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Reported By: John M. Maxstadt in Dragon Magazine 126

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Western spadefoot toad.

MCC Stat Block: Reptoads (1d4-2 (0)): Init +1; atk see description; AC 20; HD 2D7 hp 8; MV 4' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +2
Mutations: Repulsion field (greatly improved) and physical reflection (thermal and nuclear).

Number Appearing: 1d4-2
Morale: 6
Hit Dice: HD 2D7
Armor: 10 (AC 20)
Size: Small 7 cm diameter

Movement: MV 4'

Attack: See Description

MS: 17   PS: 2
IN: 16   DX: 11
CH: 2   CN: 6

Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Small insects and invertebrates.
Habitat: Mud banks, dry grasslands, deserts, beaches, and other areas with loose, sandy soil.
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Reptoads appear to be nothing more than normal, olive-brown toads. They dig their lairs in sand, loose soil, or mud, leaving only their dark brown eyes showing. Unwary creatures have no chance of noticing these eyes. Creatures without heightened vision have only a 2% chance per action turn even if they are scanning the ground in search of a reptoad; creatures with heightened or otherwise highly superior vision have a 10% chance per action turn, and creatures with heightened or otherwise highly supe- rior smell have a 5% chance per action turn of locating a reptoad if they are actively trying.The mastery that reptoads have gained over force fields and repulsion fields is unparalleled in GAMMA WORLD game lands. Like standard repulsion fields, these fields last as long as the creature concen- trates on them. Reptoads can create an unlimited number each day. However, the reptoad has developed concentrative powers sufficient to maintain up to eight repulsion fields at the same time. The fields have a surface area of no more than 24 square meters, and must remain within 20 meters of the toad, but within those strictures, a reptoad can shape its repul- sion fields into any shape it wants a 2-meter cube, a circular band to bind opponents together, a 2 x 8 x 8 meter cage (with repulsion field bars and gaps between), or a toad-shaped force field. (Reptoads keep any one of these fields around their bodies at all times.) When it wishes to eat, a reptoad simply puts up an outside repulsion field around itself and its prey, and only then takes down the inside one surrounding itself; thus, it is never vulnerable.All of a reptoads repulsion fields are proof against any normal physical attack; physical objects cannot pass through or damage the field. Also, laser, blaster, and energy-weapon attacks cannot pass through the field, but they can hit and automatically do normal damage to it. Each field has 50 hit points, but the reptoad can instantly renew any broken repulsion field if it is alive, conscious, and still within range. Radiation, heat, cold, gas, mental attacks and stun rays do not affect the repulsion field; these attacks pass through the field, although the first three attacks cannot harm a reptoad.Twice per day, a reptoad can also create a long-lasting repulsion field identical to the others in every way except that it does not require the toads continued concen- tration to keep it up. These shields stand for 50 + 1d100 days or until destroyed by energy attacks, even if the reptoad dies, is stunned, or goes away. The area around a reptoads lair is often cluttered with old, forgotten, invisible cages.Reptoads are vicious and cruel, hating all larger forms of terrestrial life. Their favor- ite pastime is to trap creatures in repul- sion fields and watch them slowly dehydrate or starve to death. Fortunately, reptoads have never been known to coop- erate with anyone not even the Red Death. They care nothing for treasure or artifacts. The only creature feared by a reptoad is a sleeth, for a sleeth can dispel all of a reptoads repulsion fields just as if they were force fields.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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