_Data Integrity Issue: Role Information Unavailable_ - We are experiencing an issue accessing the ecological role data for this creature. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' field is currently unavailable due to potential data corruption.
Base Stock: Green Tiger Beetle
MCC Stat Block: Ti'tal 'Green Lantern' (1d4 (2)): Init +10; atk bite melee +11 (1d30+6); AC 16; HD 19D7 hp 76 each; MV 45' or Fly 68' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2
Mutations: Heightened Speed; Gas Generation - burning; Poison into 12, Heightened Sight and Smell; Teleportation; Mental Reflection
Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 9
Hit Dice: HD 19D7
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Huge 6 m
Description (Initial Observations): This is a huge metallic green tiger beetle. It looks like a long thinner version of a ladybug. They hunt in the air in open areas and by foot in closed ones.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: They attack by running prey down. They are quite intelligent and will use the best tactics for hunting. It will teleport if the prey does not sense it as to gain surprise. It spays the prey with gas from its abdomen, ant then uses its rending mandibles. They, unlike most giant insects live more than 2-3 years, they can live to 45. Thus they do from loose linked communities, and will help each other. They are the major predators in the areas that they are found. They do, on occasion try to communicate with other intelligent beings, but it is unknown why, as they tend to eat those they speak to.
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