_Warning: Missing Biome Role Details_ - Attention: The details regarding this creature's role in its world or biome are missing. This could be due to incomplete data collection or loss over time.
Base Stock: Snail
MCC Stat Block: Krea 'Hateful' (1d2 (1)): Init +4; atk bite melee +3 (1d3); AC 14; HD 9D7 hp 36; MV 10' ; 1d20+1d14; SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +0
Mutations: (P) Electrical Generation, Sonic Blast(M) Quick Teleportation, Pyrokinesis.
Number Appearing: 1d2
Morale: 2
Hit Dice: HD 9D7
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Medium 1.75m
Description (Initial Observations): The Krea looks like a nightmare. It is a snail that stands just over 5' in neight. The head of a Krea is a lime green frog like head. Four 15 foot tentacles splay out from beneath the head. It has a great gaping mouth that is lined with bony ridges as sharp as meat cleavers.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Krea are incredibly destructive just for the sheer cruelty of it. In addition to their fearsome attacks, they can teleport every third turn up to 100' away as long as the distance is in line of sight.
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