Reported By: Douglas A. Lent
in Dragon 98 - Ares Section June 1985 - GW2
_Error 410: Ecological Role Data Gone_ - The 'Roles in the World/Biome' information for this creature is missing. This data may have been permanently lost or was never recorded.
Base Stock: Common Gray Squirrel
MCC Stat Block: Garrel 'Sneakers' (1d4 (2)): Init +2; atk bite melee -2 (1d4-3); AC 18; HD 2D7 hp 8 each; MV 90' or Climb 45' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will -2
Mutations: Displacement, stunning force, teleport object
Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 3
Hit Dice: HD 2D7
Armor: 8 (AC 18)
Size: Small .6 Meters Tall
Movement: MV 90' or Climb 45'
Attack: Bite melee -2 (1d4-3)
MS: 5
PS: 3
IN: 6
DX: 14
CH: 3
CN: 7
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Various Nuts, Fruits, and Grains
Habitat: Temperate Forests
Tech Level: 0
- 0
Artifacts: (LOTS)
Description (Initial Observations): Garrels are agile mam- mals of reasonable intelligence that have developed several special skills to foil predators. They are intensely curious beings, and they love to collect small pieces of both metal and plastic, espe- cially if they are shiny, have strange shapes, or are in some other way attrac- tive to the garrel. Because of this, gar- rels often unwittingly have one or two small artifacts in their possession, mak- ing them targets for treasure hunters(especially for Archivists). However, it is unlikely that the garrels need fear extinction at the hands of such as these.When not gathering food, a garrel is always on the lookout for new items to add to its collection. Anyone who camps in or near a forest inhabited by garrels can expect at least one of these creatures to be lurking nearby, just out of sight. The garrel will wait until it sees something attractive thats also unguarded. It will then use its teleport object ability to gain possession of the item and will then return to its lair, most often a hollow tree trunk or a small burrow, where the garrel will put the item with the others it has accumulated.If a garrel is attacked, either by a predator or by angry beings whose equipment has been borrowed," its first reaction will be to flee, holding any treasures it has acquired for as long as it can, using its speed, agility, tree-climbing skills, and any available foliage to speed its escape. Garrels prefer forests with a thick blanket of undergrowth so that they can lose pursuit with a minimum of effort. During the chase, the garrel will trust its displacement ability to send it to safety if it is at any time in imminent danger of being killed.If displacement cannot be used, the garrel will then use its stunning force to buy time. Garrels are immune to the effects of another garrels stunning force attack. If both of the previous powers have been used and the garrel is still in danger, it will then attack its pursuer, biting with its sharp teeth and never relenting.
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