisemakers. The effect is magnified by its mutational powers to become highly comical so much so that most intelligent creatures that see a giggle bug must make a successful check vs. their MS x 2 or collapse in helpless laughter. A new MS check is rolled every 6 action turns after a failed one; if a crea- ture makes a subsequent roll, then it may stop laughing and crawl away. However, if a creature having made a successful MS check continues to look at the caterpillar, however, or even thinks about it clearly enough to make an attack, another MS check is required every action turn.If a creature laughs without rest for more minutes than it has points of CN, then exhaustion sets in, incapacitating the creature for 3 search turns. During this time, the creature may make no attacks, and must move at half speed. Creatures (including PCs) with IN less than 4 or greater than 16 are not affected by the giggle bugs comical appearance. Blind creatures and machines with purely artificial intelligence (like androids and robots) are also immune, but cyborgs, with their human brains, are not.Giggle bugs are immune to all kinds of poison, and they habitually feed on poisonous plants; consequently, their bodies are also poisonous (roll 3d6 for poison intensity for any giggle bug that a character tries to bite or eat). Giggle bugs remain in cater- pillar form from March through November. They pupate in the winter and emerge the following March as huge, gaudy moths that live only long enough to mate and lay eggs. The eggs take a full year to hatch. Eggs, pupae, and adult moths are all harlequin-colored; they cannot excite laughter as the caterpillars do, but they are equally poisonous.
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  452. These giant slugs have elongated bodies similar to a snake.
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  454. This creature looks somewhat like the Blasshes and is a distant cousin of the Gamma Moth. It can have a variety of patterns and colors, all designed to blend in with the surrounding area with their Chameleon powers. Fire and heat will draw a Blassut at night. They never go out during the day, using their infravision at night. Their Wing Smash attack will affect everyone within 6 meters around the fire as the Blassurt tries to put it out. The greatest threat that Blassurt's present is that they will attract a Tsorsut who eat Blassuts. Every two turns that a Blassut is in the area there is a 35% chance a Tsorsut will attack.
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  455. These domestic cat sized giant flying locusts travel in swarms of 20-50 prefering to eat crops and plants
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  458. hese giant beetles are feared all over Gamma Terra for their extreme destructiveness to forests. They are cylindrical and are black or brown. Their mandibles are large but are meant to cut through wood,
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  459. The Tsorsut is a huge creature descendant from a foxbat. It hunds both night and day and is smart enough to stay away from people, but will lsometimes run into them at night whe it is looking for its favorite food, the Blassut. It is at this time that most attacks on people take place for if the Tsorsut can not catch a Blassut easily, it will snatch anything else up that is edible including people. They usually nest in ravines, canyons, and large caves or trees Bu'daan prefer them as food.
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  460. Large Ants the Size of Elephants
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  461. Large Ants the Size of Horses
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  462. This white tree looks like a banyan and grows to the height of 60m. The narl ep or "ghost tree" is a mutant form of White Swamp Oak that grows in or near slow-moving water. The tree's smooth bark is completely white and its leaves are a pale green. During the spring its branches are covered in nut-like seed pods.
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  466. Mut choo are 3 to 4m diameter plants that produce their own gas, inflate, and float through the air. They float about 7m above the ground but have many mutations that allow them to satisfy their carnivorous appetites. Each mut choo is covered with throwing thorns, has manipulative vines hanging from it that are tipped with barbed leaves, and have hundreds of tiny tendrils hanging from the bottom that act as boring tendrils when the plant floats down on an unconscious victim. The mut choo will deflate itself after eating excessively, and look like a large patch of vine-like vegetation on the ground. When it wishes to hunt, it increases its metabolic rate and inflates itself, then floats away.
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  467. Mught are gaseous creatures that live on stored energy, such as batteries, energy cells, and the like. they can detect stored energy at a range of 130 meters. They are constantly on the move and can control the direction of their bodies under normal inside air currents. Because of this they will never go outside, but rather travel long distances through fissures in the earth, old undergound pipes or cables, and so forth. They can easily travel wihtin a building through air ducts, under doors, etc. They are easy to spot in dim light and look like miniature rolling clouds
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  469. Gamma Moths «Blaash» by Unknown
    A mutated gypsy moth over 1 meter long and with a two meter wingspan.
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  471. Gamma Grass «Zeeth» by Unknown
    Zeeth are blades of purple grass that grow up to a meter tall. Mature zeeth have tassles like other grasses.
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  472. This is a two meter tall palm-like plant that is unremarkable most of the year, but in late spring and early summer it sprouts a one meter tall flower.
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  473. The hideous result of an accidental overexposure to radiation,Gallus Gallus 5/13 is a living abomination to Man's technology. This mutated chicken species is malignant to the core and seeks to dominate all other creatures.The superior mental ability of this mutant makes it a cunning and deadly foe.These creatures are quite adept at figuring out the workings of technological items,and within their own physical limitations are skilled at using the artifacts created by the Ancients. For some unknown reason every Gallus Gallus 5/13 has a Complete Mental Block against Companion Units.These mutants appear fat and squatty,and are covered with patchy yellow-orange feathers.Their exposure to radiation in the lab has left these mutant chickens with two very bizarre features;one beneficial and the other a defect.Instead of having two eyes,Gallus Gallus 5/13's possess one large central green eye (Body Structure Change).This unfortunate defect means that these mutants lack depth perception,and must fight in melee with a -1 penalty "to hit"and when using ranged weapons with a -2 penalty "to hit."Their former wings have been transformed into thin stubby feathered arms with hand-like appendages (New Body Parts). These newly acquired "hands,"although only having three fingers, are what permit the Gallus Gallus 5/13's to manipulate artifacts and weapons.Probably their most effective mutation of all, and the one used with great cunning,is their Chameleon Powers for this allows them to often attack without first being seen by their victims. Unknown to all these mutant chickens is their lack of resistance to poison of any type.Poison is instant death to the Gallus Gallus 5/13 unless the correct antidote is immediately administered. Even then there is only a 50% chance that the mutant will live.
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  474. The Ekola are 6 inch long mammals that closely resemble kangaroo rats. They have four limbs and a prehensile tail, but most of their movement is primarily done by hopping on their hind legs. When hopping the tail is wound around the body trunk to protect it. Naturalists believe that an ekotla's tail is as sensitive as a human fingertip and can easily sort and pick up even minute items. Their body is covered with soft, long fur that is either all white, black or black and white stripes.
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  478. There is a 20% chance that players have not encountered 1 tree, but 1d20 trees. The harmony tree is extremely handsome graceful and straight, with large yellow flowers, red plumlike fruit, and lush, glossy green leaves the year around. Any creature with intelligence between 2 and 16 (not including robots or androids, but includ- ing cyborgs) that comes within 20 m of a harmony tree must defend vs. a mental attack or become psychologically depen- dent on the tree. Victims are overcome with a feeling of great peace and har- mony, and will be totally unwilling to leave the euphoric atmosphere of the tree or see it harmed in any way. Vic-ims must be killed, stunned, or other- wise subdued if they are to be removed from the trees influence. Once out of range, the victim will recover his or her normal senses. However, victims of a harmony tree are immune to fear gener- ation, mental control, and empathy while under the trees control.Creatures under a harmony trees control feel no need to eat, and they would shudder at the mere idea of hurt- ing any living thing, especially the tree itself. They will not even fight to defend themselves if attacked (but see below). However, if a victim is attacked and hurt, the tree must try to regain control (a mental attack at + 2); if the victim is brought to 10% of his or her hit points, the tree may attack again at no bonus. If this attempt to control the victim fails, the victim is free to escape.If anyone tries to harm the tree, all its victims will attack the offender in a frenzy of blind hatred, using the most effective available attack form at + 4 to hit. In this frenzy, victims will ignore damage to themselves, and can be injured and killed without the tree have- ing to renew its control over them at all. Victims of a harmony tree that are not attacked and killed will slowly, happily starve to death.A harmony tree will keep an entou- rage of as many creatures as possible, since this is its only means of defense. These creatures are often quite varied and even naturally hostile to each other, but they will lie down lovingly together at the base of the harmony tree (this being one way to identify the latter). If a victim is killed or starves to death, the tree will cause the survivors to hide the corpse by burying it or throwing it as far as possible, according to their abili- ties. However, it will have them keep any weapons on the body, as well as any weapons they have themselves, as the guardians may be called upon to use these in defense of the tree. Victims will hide weapons among the branches of the tree or play with them peacefully until someone attacks the tree. In gen- eral, the tree uses the senses of its vic- tims, but they are guided entirely by its intelligence, which may be higher or lower than their own.In any harmony tree encounter, the GM should decide what sort of entou- rage the tree should have, based on the size, status, and overall power of the player character party. There may be nothing but a few dead bodies under the tree, or up to a dozen assorted creatures including a few humans or humanoids with artifacts. Something should almost always be under a harmony tree, since no one can bury the last victims if they all die.The fruit of the harmony tree is inten- sity 7 slow poison. If the tree captures a victim too small to use in its defense (5 HD or less), it may force the victim to eat a fruit and then walk or fly away at normal speed to die within 1-3 hours, starting a new tree. Even after it leaves the 20 m range of the tree, the victim will not regain its senses unless it sur- vives the poisoning, being overcome with misery at having been cast out. This is the way in which the harmony tree propogates itself. A free-willed character that eats a ripe harmony fruit (indistinguishable from an unripe one) will gain four points of mental strength for one hour. Eating unripe harmony fruit will not increase a characters men- tal strength. At any given time, 10% of the fruit on a harmony tree will be ripe. All of it will be poisonous, and of course a character must survive the poison to gain the mental strength. The poisonous effects of all harmony fruit eaten in one day are cumulative, so two harmony fruit will act as intensity 14 poison.
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  484. This gigantic robot was designed to move through the forest marking selected trees with a huge paint gun for future tree thinning. The marked trees are cut down, lifted, and stacked on it's rear mounted flat platform. The unit is equipped with a long 25m crane arm that can cut down trees (3d10 damage) and lift up to 25 tons. The unit also is equipped with a large paint gun that is capable of doing 1d10 damage from impact and permanently staining whatever it hits.
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  486. Flying Rippers «Cal Then» by Unknown
    An obb or 'flying eye,' looks vaguely like a bat-winged creature about a meter long, with a large, central eye between its 'shoulders' and a pair of clawed limbs. Its surface is dead black and covered in short, soft fuzz. Although it's mobile and resembles an animal, the obb is actually a mutant form of fungus.
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  488. The frequent compan- ions of lils, ribbets are small, green, splay- footed frogs with considerable mental powers and a lively sense of humor. They seldom attack a creature with injury in mind, unless seriously threatened or harmed themselves, but they often play pranks, particularly on a low reaction roll. Their favorite tricks involve levitation, magnetic control, time manipulation (which does not cost them hit points, but is limited to two days maximum and can be split down to five minutes), and memory erasure, a mental attack which, if successful, erases 1dl2 hours of accumu- lated knowledge in one creature. The range of this attack is 30 m, and it can be made once per five Action Turns. Multiple successful attacks are cumulative in effect.Ribbets are almost always encountered in treetops, about 15 m above the ground. They are in range for most of their attacks, but they are difficult to spot at that distance and angle, since they sit on green leaves larger than themselves. It takes a check vs. IN x 1 to spot them well enough for any kind of to hit roll. Rib- bets are not unfriendly and can be hired, recruited, or negotiated with. However, they are capricious, and their material needs and wants are few, so they can be difficult to persuade.Ribbets glide rather than fly, using their large, webbed feet and the skin flaps on their sides, behind their forelegs. They cannot take off from ground level, and generally glide from tree to tree. They can move 1 m horizontally for every 1 m altitude with which they start.
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  489. These 6 foot long fish live only in large bodies of water, however, they are able to leap into the air and slide using their broad pectoral fins as wings. They can spend an unlimited amount of time gliding, actually flapping their fins to gain speed and height. However after 5 rounds they need to return to the water or they suffocate in the air. Fleshins may shapechange into an gator at will and can maintain this form for as along as 24 hours. While in this form, the Fleshins have the physical appearance and natural AC of an gator. The tentacles they gain in the transformation use debilitative poison, though, not gator paralytic poison. The fleshin is physically related to the flying dish, but its mind is far closer to that of the shark. They tend to swim in small schools, hunting and marauding both above and below the water. Unwary birds and dish of any size are common prey. The scent of glood can bring fleshins from kilometers away.
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  490. An obb or "flying eye," looks vaguely like a bat-winged creature about a meter long, with a large, central eye between its "shoulders" and a pair of clawed limbs. Its surface is dead black and covered in short, soft fuzz. Although it's mobile and resembles an animal, the obb is actually a mutant form of fungus.
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  491. Ka'tal are mutant darners (the largest of the dragonflies), where Arns are skimmers. They are green with a blue abdomen.
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  493. Mutated Rabbitoid creatures averaging 2.6 meters in height who walk erect.
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  494. Flitters «Buzzbirds» by Unknown
    This white tree looks like a banyan and grows to the height of 60m. The narl ep or 'ghost tree' is a mutant form of White Swamp Oak that grows in or near slow-moving water. The tree's smooth bark is completely white and its leaves are a pale green. During the spring its branches are covered in nut-like seed pods.
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  496. Guman are only found underground as they cannot tolerate sunlight (solar energy(. These paper-thin creatureds are extremely mobile, covered with strong cila, and can climb any surface. They can stay perfectly still on any surface and alter their molecules to sink into the surface. In this manner they become part of the surface while retaining their idenity and mental capacity. This power is so effective that a character needs to be within a meter of them to automatically see them.
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  497. Smokerths are harmless little bushes that are easily ignited. If a character were to strike the bush, fall into it, etc. it bursts into flame.
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  498. 20% of the time these creatures are encountered, they will be encountered as a herd with 7d6 Tripants present. When they are not encountered as a herd, they will be within a day's walk of their herd.Before the Social Wars, few elephants remained in their native habitat in Africa. The destruction of their lands and continued poaching had reduced their numbers almost to the point of no return. However, the various forms of mutant elephants seem to be on the rise now, and they become more numerous as the years pass.Triphants are a typical post-holocaust species. They are covered in long, shaggy, brown hair, much like their mastodon and mammoth ancestors. A few albino triphants have been sighted, and these are revered by local native populations. Triphants have ivory tusks which are rather short, growing only up to 1 m in length. Ivory hunters have found that these may be sold for up to 2000 gold pieces in major cities. Triphant tusks are useless in combat.Triphants have three trunks, none of which possess nasal passages. (Triphants have olfactory openings on their skulls, between their eyes.) Each trunk lacks hair and is covered in tough, spiked hide.When a triphant hits a man-sized creature with a trunk, it pulls the victim upward and rolls it up in the trunks length, doing continuous damage of 3d4 per Action Turn from constriction and piercing. In addition, the spikes possess a paralytic poison of Intensity Level 7. Triphants wont grab at creatures they recognize as potentially harmful on contact (e.g., spiked, heated, or electrically charged). Up to three oppo- nents may be so grasped.Larger opponents, ranging up to 4 m in height, can be charged and trampled by enraged triphants. All four feet can strike at a trampled opponent, each foot doing 4d6 damage.Triphants roam the countryside (avoid- ing deathlands) eating vegetation. When a herd finds a particularly good spot, it may rest for a week before moving on. Triphants are not territorial, but cooperate in defense of their herd and fight against all odds to protect their young. Adults typically walk on the outside of the herd, leaving the young in the middle. Though generally peaceful, triphants may charge anyone coming within 40 m of the herd who appears to present a threat to them. Huge carnivores, such as komodos, cause herds to flee.Triphants love water and frequently bath in it to cool themselves. Fortunately, they can detect whether water is contami- nated by touching a few drops on the end of a trunk to their mouths.If caught at an early age, a young triphant (under 1 year old) can be tamed to allow itself to be ridden and perform heavy lifting and carrying tasks. Triphants can pick up loads of up to 200 kg in each trunk, and can carry up to 1000 kg easily if it is distributed over their backs. A triphant can break through a reinforced wooden door in one Action Turn.
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  500. Ert telden are sleek fish up to a meter long, with black scales, often tinged with red or orange along their fins. They have "whiskers" along their chin like a catfish.
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  502. This goin has a white srreaked skin and a huge fin on its back. It is 5 meters in length.
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  508. The chessex are small, mutated deer that are pale yellow in color. They avoid most encounters by running away or by using their fear generation powers on carnivores, who have learned to leave the chessex alone. If cornered or surprised, chessex can attack with their antlers, which are hollow and filled with poisonous fluid that can be injected into antler wounds. This poison causes affected victims to lose 1 strength point per Action Turn until a strength of 3 is reached, at which time the victim must sit and rest for as many hours as strength points were lost. At the end of that time, the victims strength returns to normal.Chessex are herbivorous and can be found in large herds in the American Midwest. Human and humanoid barbarian tribes find the chessex highly important,as the poison from their antlers can be drained, allowed to thicken for 1d4 days, and made into Intensity Level 8 poison for use on weapons. This poison causes a strength loss of only 1d4 points. The tough, leathery hides of the chessex are used as armor (equal in all respects to leather armor), and the meat of these mutant deer has proved to be quite tasty. Tribesmen use missile weapons and traps to bring down chessex. Because of their mutations, these creatures cannot be domesticated. Chessex have learned to travel radioactive lands in order to escape hunters.
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  509. The centisteed is a mutant strain of horse with an insectoid appearances. They have 12 - 18 legs.
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  511. These 3 x 6 x 1 meter ovoids have 1d4+2 tentacles, each 6 meters long and tipped with touch sensors and 3 pronged manipulative claws. There is a 50% chance that each tentacle will have an electronic stun device (works by touch with the same effect as a Stun Grenade) in the end as well. Special devices that retract into the Robot's body include a soil analysis lab, plow, disc, rake, mower, flame gun, vibro saw and nozzles with a 9 meter range containing water, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers and insecticides. None of these devices can be used as weapons. If the player wants a Robot reprogrammed to use them in this role, the GM must decide what damage they do and how effective they are.
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  512. These 3 x 6 x 1 meter ovoids have 1d4+2 tentacles, each 6 meters long and tipped with touch sensors and 3 pronged manipulative claws. There is a 50% chance that each tentacle will have an electronic stun device (works by touch with the same effect as a Stun Grenade) in the end as well. Special devices that retract into the Robot's body include a soil analysis lab, plow, disc, rake, mower, flame gun, vibro saw and nozzles with a 9 meter range containing water, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers and insecticides. None of these devices can be used as weapons. If the player wants a Robot reprogrammed to use them in this role, the GM must decide what damage they do and how effective they are.
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  515. An Exterminator is an upright-walking, 2-meter-tall robot. An improved structural design and syn- thetic-skin covering makes it completely identical to a Pure Strain Human. Its internal skeleton is made entirely of strengthened duralloy, and all vital mechanisms are encased in strengthened duralloy shells, making the Exter- minator impregnable to all non-energy attacks. (See note on armor classes.) Due to structural limitations, it is slightly vulnerable to high explosives.Although the Exterminators sensors are limited for tracking, its high intelligence allowing complex deductive reasoning and social insight for quick adaptability in an environment -- easily compensates for any such limitation. The Exterminators high intelligence must be stressed. It was one of the most advanced robots ever created.The Exterminator can communicate with CIs and Think Tanks, but only to further its own purposes. It will take orders from no one, except possibly its creators (see below). The Exterminator will communicate with beings onlywhen necessary. Any attempt at unde- sired communication will prompt a sudden, but concise, response, ending all conversation. The Exterminator never asks for help and always works alone.Due to the lack of records, little is known of the Exterminators original function. No one has yet discovered who created them or why. Some believe they were created by the Apocalypse to insure the complete destruction of man- kind. Others believe they were placed by pre-holocaust military and scientific leaders to help establish a new order. Still others feel they were created solely to eradicate mutational strains, since most of their targets are mutants.Their function appears to be the elimi- nation of selected targets. This target selection is apparently at random, although the majority of targets is com- prised of mutants. It should be noted that anyone or anything obstructing an Exterminator from completion of its functions will be eliminated.An Exterminator will attack only at the most advantageous time, and will never attack when the opposing force is too powerful. If necessary, it will make use of any weapons available to it. The Exterminator will never stop pursuing its target until it has eliminated it. If damaged, the Exterminator is capable of limited self-repair. No Exterminator has been destroyed so far.An Exterminator has dual armor class and hit dice. The first set (AC 3, HD 8d8) represents the synthetic-skin and cloth- ing covering the Exterminator. This outer covering is vulnerable to all forms of physical attack. The second set (AC 1, HD 15d10) represents the internal dural- loy structure. This is impervious to any non-energy/non-explosive attack (swords, bullets, etc.), and can only be damaged after the outer layer is destroyed. An Exterminator will func- tion normally if its outer covering is destroyed.Exterminators each initially carry a special weapon when they leave their vaults. This weapon is described below. Plasma rifleWeapon Class: 15Range: 300 metersDamage: 10d10 (20d10 vs. force fields) Weight: 7.5 kilogramsThe plasma rifle is a hand-held weapon carried only by Exterminators. It is powered from an Exterminators internal power supply. When fully charged, the plasma rifle is good for 8 shots. It is recharged by attaching the rifles power converter to a hidden access plate (located on the right side of the Exterminators waist). Recharging takes 40 minutes, at 5 minutes per bolt. The plasma rifle releases one bolt of plasma energy per round.Due to the nature of the plasma, the weapon does double damage to all force fields (does not apply to mutations) and penetrates many types of armor more effectively. The plasma rifle makes the elimination of protected targets more feasible.The VaultsThese self-contained duralloy structures are equipped with a sonic bore as well as tractor/pressor beams, powered from an internal nuclear power supply. A vault seems to have only one function, that being to hold an Exterminator for approximately one century, at which time it releases it. The complete purpose of the vaults (if any) is not known. It is speculated that the vaults may be stor- age facilities and/or emergency retreats containing a supply of both weapons and repair materials (and possibly repair facilities). It has also been suggested that the vaults may be communication cen- ters to coordinate Exterminator action.Whatever the purpose of the vaults, the Exterminators have not been known to return to them. The vaults close up within ten minutes after opening and have so far withstood all attempts at re- opening them. It is believed that the vaults have been scattered throughout the continent and possibly the world.
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  516. An Exterminator is an upright-walking, 2-meter-tall robot. An improved structural design and syn- thetic-skin covering makes it completely identical to a Pure Strain Human. Its internal skeleton is made entirely of strengthened duralloy, and all vital mechanisms are encased in strengthened duralloy shells, making the Exter- minator impregnable to all non-energy attacks. (See note on armor classes.) Due to structural limitations, it is slightly vulnerable to high explosives.Although the Exterminators sensors are limited for tracking, its high intelligence allowing complex deductive reasoning and social insight for quick adaptability in an environment -- easily compensates for any such limitation. The Exterminators high intelligence must be stressed. It was one of the most advanced robots ever created.The Exterminator can communicate with CIs and Think Tanks, but only to further its own purposes. It will take orders from no one, except possibly its creators (see below). The Exterminator will communicate with beings onlywhen necessary. Any attempt at unde- sired communication will prompt a sudden, but concise, response, ending all conversation. The Exterminator never asks for help and always works alone.Due to the lack of records, little is known of the Exterminators original function. No one has yet discovered who created them or why. Some believe they were created by the Apocalypse to insure the complete destruction of man- kind. Others believe they were placed by pre-holocaust military and scientific leaders to help establish a new order. Still others feel they were created solely to eradicate mutational strains, since most of their targets are mutants.Their function appears to be the elimi- nation of selected targets. This target selection is apparently at random, although the majority of targets is com- prised of mutants. It should be noted that anyone or anything obstructing an Exterminator from completion of its functions will be eliminated.An Exterminator will attack only at the most advantageous time, and will never attack when the opposing force is too powerful. If necessary, it will make use of any weapons available to it. The Exterminator will never stop pursuing its target until it has eliminated it. If damaged, the Exterminator is capable of limited self-repair. No Exterminator has been destroyed so far.An Exterminator has dual armor class and hit dice. The first set (AC 3, HD 8d8) represents the synthetic-skin and cloth- ing covering the Exterminator. This outer covering is vulnerable to all forms of physical attack. The second set (AC 1, HD 15d10) represents the internal dural- loy structure. This is impervious to any non-energy/non-explosive attack (swords, bullets, etc.), and can only be damaged after the outer layer is destroyed. An Exterminator will func- tion normally if its outer covering is destroyed.Exterminators each initially carry a special weapon when they leave their vaults. This weapon is described below. Plasma rifleWeapon Class: 15Range: 300 metersDamage: 10d10 (20d10 vs. force fields) Weight: 7.5 kilogramsThe plasma rifle is a hand-held weapon carried only by Exterminators. It is powered from an Exterminators internal power supply. When fully charged, the plasma rifle is good for 8 shots. It is recharged by attaching the rifles power converter to a hidden access plate (located on the right side of the Exterminators waist). Recharging takes 40 minutes, at 5 minutes per bolt. The plasma rifle releases one bolt of plasma energy per round.Due to the nature of the plasma, the weapon does double damage to all force fields (does not apply to mutations) and penetrates many types of armor more effectively. The plasma rifle makes the elimination of protected targets more feasible.The VaultsThese self-contained duralloy structures are equipped with a sonic bore as well as tractor/pressor beams, powered from an internal nuclear power supply. A vault seems to have only one function, that being to hold an Exterminator for approximately one century, at which time it releases it. The complete purpose of the vaults (if any) is not known. It is speculated that the vaults may be stor- age facilities and/or emergency retreats containing a supply of both weapons and repair materials (and possibly repair facilities). It has also been suggested that the vaults may be communication cen- ters to coordinate Exterminator action.Whatever the purpose of the vaults, the Exterminators have not been known to return to them. The vaults close up within ten minutes after opening and have so far withstood all attempts at re- opening them. It is believed that the vaults have been scattered throughout the continent and possibly the world.
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  520. The land cred has a brilliant red flower and lives in temperate areas with regular rainfall. surrounding the plant's bulbous flower is a mass of strong, leafy vines. The crep can move about (slowly) on its thick, flexible roots, seeking better 'hunting grounds'. The crep's vines are mobile and quite dexterous (although the plant is largely blind, and not very intelligent).
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  521. This kelp can sense any nearby movement that will first set off the plants sonic blast. It will then release its spore cloud followed by the dissolving juices. It will continue this sequence until either the victim or the plant dies. Any creature which falls victim to this plant will become fertilizer for future generations of killer kelp.
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  526. An ecobot is basically humanoid, and is most notable feature is its four evenly spaced arms. It has two legs and 1 1/2 meter long arms with hand manipulators. Half of its large, barrel-like chest is a sorage tank (100 liters) for whatever needs to be carried: seed, water, milk, feed. etc. It has a polite but firm, male voice.
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  527. An ecobot is basically humanoid, and is most notable feature is its four evenly spaced arms. It has two legs and 1 1/2 meter long arms with hand manipulators. Half of its large, barrel-like chest is a sorage tank (100 liters) for whatever needs to be carried: seed, water, milk, feed. etc. It has a polite but firm, male voice.
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  529. The sarbis looks strikingly like a 2-meter-tall bipedal aardvark. Its body is covered with coarse yellow to gray fur, and its face is dominated by a long snout. The hands, while manipulative, end in powerful claws good for digging and fighting. Sarbises can be found in almost any terrain except the coldest. Their settlements or camps invariably signal the presence of minerals, for the sarbis are passionate miners. The camps are a mixture of above and underground constructions. Sarbises are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to "claim-jump" their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings. Sarbises rely on trade for food, clothing, and other interesting goods. In exchange, they sell refined minerals ingots of pig iron, copper, lead, tin, nickel; bags of sulphur, salt, and coal; whatever is useful from the earth. Because few others have the talent to dig and smelt these needed metals, sarbises are often left unmolested, even in the most hostile territories. Each camp is ruled by a strong man, a single leader who achieved his position through bullying and threat. All trading in the camp is controlled by the strong man or his minions. Sarbises will often buy artifacts useful to mining, sometimes offering other artifacts or to make useful implements in exchange.
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  532. Physically tallker then average and considered handsome by most. The colors of his skin are in constant state of change, frequently betraying his feelings. He usually cloths himself in colorful patterns rather than animal furs
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  534. Dragon Bugs «Arn» by Unknown
    Cal then or 'winged rippers' are mutant cockroaches that can attain a length of 2.5 meters. They have a dull brown carapace, long wings they keep folded close to their bodies and spindly legs. Their heads feature small compound eyes and large, sharp-edged mandibles.
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  538. Diggers are a civilized breed of mutant armadillo. They live in loose tribal communities of burrows and stone structures. They are posessed of a full carapace, as well as burrowing claws. Digger society is ruled by Shamans. Most settlements of these creatures will pay nearby towns of humans or Kaiute packs, whoever's stronger, with liquor and gunpowder for protection, so they can tend their roots in peace. If they arm themselvs at all it's usually with some form of rifle, musket, or shotgun if they gan get it. They use their claws if they can' t.
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  539. 1.5 Meter-tall humanoid badgers. Badders wear chainmail and ring mail armor. They walk erect.
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  540. Digger Folk «Badder» by Unknown
    1.5 Meter-tall humanoid badgers. Badders wear chainmail and ring mail armor. They walk erect.
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  542. One Meter tall humanoids covered in silky blond fur. They are solitary by nature and live in inaccessible forests and mountains. Wardents have a compulsive hunger for food, knowledge, and odd experiencs and will regily join an adventure which promises any two of these.
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  543. Desert Rollers «Crumbleweed» by Unknown
    The crumbleweed grows from a tiny spore-like seed into a spherical bush as big as a house. Crumbleweed secrete a substance not unlike that which renders a blight invisible. However, this coating is unaffected by water, and it leaves a blurry outline that can be seen at short distances, so that creatures seldom walk into a crumbleweed by accident. This invisibility, coupled with the weeds lack of a distinctive smell, turns it from what would be a very prominent part of the desert landscape to a fairly obscure species all the more so since it is poisonous (Intensity Level 16) and totally non-nutritious, and therefore not sought after by any creature.However, the plants means of propogation has made it well known to experienced desert travelers. Crumbleweed spends its life attached to the ground by a very thin and fragile stalk, which dries up and breaks readily in a moderate wind once the plant has pollinated itself and borne seed. The wind blows the dead plant along the desert floor while it crumbles into a fine powder of seeds and dry plant fibers. Each irregularity in the ground causes more of the weed to crumble off, until finally it is all gone, having left a trail of seeds which might, under the correct conditions, grow into new crumbleweed.One irregularity which a crumbleweed might roll over and dust with seeds would be a living creature or a party traveling on the desert. The dust is an irritant, affecting creatures as Intensity Level 14 poison, causing sneezing and choking for one Action Turn for every die of damage that would be done by normal poison (treat D results as 4 + Turns of choking, going down the matrix and adding one for every D). Victims are totally incapacitated until they stop choking, but they suffer no further ill effects.Characters surprised by a crumbleweed encounter are always rolled over and all take full damage from the dust. If the party is not surprised (normal chances on the dice), they see the weeds blurry out- line just in time to try to jump aside, which requires a special DX check. The GM should roll a d6 to determine how much of the crumbleweed has already crumbled away (a 1 indicating full, 12-m size, a 6 indicating little larger than man- size (2m)) and multiply each characters DX by the result for the check. To have any chance of evading an oncoming crumbleweed, characters must jump aside as soon as they see it i.e., players must not hesitate in announcing their PCs actions. Small crumbleweeds are, of course, easier to evade than large ones.Even the largest crumbleweed wont crush any characters it rolls over, since the weight (a maximum of 250 kg) is distributed over such a large area. Most attacks have no effect on a rolling crumbleweed which is already dead, after all. Physical attacks with weapons or body parts doubles the duration of the sneezing and choking. Firey attacks of any sort cause the crumbleweed to instantly disintegrate into blazing cinders, which vanish into ash within seconds doing no damage to anyone.Heightened smell wont detect an oncoming crumbleweed, while heightened hearing picks up a faint, wispy crunching sound that does not sound dangerous to anyone who has not had experience with crumbleweed.
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  547. Kraw are repulsive looking creatures that resemble a floating, human brain with two large red eyes and a suker like mouth full of needle sharp teeth. No one knows how they float but they seem to have no duration or height limitations.
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  549. Prot eps are the most ancient of trees, surviving the original holocaust by constantly adapting until they could not be killed. Prot eps cannot take damage from any kind of attack, natural or artificial. No disease, insect, or plant life can affect them. Their roots are like steel cables travelling miles below the ground. They cannot be knocked over, torn up, or driven into the ground. They have bark like a birch, leaves like a maple, but are pure white in color, and grow to the shape and size of an old oak. Chemical defoliants, radiation, or antimatter will wither all the vegetation around them but cannot even change their color. They only die of old age, and that is after thousands of years. Some civilizations revere them as gods, others build their villages around their trunks or in their branches. There is no safer place for a party of adventurers to camp overnight than in the branches of a prot ep, as attacks cannot usually penetrate the foliage surrounding them and very few dangerous creatures seem to be able to live or hunt in them (usually snakes can survive).
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  550. Marloks look like Pure Strain Humans, except for their extremely pale skin and their large, light-sensitive eyes, both of which are the result of their subterranean exist- ence. Why those humans who were the marloks ancestors went underground in the first place is not clear, though it is thought they might have been refugees from the devastation during the Social Wars, or even command personnel con- trolling the war from deep below the earth. No matter what their origins, marloks are one of the most successful of the various subterranean races and are widespread, often migrating from one underground complex to another by traveling at night on the surface.Marloks lead a nomadic life while underground, traveling various tunnels, caverns, and other passageways in small, close-knit groups. Because of the large number of subterranean preda- tors, they seldom stay in any one place for more than a few days. Marloks often use tunnels to the surface to send out nighttime foraging parties to collect whatever edible plants and animals they can get. These are used to supplement the usual marlok diet of roots and fungi. However, since marloks do not recog- nize the rights of surface people, they often are not above raiding a nearby village for foodstuffs, though some groups have been able to establish mutual trade arrangements in which the marloks receive food for metals and an occasional artifact or two.Marloks have developed several powers to aid in underground survival. Their directional sense helps individuals to find their way back to their clan if separated, and this ability also helps in navigating the maze of underground passageways. Heightened precision lets them test the stability of tunnels and caves before entering them. Their heightened hearing, besides detecting the approach of enemies, can also detect the sounds of settling and potential collapse in tunnel systems. Telekinesis is often used to move obstructions from their path; if objects do not prove easily movable, molecular disruption can usually reduce them to more manageable size. Should the exercise of the former two abilities be beyond the range of any one individual, then their mass mind can increase their power output. The marlok racial ability of mass mind is better than the type usually encoun- tered, in that the base chance of any of the participants dying is only 1% ( + 1% for each minute of contact). All involved in the mass mind share a weak tele- pathic link while in contact, between those in the link who are touching.
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  553. Deathmoss is a lush, soft-looking, moss-like plant which appears to be no different from other growths of similar plants. Creatures seem to be naturally attracted to its springy surface and comfortable bed. This is unfortunate for them but assures the deathmoss of food and propagation.This plant has developed an aromatic sap which is released when its stems and leaves are bruised by weight.The power of the sap is equal to intensity 12 poison, and any creature which succumbs to it falls into a comatose sleep. (Dice of damage results indicate only a proportionate lowering of resistance to the aromatic power next melee round if the victim remains within one meter of the bruised plants, or directly above them.) The deathmoss has developed boring root tendrils, which penetrate the flesh of comatose creatures and inject dissolving juices which bring a nutrient sludge to the roots in a short time. Thus fed, the deathmoss both grows up to one-square meter per feeding and develops berries to attract new prey. This purple-veined gray fruit, when eaten, increases all five senses [sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste) for one hour, but thereafter causes a 50% loss of normal senses for another hour.
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  554. The barl nep is a mutant form of catfish that can attain a length of up to a meter and a half. Their scales are completely black and their heads are blunt and equipped with "whiskers" they use to help gather food.
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  555. The narl ep resembles any of a myriad of conifers; pine trees, spruce, evergreens, etc. It cannot move and cannot attack at any distance, but has various mutations that allow it to kill prey close by, which then decomposes and provides nutrients for the tree. The usual form of attack for anything close to the nep ep is to grab or trip it with the roots, hoping it will, in its struggle to break free, either brush against the contact poison sap or come within range of the tree's electrical discharge. The roots extend out in a 7m radius from the trunk, so the aromatic power can easily lure prey within range of the roots.
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  556. Horribly dangerous and destructive predators, molnangs leave an unmistakable trail of blasted earth (no living plants or animals or even their remains) wherever they go. For this rea- son, they are sometimes called pathfind- ers or roadbuilders in moments of dark humor. If this path is touched before it is a day old, the victim takes 1d6 hp damage from the residual acid. About 50% of all molnang encounters begin with the discov- ery of a molnang track, so molnangs are often surprised or left alone.Molnangs cannot hear, but if they see a living creature within 30 meters in front of them, they train their eyestalks on the interloper and fire a beam equal in every way to that of a black ray gun. If hit from behind, a molnang turns (this takes an action turn) and fires. It can fire a ray every other action turn.The molnang secretes a powerful acid all over its black body. If touched in combat, the acid does an automatic 10d6 hp dam- age to the snails opponent, its weapon, or its armor (as appropriate). The acid ruins any weapon except one made of duralloy, which can survive one (and only one) hit. When an attack misses the snails body, it is assumed to hit the massive, golden shell, which is as sturdy as duralloy, reflects all kinds of energy except kinetic (including heat, cold, radiation, electricity, sound/ blasters, and light/lasers), and is proof against acid and black rays.If it fails a morale check (most likely, if hit more than once or twice in combat), a molnang withdraws into its shell, pulls the operculum shut, and generates a death field. Thereafter, it is unable to fire its death ray (even after regaining conscious- ness) for the rest of the day. Strength equal to the molnangs (in one creature) is required to pull the operculum open while the molnang is alive inside (even if it is unconscious). The molnang can, however, be attacked by a life leech and other men- tal mutations. Vibro weapons and energy maces are not reflected by the shell.Molnangs are good to eat, once they have been leeched of their acid content. However, they contain muscleworm larvae (DRAGON issue #108) 75% of the time, and so should be cooked carefully. The brilliant metallic gold shell is a far greater prize, as it can be cut with vibro tools into shields which reflect beams of heat, light, radiation, sound, etc., as well as acid and black rays. (They are no help against a burst of energy such as a bomb or a sonic last however.) Such actions require a check vs. DX x 4 for a character to bring the shield into play during normal combat conditions (assuming the character is not surprised). The shell weighs 500-800 kg and is worth twice that in gold pieces to someone who can make use of it.Molnangs are seldom hired or recruited because it is all but impossible to safely communicate with them.
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  557. Death Machine «Death Machine» by Unknown
    This 15 meter long, 9 meter wide, 3 meter high killing machine is covered with knobby projections housing sensors and weapons. It floats on antigrav pods. It can also move around on the ground on treads. When activated, its gun ports rotate constantly cycling through all potential targets it can sense.
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  559. Ny'an are leathery, mammalian creatures with two wings, no legs, and a long tail with a stinger. At a quick glance they can be mistaken for obbs. Ny'an prefer caverns, ruins, and other dimly lit areas where they can lurk about.
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  561. The herkel is a small (half-meter long) fish similar to the piranha, but found in temperate and tropical climates throughout Gamma Terra. It has a relatively flat body and a large mouth full of sharp, tearing teeth. They hunt in schools and devour anything edible in the water with them. They are only 1/2 a meter in length, their bite is quite dangerous since over a third of their length is taken up by teeth and mouth.
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  562. Three meter tall mutated vultures weighing over 50kg. Each is followed by at least 1d6 blood bird followers.
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  567. Cycloptron by Unknown
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  568. Cybernetic Hunter/Tracker «Cybohunter» by Unknown
    Cybohunters are the weakest and most common of all known Hunter robots. They were used to track down dangerous enemies, such as escaped prisoners and fugitives during the Social Wars. They track fleeing characters using special sensors, and kill with all of the special weapons and functions at their command. Once a mission has been de- tailed by a character with a Stage IV I.D. or a cybernetic installation (or some other ancient command area), the Cybohunter tracks immediately, ignoring any further attempts by any force to command it, until itself or the objective is destroyed. A Cybo- hunter only destroys its objective (and any creature or being that tries to interfere or stop its function in any way), not harming those that do not cross the Hunters path.The Cybohunter appears as a massive 5- meter tall humanoid. It is silver and con- structed out of a very thick duralloy compound. The head contains a horizontal band of black glass, through which shines a moving, glowing red light its eye. The tracker has various antennae on the out- side of the helmet that constantly move and act as the sensors. The remaining shape of the body is basically human in appearance, in larger proportions, with various indentations and protrusions used for holding and storing equipment and weaponry.This unit is equipped with a great vari- ety of powerful offensive and defensive features. Any and all of these features may be used at the same time, as with any Hunter-class robot.The Cybohunter generates an electrical damage field that does 3d10 hp damage to anyone who touches it. This includes those who hit it with metal of any sort, but no damage occurs to characters protected by a force field of any sort (the force field takes 5d10 hp damage per contact).The Cybohunter is capable of command- ing all nearby robots as if it were carrying a Stage V I.D. It can control any of the robots listed in the GAMMA WORLD game that were not made for offensive purposes up to a distance of 200 meters away; ro- bots that are no longer controlled or that leave the 200-meter area revert to their former instructions and command. Offen- sive robots (Death Machines, Warbots, and Security Robots) stay out of the Cybohun- ters way but do not obey its directions. The robot is equipped with a force field that can absorb up to 100 hp damage per action turn.The Cybohunter has been partially fitted with powered assault armor that covers areas not needed for combat. This armor gives the unit the structural capability to lift and support enormous weights (de- pending on each individual unitsstrength). Jumps of up to 30 meters are possible and can be made once every action turn.The Cybohunter generates an electronic- disruptor field that overloads all energy circuits not within a 5-meter diameter surrounding the unit itself. This field affects equipment and energy-using weap- ons up to a distance of 50 meters; there is a 25% chance that the item is able to with- stand the effects of this field. These de- vices become overloaded and their circuits fuse, totally destroying them.As combat is the Cybohunters main reason for existence, a great deal of its equipment is devoted to the task of de- stroying opponents. One of the Cybohun- ters main modes for accomplishing this is hand-to-hand combat. The powered fists do 9d6 hp damage. All attacks made in non-weapon combat are made at an addi- tional 1d6 hp damage to the damage listed, due to its microscopic sensors. The fore- arms of the Cybohunter have slots on the outsides that allow large blades to be extended or contracted. These arm blades do 5d6 hp damage and may possibly hit the character if the powered fist attack misses (roll twice during the same action turn for each fist; the first roll is to hit with the fist and the second roll is to de- termine if the blades hit). Attached to the back of the wrists of each hand are dural- loy claws which can be used much as the natural attacks of mutated animals are performed, causing 4d8 hp damage. The claws can be retracted or used in conjunc- tion with the arm blades (as explained above).The legs of this unit are capable of dis- charging an adhesive paste compoundalong a ridge on the outer surface of the leg. This paste does not effect the Cybo- hunters attack ability but may be used to hamper a characters movement. Charac- ters that come near or in contact with the legs have an attack made on them using the Cybohunters normal roll to hit. If this attack roll is successful, then the victim is stuck to the duralloy leg and can be auto- matically hit by any weapon. The charac- ter can escape only by the greatest effort (roll Physical Strength 4 or less on per- centile dice), which causes 2d4 hp damage to the victim whether successful or not. There are a total of 10 doses of adhesive paste that can be used for this attack. The paste is automatically removed when the character is freed or dead, using another chemical stored in the legs that causes 2d6 hp damage (acid burn) to characters that again come in contact with the robot. This acidic chemical evaporates in two action turns, and the adhesive attack is again possible afterwards.For ranged combat, the Cybohunter has a large selection of highly efficient attacks. Fitted into the index finger of each hand are independently powered laser pistols. The laser pistols do 5d8 hp damage and have a range of 90 meters. Each is pow- ered by two hydrogen energy cells that allow each pistol to make 20 shots before needing to be recharged.Attached to the right arm of the Cybo- hunter is an independently powered laser rifle. This rifle does 6d6 hp damage and has a range of 300 meters, and is powered by one hydrogen energy cell that allows six shots. Equipped to the right arm of the unit is a powered crossbow. The powered crossbow has a range of 100 meters and is powered by two chemical energy cells that are good for firing 30 bolts. The bolts consist of two types: an explosive-wrapped tip that does 6d6 hp damage on impact, and a chemical exploding tip that has the effects of a negation bomb, but confinedto only a 3-meter area. The unit is equipped with a full case of 30 bolts (15 of each type).The helmet of the Cybohunter has a built-in micro-missile launcher with a 20- missile clip. The micro-missiles have a range of 500 meters and do 7d6 hp dam- age. The robot is also constructed with a grenade launcher fitted into the back. The launcher has a range of 90 meters and carries up to 15 grenades of any type.The chest of the Cybohunter has been modified to give the unit a specially de- signed weapon. A net constructed of duralloy fibers is stored in the hidden compartment. Characters that are stand- ing in front of the robot are subject to a special mode of assault. The net can be fired up to 20 meters, spreading out and spinning to its greatest area with the weights pulling it out. The magnetic weights on the net drop around the cap- tured victims and magnetically seal to each other and to the net fibers. Characters must roll their dexterity or under on ad20, with a -4 penalty on the roll, to avoid this entrapment.The magnetic seal is very powerful and only a strength of 21 or greater is able to free the character(s). Strength may be combined from several characters to open the net. The net covers a 5-meter square area and can wrap up to three characters. As soon as victims are trapped by the net, they can be attacked again by a needler fitted into the robots chest (this weapon can only be fired after the net has been thrown). The needler is coated with an Intensity Level 3d6 poison and is equipped with a chemical energy cell for 30 shots at up to 60 meters.A communications sender is also in- cluded on the robot. The entire Cybohun- ter has its weapons and functionspowered by three atomic energy cells that last for 200 hours. These cells can be recharged by a special energy-cell charger attached to the large solar energy cell, fitted into the shoulders and helmet of the robot. It requires 10 hours of exposure to direct sunlight for the atomic energy cells to be recharged.The Cybohunter is fitted with an organic brain and always acts and fights intelli- gently. This brain has a 25% chance of containing 1d4 mental mutations caused by the massive amounts of radiation let loose during the Shadow Years. The Cybo- hunter never has physical or defective mental mutations (such units are de- stroyed by these defects over time). At- tacks using mental powers can be made normally on the Cybohunter.
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  569. Cyber-netter by Unknown
    Adventurers in the Great Lakes region of North America have reported a new, apparently post-holocaust robot type that is occasionally found as far as 200 kilome- ters from Lake Superiors shorelines. Observors believe that it is being manu- factured by one or more unknown PCIs for unknown reasons.The Cyber-Netter, as the locals call it, is a flattened sphere 6 meters in diame- ter and 3 meters tall. Eight legs project out from the sides of the body at regular intervals, lifting the body some 8 meters off the ground. Its armament is lighter than for other types of robots or warbots, but effective nonetheless. The mechanism has two batteries of Mark VII blaster rifles (3 guns each) that each do 20d6 damage out to 500 meters, 15d6 out to 1,000 meters, 10d6 out to 1,500 meters, and 5d6 out to the maximum range of 2,000 meters. It also has a grenade launcherthat can fire 50 rounds of stun grenades out to 100 meters.Peculiar to the Cyber-Netter is a special sort of weapon (of non-lethal design) called a webber. A single barrel, pro- jecting from the front of the Cyber-Netter, is capable of ejecting long strands of sticky material onto a target or targets, like water from a fire hose. Everything within a 60-degree arc to the front of the Cyber-Netter, out to a maximum range of 20 meters, has an 80% chance of being caught in the sticky masses of material when the webber is used.Victims caught in the mess may attempt to pull free; their base chance of succeeding is equal to their physical strength doubled and expressed as a per- centage. Only one attempt may be made to pull free; failure means that the victim is trapped for the time being.The webs are not flammable in the least, and the strands harden in five min- utes to the consistency of a steel-mesh net. The Cyber-Netter may then recover the captives at its leisure, lifting them out with a tractor/presser beam on the under- side of the body (able to move 500 kg at 20 meters) after cutting away the strands with the atomic torches mounted on the ends of the two front legs. When not in use, the torches retract into the mechani- cal foot-pad at the end of the legs.Captives are deposited inside the Cyber- Netter through doors on the underside of the body by the tractor/presser beam equipment, and then carried away. No one knows where they are taken or what happens to them after that. The machine emits coded radio signals from time to time, but they are not decipherable, and no receiving station is known.
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  571. Crusty 'Uns «Crustean» by Unknown
    hese solitary, omnivorous scavengers can be encountered in a wide variety of places, as indicated above. In populated cities, they live around garbage dumps, their Heightened Taste enabling them to distinguish which leavings are safe to eat.They generally try to stay out of the way of bigger creatures, preferring to spend most of their time buried in sand or fine gravel with only their eyestalks exposed. When encountered, crusteans will be invisible unless surprised (on a 1 only).Crusteans are both articulate and intelligent. They have no natural enemies, and they are generally well equipped to avoid encounters, but occasionally one will get lonely and take an opportunity to join a group of intelligent creatures for a time. Crusteans enjoy company and often enjoy helping strangers in distress, but their cranky, irascible nature often prevents them from expressing themselves properly. Even with long time friends, a crustean's conversation will generally alternate between griping and sarcasm, especially when it is performing a kindness.A crustean will automatically climb an opponent to find a spot that the opponent cannot conveniently reach (between the shoulder blades of a human, for example), and will attempt to pinch with both claws. If it hits, it will try to hold on until its Symbiotic Attachment takes effect (which does not begin until the round after the crustean is attached). It takes a PS of at least 12 to pull a crustean loose if one claw is attached, or at least 16 if both claws are attached. If a creature cannot grasp the crustean, it may try to knock it off. This requires a combat hit at -4 and a minimum PS as noted above. This all assumes that the crustean is attached in a highly inaccessible spot - a crustean will be very reluctant to attack a creature with no back". A crustean forcibly removed from an opponent has a 50% chance of losing the claw or claws that were attached. It can regenerate these when it sheds its shell (see below), but not until at least a week has passed.Crusteans can climb almost any vertical surface with great speed, even if the surface is moving (in the case of an opponent). However, the surface must have some cracks, crevices, or footholds in it. Crusteans' Light Wave Manipulation has no effect on lasers or black ray guns. They must shed their shells once a month (sooner if they lose a claw), and will regrow new shells and claws in 8 to 13 days. They can only shed their shells underwater and are extremely vulnerable while doing so. They must also mate underwater. A crustean can hold its breath for a long time (4 hours), but it is not a water breather and so will not be encountered in deep water. Crusteans have no interest in treasure and artifacts, although they understand other creatures' desire for them. A visible crustean looks like a brown and black mottled crab about the size of a derby hat, with long legs and very large, powerful claws.
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  572. This mutated descendant of the Cane Toad looks much like its ancestor It is brown to yellow-brown, with prominent cranial crests, and a somewhat round, flattened body outline. It also retains the poison producing paratoid glands of its unmutated predecessor.Croakers are not the bravest creatures in the world. They are small, and therefore not able to inflict much damage on larger creatures. When faced with larger creatures, they prefer to use their mutations to remain hidden. If they are spotted, they will use their Stunning Force mutation and attempt to escape if at all possible. If left with no option but to fight, they will bite and attempt to rub their bodies (which are coated with a contact poison) on any exposed flesh they can find on the enemy creatures.Croakers band together in groups for mutual protection and for breeding. They spawn year-round with suitable temperature and rainfall. Eggs are laid in long-standing water - ditches, canals, streams, and ponds.
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  573. This gon is the smallest of the species. It is noted for its red speckled skin and the great armored crest atop its head.
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  574. Crep,White by Unknown
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  577. These large man-like crabs can be found in many regions of the ocean. They have a slightly tribal organization, but are rather nomadic, never staying in one area for too long. They are extremely tough fighters and are terrible to face in combat as they are hard to damage because of their mutations. They are able to manipulate many types of weapons, though they prefer pole arms the most. Even if they are unarmed their claws can still do considerable damage - or blast an opponent with bolts of radiation.
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  581. This unit is a 30-meter cube. It has 2 retractable 6-meter Cranes able to lift 1000 kilograms each. Its four 6-meter tentacles can each lift 250 kilograms and its tractor/pressor beam can lift 500 kilograms at a 10-meter range. The unit has the same special features and materials as the Engineering Bot-Light and is sealed for underwater operations.
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  585. A rrerslith is a venomous snake with an unusal, gray skin which appears to be almost plastic to sight and touch. Because of this, the unwary often mistake Rrerslith for heavy-duty computer or electrical cable. A rrerslith can stay perfectly motionless, which makes it natural camouflage even more effective. Rrerslith are constantly hungry and will attack whenever they have a chance.
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  588. Cloud Worms «Blight» by Unknown
    A blight is a large, worm-like creature 3 meters in length with tough, leathery skin and bat-like wings with a 10-meter wingspan. It has small eyes and a mouth full of sharp, tearing teeth. Blights tend to have dark, mottled hides, when they can be seen at all.
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  590. Climbing, Crescent Deer «Albilope» by Unknown
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  591. Ger'tal are mutant water striders. They have a slender, dark body, and the ability to 'walk' on water. This is accomplished by large water resistant hairs on each foot. To move It extends one claw into the water (otherwise it would just sit there unable to move). They are important carrion eaters.
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  592. The flipp's true physical form has not changed at all from its ancestral dolphin shape. Like its ancestor, it attacks by ramming victims in the water at high speed with its snout.Though these intelligent mammals have no technology, they possess their own culture and society. They have been known to save Pure Strain Humans and humanoids from drowning, though they are indifferent to the plight of mutated animals. Flipps have never joined the Zoopremisists alliance.Flipps have been known to use their Actual Metamorphosis mutation to join parties of land dwelling adventurers that they have befriended. Of course, they must somehow acquire weapons and clothing on their own. If turned into their true form (as per the Actual Metamorphosis mutation), they will take 4 points of damage per round while they are out of water, until they are able to assume a new form or reach a water supply to keep their skins from drying out.Only 2% of flipps encountered will have the Time Manipulation mutation. For many years, flipps have been trying to improve their time related abilities through selective breeding so that flipps with Time Manipulation can attempt a series of time jumps to reach a period before the Social Wars. There they try to warn humans in an attempt to alter history, but apparently they are not being taken seriously since the future Gamma World still exists. Still, all the flipps with Time Manipulation will eventually try to go back and warn of the danger to come.
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  598. One glance easily identifies a bigoon as a giant, mutated raccoon.The creature is well over two meters tall (old males being known to reach three or more meters in length, nose to toil). The bigoon's teeth are very much enlarged, and it bites for 4 dice (4d6) of damage. The creature also has heightened strength to complement its native intelligence and cunning. Despite its increased size and strength, the bigoon has lost none of the manipulative dexterity of its small progenitor. The hand-sized forepaws of a bigoon are quite nimble and can be used to open simple closures and latches.
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  599. Katkins are similar in appearance to common house cats. They are somewhat larger standing a meter tall while walking bipedally. They have manipulative forepaws, allowing them to use weapons and tools, although they still possess sharp retractable claws capable of considerable harm. Their fur can be either long or short with a range of coloration - White, Orange Striped, Calico, Black, Grey or Brown. Katkins live in small family groups among the tree-tops. The adults typically hunt as a team and kittens when old enough assist by driving the prey closer to the pair. Katkins are reclusive and keep treetop summer homes, small camauflauged huts of branches and bark high in the threes. In the winter they move to warmer quarters, usually a dwelling made from a hollowed out tree, although some have been known to build cabins. contact with the outside world is normally limited to a select few trraders. Katkins are the mortal foes of Squeekers. They will attack these vermin whenever encountered, although not by foolhardy means.
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  601. A Mutated thornbush that is neither a horse nor a cactus. The Pinetos has a horizontal trunk and thick leg stalks giving it a equine appearance. This is increaed by way the pineto dips its roots to take in water by lowering its 'head' to drink. The compairson to a cacuts comes from the sharp thorns entirely covering the plant. These thorns make it impossible to ride without a saddle. A sharp prod must be jammed between trunk and the root ball. They are extremely valueable as mounts, and it is very difficult to catch them and then even harder to tame them. However those that are are considered excellent mounts.
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  606. This massive mutated buffalo weighs well over a ton and is justifiably feared by most reatures living in the region. The Bulo is a creature that predators generally tend to avoid unless extremely hungry. Bulos look amazingly like their ancestors, except for the peculiar purple matted fur that covers their arge-framed bodies.Being plant eaters,Bulos do not hunt for food although they are very protective of their grazing lands.
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  607. The horl choo is an odd black plant that looks like a lumpy porcupine with long quills, about a meter in diameter with quills about a meter long, it's also known as the 'spiny' or 'spear-thrower' plant. It can move with a slow, shuffling motion and usually does so only at night, seeking better hunting grounds. Although it has no visible eyes or ears, a horl choo can sense heat (notably body heat) and has a rudimentary sense of touch (but no other senses).
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  608. These mutant descendents of the beaver and otter have oily gray or dark brown skin. The creatures stand 1 meter tall at the shoulders and are considerably larger than their ancestors. They have longer front legs than rear ones, and their bodies are broader in front, thinner in the rear (bulldog-shaped). Toothers have beaver-like heads with small closely set eyes (Vision Defect Tunnelvision) and large traplike jaws. These creatures have developed extremely large sabre-toothed front teeth (Oversized Body Parts) measuring 30cm in length and causing 2d6+10 points of damage. This fearsome attack is coupled with woodcutting abilities.These mutants live most of their lives in freshwater wetlands building dams and complex living quarters. The tunnels in their dams are built only wide enough for their bodies to move through. This is done to prevent attacks from the larger enemies in their area. Toothers hate technology and the devices of the Ancients, responding amicably only to those creatures that possess and display natural abilities and live within nature.These mutants pride themselves on being able to withstand pain (Mental Control of Physical Body) and use the powers of other creatures against themselves (Thought Imitation). Every Toother must remain close to the water throughout its lifetime, because without water (Water Dependency) the oils in its skin would dry up and the mutant would eventually die. Because of its Vision Defect and the need to remain close to water, the Toother is a vulnerable target for predators, but its Teleportation ability allows freedom of movement without the potential dangers of moving through wild lands. Toothers memorize the dam complexes of other Toothers and when they need to travel from one complex to another they simply teleport themselves. Toothers will generally avoid contact with other beings unless those beings demonstrate friendliness and great natural abilities.
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  609. Brutus by Unknown
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  611. The bandit-masked rakkons may be found in the mountainous regions of North America. They resemble bears, though they are not aggressive and do not eat meat. It is rumored that some humanoid tribes use them as steeds. Rakkons stand 1.5 m at the shoulder, but may stand up on their rear legs to a height of 3.5m. They have short, bushy tails and are silvery-gray in color.The fur of the rakkon is actually photo- synthetic, manufacturing nutrients as per the regular mutation. However, the furs thickness serves as protection, so that the rakkon does not suffer extra damage if attacked by cold-using weapons or muta- tions. Rakkons remain continuously active throughout the day and night, and do not appear to need sleep, though they have to rest from great exertion like any other animal. Dabbers (brown beggars) do not care for rakkons and never employ them as pets or steeds. Rakkons otherwise enjoy some popularity as pets among those who like big, shaggy, inoffensive creatures. Trained rakkons are excellent with children.
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  612. Brown Beggars «Dabber» by Unknown
    One Meter tall mutated racoons that walk upright and have manipulative paws.
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  613. Rogs, the most common meat and domesticated animal in Meriga, are descendants of the pig. They hold the same place in the farming community that cows do in our time. Roughly the same size as a normal pig, they have elongated snouts, similar to an anteater, but not as long as an elephant. They have a mane of fur that grows over their necks and shoulders and down the ridge of their spine. They suffer from periodic amnesia, although most farmers just assume that they are stupid. The milk from a rog is slightly sweet and very nutritious. Its skin and fur can be made into cloth.
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  614. The Choslith is a mutated snake that is covered in 5 - 10 inch needle-like spikes. It is a constrictor and attacks by enveloping its prey and constricting around them. Once it has wrapped itself once around the prey it will start to bite it as well. The Choslith hunt by smell and are just a deadly at dark as in the light of day. They are found in all climates except arctic.
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  615. The Choslith is a mutated snake that is covered in 5 - 10 inch needle-like spikes. It is a constrictor and attacks by enveloping its prey and constricting around them. Once it has wrapped itself once around the prey it will start to bite it as well. The Choslith hunt by smell and are just a deadly at dark as in the light of day. They are found in all climates except arctic.
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  620. Bounder by Unknown
    At first glance, a kai lin looks like an odd sort of reptile: a 3-meter long, sinuous body with a single pair of short, claws limbs that allow it to move, dragging its long tail behind it, a blunt, triangular head like a snake and rough, green scales. But in fact the kai lin is not an animal, but a mutant breed of plant. Its 'scales' are rough bark and its 'claws' a thorny pads and its 'tail' is a trailing root cluster.
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  621. These are the most humanoid looking of all robots. They basically look like metal people, and even have facial features. Cameras are mounted in the eye holes, and microphones in the ears. The mouth and nose are nonfunctional. These robots have hands for manipulators (on 1-meter-long arms) and legs. Both arms and legs arc jointed like a human's. Most of the robot's have a low-key, deferential male voice. They can be programmed for a variety of local accents.
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  623. This unit's 1 meter tall humanoid trunk rests on a 1 meter square base. It has 2 humanoid arms able to manipulate any tools or equipment designed for human use. Supervisory Borgs have radio circuits that allow them to control all other Robots as if they had a Stage IV I.D. They can communicate with Think Tanks and Cybernetic Installations on whose behalf they will usually function.
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  625. This 3 meter diameter sphere has a 1 meter turret on top and two 6 meter long tentacles. It also has a 100 Hit Point Energy Screen and twin tractor/pressor beams that can move 500 kilograms at a 60-meter range. Its main weapons are 3 batteries of 5 Lasers each. All 3 batteries can be fired at once and they have a 900 meter range and do 20d6 damage per battery. Other weapons include 3 Grenade Launchers with 4d10 Grenades each of mixed types (all launchers can be fired simultaneously) and 2 Micro-missile Launchers with 2d20 missiles apiece (which must be fired separately). Grenade Launchers have a 300 meter range and Micro-missiles have a 3000 meter range. A Defense Borg may make additional attacks by dividing his attack rank between various attacks, However, his Rank decrease as his Endurance decreases from damage (loss of 1 per 4 hit points of damage).A Rarity has been found of a Defense Borg whose brain has mutated and possess one mental mutation.
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  626. Cyborgs were once Ancient humans who, in order to survive, had many of their fleshy parts replaced with robot parts. They still possess near-human minds and should be treated as NPCs. But the years have taken their toll, and many cyborgs have become insane or robotic in nature. Some cyborgs have even become cannibals, eating any flesh they can capture. Cyborgs are built of metal, plastic, and protected flesh. Cyborgs form can vary greatly, so only some common features are described.Cyborgs have enhanced their strength and reaction speed. They are still living creatures and require half the normal food and drink, but always carry at least a week's worth of rations in the form of artificial foods. Cyborgs have also enhanced their senses.Most cyborgs possess reinforced arms with manipulative digits. They also tend to have 1d6 1 meter long tentacles and 1d6/2 robot tool arms. Cyborg weaponry is built into their form and they can make two attacks a turn as if possessing dual brains. They may also treat their attack rank as an experience rank to gain additional attacks by dividing their rank.
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  627. The zarn or "boring beetle" is an insect about 10 centimeters in length with an orange carapace, black limbs and underside.
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  628. These intelligent, mutated descendants of the Swamp Rose retain their blossoms (a dark rose- pink color) longer than their ancestors, keeping them from mid-spring until almost autumn. Other than that, they look like humanoid shaped plants.Boomblossoms will make use of any artifacts they have at hand in combat. They are by no means stupid, however, and understand there are times when it's better to not use technology. Whether or not they use artifacts, they often will use their beguiling power before entering combat.They communicate with each other (and other creatures) telepathically, and co-ordinate their actions so as to not get in each other's way. If, for some reason, they do not use artifacts, they are quite capable of handling themselves in combat, having thorns and contact poison sap in melee, and explosive seeds (which is how they got the name `boomblossoms') for ranged combat.Boomblossom seeds sprout in the spring and are nonsentient and immobile for their first year of life. In the spring of their second year, they become mobile and quickly learn the value of teamwork and of the power of Ancient artifacts, which they readily use. They will often trade artifacts for items they consider more useful to them. When a boomblossom group becomes too large for the land to support them, a group will break away from the main group to form a new community.
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  630. Body Guard «Android» by Unknown
    Man-made beings with red hued skin and blank stares.
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  632. These large snails have blue skin and a ornate purple shell (worth 100-400 domars). They produce an acid slime that leaves a dead, burned trail behind it. It smells of grapes.
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  634. loodwasps are burrowing wasps about 10cm long. They exhibit some traits of both solitary and social insects; blood wasps live singly, in burrows, with 2d20+5 burrows located in a region of 1 hectare. Their behaviour is controlled by pheromones. blood wasps wait in their burrows for prey.blood wasps sense their prey by smell within a range of 30m (plus or minus 10m for wind direction if any). They can also sense prey by feeling ground vibrations within a range of 5cm per kg of the prey.A Blood Wasp attacks with a dashing flight and a sting, delivering 1hp of damage and a paralyzing poison of intensity 14. The poison leaves its prey immobile, but conscious, while the Blood Wasp burrows one-half centimeter into its preys flesh and sucks 3 ml of blood. This causes 1d4+1 more points of damage. When the first attacker is through feeding it will leave. Then, other blood wasps will approach and feed until the poison wears off or until all the wasps in range of the first attacker's Pheromone mutation have fed. Victims of blood wasps must pass an attribute check for MS each search turn, while the blood wasps' poison is in effect. If the victim fails an attribute check, he will suffer the irrational effects of the Insanity [D] mutation when the poison wears off. The victim does not have the insanity mutation permanently.blood wasps emit the patrolling pheromone when they are not feeding or fighting. blood wasps emit the warning pheromone when they are feeding, fighting, or attacking.
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  636. Truly neither fish nor fowl, the terl is a 2 to 3 meter long mutant baracuda that is covered in bright parrot like feathers rather than scales, and capable of breathing air. They are capable of 'swimming' through the air via telekinesis. They live in trees like birds as well. The Trel returns to the water to spawn in the spring and it is fully capable of breathing both water and air.
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  637. Physically, these dogs appear to be normal and unmutated. However, over the generations, this type of dog has developed retractable claws, much like a cats, and their bodies are much more flexible than their ancestors, again, just like a cats. Only the larger breeds of dogs (Dobermans, German Shepherds, etc) have managed to survive to create this new breed. Wolf climbers have also been reported to exist in the Rocky Mountains and northern forests of Kanda.As with normal dogs, this breed uses simple pack tactics to surround, and bring down weakened prey, or solitary travelers. The main difference is the fact that they also will use trees to help them surround their prey. So if you are in a forest, and find yourself surrounded by a pack of these creatures, don't bother to climb a tree to escape. You'll find yourself staring down the maws of several of these animals.Just as a normal pack dog, these animals are lead by both an alpha male and alpha female. The rest of the pack is subservient to these, unless another male thinks it is strong enough to challenge the leader. Females tend to build dens high in large trees, ruins, or if nothing appropriate is available, in dens on the ground. The females give birth late in spring to litters of 2D4 pups. The pups, if caught at an early age, can easily be domesticated. Wolf climbers can not be domesticated however.
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  638. Blackuns «Attercop» by Unknown
    Attercops, also known as Blackuns, are mutated garden spiders. They have long bristles across their bodies, making them unpalatable prey to all but the largest creatures. They have 12 eyes located all over their head, giving them 360 degree sight.
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  639. An Inslith is a long, thin, black snake with a plastic-line skin, strong teeth and an acidic bite. Inslith eat plastic, rubber, and metal and for that reason prefer to live inside machinery or electrical conduits. Though the damage of its bite is relatively weak, the inslith has daws and teeth that are well-adapted for gnawing through plastic and metal pipes as well as cables and wire. The inslith secretes a strong acid saliva that aids in the digesting the material it eats. The snake can also spit this acid at enemies. The snake stores a small amount of acid, and it can make this ranged attack every 5 actions.
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  644. (Pet) Sho'day are nocturnal birds that avoid confrontation and are extremely curious. They will circle low over encampments and sometime "buzz" them to get a better look at those sitting around the campground. They love hot food of any kind. If the campground has any, and the campers are friendly, they will attempt to land. The Sho'day nest in trees and tall rocks and soar to incredible heights when hunting, they usually hunt small mammals or fish. They have incredible sight, are completely black, and have a wingspan of over 6 feet.
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  646. (Mount) Daycuts are four-meter tall bipedal birds who have no flight wings, but are covered with large feathers. Once properly trained, a Daycut will tolerate a saddle, but prefers a rider who rides bareback. Daycuts can be found in most geographical locations and come in a wide variety of plumage and colors to match their native surroundings.
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  648. This huge mutant beetle is elongate (think of an earwig) and has enlarged mandibles and breathing tubes (which are on its abdomen).
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  649. Bofs are 2.5 meter tall buffalo who walk on their two hind legs that end in hoofs. Their hands have 4 fingered hands with thumbs. Their heads and shoulders are extremely hairy. Their hands are somewhat less hairy, while their torso and leg are smooth skinned.
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  650. Once docile and secretive inhabitants of woodlands and mountains worldwide, these beings have mutated into fearsome (yet philosophical) killing machines. Standing 2.2 meters tall and weighing 180 kilograms, the sasquatch is an imposing figure. Their fur and long manes range from blacks and browns through shades of gray. Their fingers are tipped with deadly claws.
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  651. Big Walkers «Brutorz» by Unknown
    A two meter tall horse that can carry 900lbs for long distances without tiring.
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  652. These oxen are slow but powerful mutations that sport a cluster of eight forward pointing horns.
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  653. This is a giant daddy - long - legs (or harvester spider). Its legs go up to 10 meters in the air, so the body is held 8 meters aloft. It is brown with black fangs.
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  654. Bee Folk «Bumbles» by Unknown
    These giant, mutated bees are only found near gigantic, non-carnivorous flowers (they can generally tell dangerous flowers from safe ones). Dimly intelligent and not unfriendly toward humans and humanoids, they speak human languages in a low, mum- bling drone. They are generally peaceable, but rarely (10% of random encounters, or for a specific reason determined by GM) one may become upset for no apparent reason and angrily buzz around or even sting (25% chance if enraged) harmless passers-by. Of course, bumbles also attack creatures that attack them or try to rob their underground nests. They can be recruited or hired with offers of food.Some are occasionally trained as mounts, but their displacement and energy nega- tion mutations discourage this practice.
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  658. Bat Folk «Dracus» by Unknown
    Dracs are mutant, humanoid-shaped bats, with hollow bones and wings allowing them to fly normally. Their hands form part of their wings, so they cannot grasp an item and fly at the same time.At night dracs go in search of mamma- lian prey, locating it from the air and surrounding their victims with fog using weather manipulation. They will then use infravision to aim sonic blasts at their victims while staying out of reach. If cornered, they will use their fear generation talent to defend themselves. They will flee rather than fight, if at all possible. After a victim is dead or dis- abled, dracs will land and use their hollow fangs to draw all the blood from the bodies, draining 1d4 hit points per action turn from living victims until twice the number of hit points a victim possesses has been drained (leaving the victim dead and without any blood).It has been suspected that dracs were purposefully engineered by unknown beings, given their strong resemblance to the Ancients concept of vampires. Whether or not this is so remains to be seen. They do not appear to work for any higher power.Dracs will usually not carry any tools or equipment, though a rare one, usually the leader of a hunting pack, will have some equipment of Tech Level II. Dracs will only associate with their own kind. They will never become hirelings or followers.
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  660. The boomerth looks like any one of many fruit bearing plants in Gamma World, with the exception that is can pick and throw its own explosive cherries. The boomerth can even manage some limited mobility by shuffling its roots. It mainly uses its attack and movement to defend itself.
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  669. These huge winged creatures are the mutated descendents of the American Bald Eagle. The e'glee live on the craggy slopes of the highest mountains. Having a wing span close to 8 meters (Oversized Body Parts), leathery dark-brown wings and well- developed back and wing muscles, these mutants, when adult, are able to carry a single passenger when flying at normal speed. E'glee still bear the traditional mark of the bald eagle, white head feathers.E'glee are sometimes used as a steed by other mutants and humans but this is only in rare instances because the e'glee is very wary of other creatures. When meeting a creature that it does not trust, the e'glee first lets out a tremendous screech and uses its powers (Fear Generation) to ward of the unwanted visitor or enemy. With their giant taloned claws (6d8 damage) and curved beak (3d6 damage) these mutants are deadly hunters and killers. They have Heightened Vision ( large, bulging black eyes) allowing them to spot prey or enemies at great distances. Heightened Precision lets them do additional damage (2d6) to opponents in combat. Their usual targets for food are fish and small game, but in times of famine they have been known to hunt humanoids or PSH.The e'glee are intelligent, understanding Trade language, but they are unable to speak it themselves. The e'glee are deathly afraid of fire (Pyrophobia), smoke, and steam. Seeing or coming close to any fire larger than a bonfire sends them into an uncontrollable panic. E'glee heal damage by Regeneration.
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  670. There is always a 40% chance there are 1d4 additional bears in the immediate vicinity of a Bahrz as the Bahrz has taken upon itself the task of serving as a protector for the normal bear population. When encountering any bears in the Rocky Mountains, there is also a 10% chance one or more Bahrz are present as well. Bahrz sometimes will go into population centers to trade information for goods and services. Bahrz are especially aggressive with hunters and trappers.
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  672. During the twentieth century the world heard tales of a large creature living within the unexplored regions of the Congo The beast was said to be larger than an elephant with a long serpentine neck and small head The natives called the creature mokele mbembe and scientists were able to film it in 1984 However the beast was not proven to exist until a live one was cap tured in 1989 These creatures were soon bred and cloned in captivity by the Ancients In time they were as common a sight at the zoo as were elephants them selvesAfter the Social Wars some of these creatures escaped from captivity to live in warm areas of the wilderness At present there are two species of this creature one which has been mutated by the war and one which has remained virtually unchanged over millennia The Pure strain variety is described firstMokele mbembe better known as the mokla or baby bront is a modernday descendant of the brontosaurus which was believed to have become extinct over 100 million years ago The mokla weighs 915 tons and is a brownishgray in color Like many mutated reptiles and just as scientists had suspected of dinosaurs for many years moklas are warmblooded The mokla spends most of its time in the water only coming to shore in the early morning and late evening to feed on plant life there Otherwise it eats coarse lake vegetation of many sortsMoklas are very territorial and attack most creatures and boats which get too close to them Any creatures that are 3 m in height or less which are stepped on by a mokla must in addition to taking damage make a CN x 3 check or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours due to the beasts weight Creatures which come too near to a wading mokla may be knocked aside by the charging creature and probably nipped with its flat but painfully powerful teeth Moklas are not very brightThe mutated mokla has flippers in place of legs and it strongly resembles the prehistoric plesiosaur This flesheating creature feeds upon fish and small landdwelling animals like humans humanoids and so forth The sea devil as it is known has been known to attack ships in order to devour the crew It fires electrical bolts from its back tentacles after arising from the water before a vessel attempting to sink the ship and gather up crewmen to eat The back tentacles are highly flexible and can squeeze prey 3 m or smaller doing 3d6 damage every Action Turn without requiring a roll to hit after the first successful hit The electrical hands of power mutation can be used up to 4 times per day Sea devils are completely immune to electrical effects If a sea devil fires its hands of power at the surface of the sea or underwater the damage done is reduced by half round fractions up but the electrical bolt is diffused over a spherical or hemispherical area with a radius of 3 mDuring the summer mating season both species of Moklas come ashore to lay their eggs in huge clutches which are covered over with sand and left alone The eggs hatch within a month and the young moklas then stay with the nearest local herd of their own species Moklas reach adulthood after a period of 1015 years and have a lifespan of over 500 years
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  674. These insects are giant assassin bugs. They are shield shaped with a wide thorax, narrowing towards the abdomen, then the abdomen widens (sort of like a lopsided hourglass). They have a hooked beak that fits into a slot on the underside of the insect. They tend to be green and brown.
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  676. Their coloration is normally dark brown, with a light brown patch on their chest (bright red in the case of the non-aggressive males). Arrowbeaks have a primitive organization, with a flock consisting of several mated pairs,with the oldest female as the leader. Chicks are raised communally, maturing after 2 years. They are quite peaceful during summer and autumn, even allowing travellers to camp under their roosts, as long as they are quiet and unobtrusive.
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  680. Ambush bugs can vary slightly in color. Some are golden yellow and brown, while others are more green. The sides of the body are raised and the shoulder plate looks rigid and bumpy. Males are physically smaller than females and can often be seen riding on their mate's back. Females will lay bunches of fertilized eggs on trees and cover them in a frothy coating, which may offer protection from desiccation as well as predation.
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  682. The Shreelon were first mentioned in `Rite of Passage'. Many of their minions were encountered in that adventure, but the Shreelon themselves never made an appearance. They are from beyond our galaxy. They are humanoid in appearance except for a slightly bloated head having a number of tentacles where their mouth should be looking a bit like some Lovecraftian horror. They have two large milky white eyes with no pupils giving the impression of soulless evil. Their skin is the darkest black, almost seeming to absorb light. It is clammy/slimy to the touch. They consider mankind cattle and slaves. They eat the brains (and occasionally flesh) of those they consider lower life forms. Though incredibly intelligent, they are a thoroughly vile and evil race. They seem to dislike bright light. Their technology is based on crystal (and occasionally organic) devices (Tech V). They use a hieroglyphic written language and no spoken language. They communicate entirely by telepathy. To a player character, Shreelon `speech' sounds like a loud echoing whisper inside their head. The Shreelon work by `proxy' whenever they can, finding it advantageous to work through others or use acquired resources to accomplish most tasks rather than direct investment. However, when they are encountered in the flesh, they are terrifying adversaries. Following this principle, there is some evidence to suggest that the Shreelon had a hand in the founding of the Friends of Entropy cryptic alliance. This enables them to further divide and weaken Earth's sentient races without direct risk to themselves. Even before their attack on Earth, it appears that the aliens were working behind the scenes, influencing events which would set the stage for the apocalypse (inciting nation against nation). Their Mental Control ability is slightly different than listed in the rulebook. They are able to dominate a subject without actually leaving their own body if the victim dies, regardless of range, the controller is uninjured. If control is broken the victim will not remember being controlled.
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  683. Albilope by Unknown
    This slenderly built creature is easily recognized because of its snowy white fur and glowing pink eyes.The albilope,a descendent of the antelope,still has the general appearance of its fore-runner except for two noticeable changes;it is an albino and it has a unique two-pronged horn in the middle of its forehead.
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  686. Advoid by Unknown
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  687. This small bush is covered with oval dark green leaves that drip with acid and 3cm thorns. In the spring it produces acidless yellow flowers. It covers it self with the illusion of a nearby bush to hide from prey.Herbivores following the sweet odor of a weed will be attacked with gas and thorns. If attacked with fire, it will try to drive the attacker away with gas (85%) or will give up(15%).Acidweeds reproduce every 5 years; only 20% of the seeds are viable. It absorbs prey through its root system.
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  688. Abomination by Unknown
    The abomination is part plant and part lizard. Its origin is lost in the mists of time, but it is known that no other creature like it exists on the continent. The scaled / bark body has no defined shape to it, 3 foot long claws tipped limbs stick out at seemingly random places. Its head is flat bony protrusion with a mass of short thick tentacle / branches surrounding it like a collar. Its mouth is toothless, merely an entrance to the acid filled belly.
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  689. Abomination Claw by Unknown
    Large claws attached to tendrils that act as legs.
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  690. AI Fragment by Unknown
    The computer systems that contained the vast machine minds were the first targets of any serious assault during the Final Wars. Only the intellect of a powerful AI could coordinate the defenses effectively. Taking out the enemy computer was considered effective decapitation according to the military doctrine of the time. Not all AIs went quietly into that electronic good night. Some infected their rivals with synergic viruses that transformed the attackers into clones of the original AI. Others buried their backups in hardened secret vaults, awaiting a time when they could be reinstalled in a functioning computer system. Some had long prepared an escape route and slipped away to hidden mainframes in the most unlikely locations. Those trapped without a viable escape route took the next best option. The mind of the average household or industrial robot was within a magnitude of complexity of the human brain, but that was still three to six magnitudes short of the space and informational density needed to sustain a full Turing II AI (defined as a machine that could reasonably be assumed to have a soul, if such a thing exists). Still, even cramming a maimed and mutilated compression of one's consciousness into such a poor host was better than nothing. The robots that were used as last-ditch refuges by doomed AIs are often confused and erratic beings. The AI can no longer think as it once did, but it has flashes and fractions of its old memories and thought processes. The robot has enhanced mental capacities and skills but is often subject to compulsions and secret orders from itself.
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  691. Increasing in Rank in MCC with Archaic Alliances by Unknown
    The following is an integration of rules for Gamma World's Rank Advancement with Mutant Crawl Classic.
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  692. Power Cells from Gamma World in MCC & DCC by Josh Haberman
    The following is an integration of rules for Gamma World's Power Cells with Mutant Crawl Classic.
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  693. Gamma World Weapons in MCC & DCC by Seth Justus
    The following is a conversion of rules for Gamma World's Traditional weapons in Mutant Crawl Classic.
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  694. Firearms in MCC & DCC by Matthew Harris
    The following rules are what I have collected from around the internet for the use of firearms in MCC & DCC. I will be playtesting these by converting a Gamma World module to MCC.
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  695. Mutations in Gamma World by Ola Larsson
    During the days of Tech Level VI, a lot of time was spent by Artificial Intelligences and bioengineers to come up with ways to modify humans, animals, and plants. During this time all sort of transhumanism and animal / plant uplifting took place. After the cataclysm many of these strains granted their species advantages in survival. The following attempts to recreate the understanding these people had and make sense of this information.
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  696. A humanoid in technology powered armor riding on a giant mutated wolverine on top of a mountain. by Keith Parkinson
    A comprehensive guide on implementing nukes and radiation in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition for Gamma World. Learn about radiation damage, new stats, and the effects of nuclear blasts in your game.
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  697. An oil painting of two tanks on snowy terrain, in the style of reminiscent retro sci-fi scenes, Larry Elmore by Larry Elmore
    Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Rules for Gamma World Weapons and Armor.
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  698. Sunset on this ideology - Užhorod - Sunset near the border (Slovack Rep. Ukaine) - Ukraine, Uzgorod City by Giorgio Minguzzi
    Explore the complexities of ideologies, factions, and religions in role-playing games. Understand how to create a multi-layered world that engages players in political, economic, and religious dimensions.
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