Greaseballs «Slippings»


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Reported By: _Incomplete Record Alert: Reporter Information Missing_ - This creature's record is incomplete. The 'Reported by' field is missing and might have been lost in system errors or data purges. in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Food Source
Base Stock: Domestic Pig

MCC Stat Block: Slippings 'Greaseballs' (1d6 (3)): Init +8; atk see description; AC 19; HD 14D7 hp 56 each; MV 38' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -1
Mutations: New body parts (oil glands), and speed increase (improved)

Number Appearing: 1d6
Morale: 1
Hit Dice: HD 14D7
Armor: 9 (AC 19)
Size: Small 1 Meter Long

Movement: MV 38'

Attack: See Description

MS: 7   PS: 7
IN: 3   DX: 13
CH: 2   CN: 10

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Family group
Activity Cycle: A sounder, a family unit
Diet: Roots, fruits, nuts, insects, grubs, carrion, and garbage
Habitat: All temperate areas except ruins, deserts, and deathlands
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Slippigs resemble the pink, curly-tailed porkers of the pre-holo- caust era, but they are completely hairless. They are, of course, frequently attacked by carnivores, and their only effective defense lies in running away. They use their speed increase only when they can- not outrun a pursuer any other way. They are expert dodgers and almost never tire. However, they are no more intelligentthan an ordinary pig, so they can be trapped, or hunted and cut off by an expert team of hunters (GM may judge the effectiveness of hunting strategies). It is also possible to surprise a slippig and kill it with a single powerful attack before it has a chance to run.Slippigs secrete a very slippery oil similar to Kinetic Nullifier Fluid, which covers their entire bodies at all times. Any physical blow does only half damage to a slippig, since the sword, paw, or whatnot slides off on any roll except a 20. Any sort of grabbing maneuver (including a bite with a mouth of any size) causes the pig to spurt out of the clutches of its attacker, giving it a full Action Turn head start while its pursuer gets up or looks around for it again.As slippigs are basically herbivorous, they are often attacked, poisoned, radi- ated, or infected by plants. A slippig seri- ously hurt by poison, radiation, or disease is easy to catch, but dangerous to eat. Only the considerable fecundity of slippigs has enabled them to survive as a species.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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