_Record Incompletion Notice: Role in Ecosystem Not Specified_ - This creature's database entry is incomplete. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' field has not been specified and may have been omitted during data entry.
Base Stock: Water Strider
MCC Stat Block: Ger'tal 'Water Walker' (2d4 (5)): Init +5; atk bite melee +3 (1d10+1); AC 14; HD 8D7 hp 32 each; MV Swim 15' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -2
Mutations: Energy Absorption; Gamma Eyes; Stunning Force
Number Appearing: 2d4
Morale: 7
Hit Dice: HD 8D7
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Small .5 - 1 Meter
Description (Initial Observations): Ger'tal are mutant water striders. They have a slender, dark body, and the ability to "walk" on water. This is accomplished by large water resistant hairs on each foot. To move It extends one claw into the water (otherwise it would just sit there unable to move). They are important carrion eaters.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: They lay flat on the water until possible prey or carrion is sighted. If the prey is live, the ger'tal moves within range of its stunning force and uses it. Anyone not stunned is bitten or irradiated to death.Ger'tal are found in clumps- that is in groups that have no interaction between members. They feed on anything living or dead on or near the water.
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