Description (Initial Observations): Bofs are 2.5 meter tall buffalo who walk on their two hind legs that end in hoofs. Their hands have 4 fingered hands with thumbs. Their heads and shoulders are extremely hairy. Their hands are somewhat less hairy, while their torso and leg are smooth skinned.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Bufs are extremely stubborn, mercenary in all their dealings, and not to be trusted unless the financial aspects of the dea are worked out in their favor in advance. Bofs develop family units they call herds, of an alpha male, and 4 to 5 beta males. The herd will then consist of a couple dozen females and their young. Young males, who are kicked out of their herd sell their services until they are old and experienced enough to attract females and start their own herds. A bof may show loyalty to an individual who has saved his life; this will override all thoughts on double crossing the person that saved them.
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