_Error 410: Ecological Role Data Gone_ - The 'Roles in the World/Biome' information for this creature is missing. This data may have been permanently lost or was never recorded.
Base Stock: Mayfly
MCC Stat Block: Euryl 'Mayday Bug' (1d4+1 (3)): Init +3; atk 2 x tusks melee +2 (1d12+1); AC 11; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV Swim 15' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -2
Mutations: Anti-Life Leech; Chameleon Powers; Detect Life
Number Appearing: 1d4+1
Morale: 8
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 1 (AC 11)
Size: Large 2-3 Meters
Description (Initial Observations): The euryl looks like most aquatic insect larvae: long, thin with the legs cramped up near the head. The long antennae, large tusks, and frilly gills on its abdomen identify it as a euryl (mutant mayfly). Unlike its ancestors, the euryl will remain in its larval state (but still will be able to reproduce). They are found in gravelly areas looking for food.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Euryl are non combative, and will not attack things larger than itself unless provoked. It uses detect life to sense prey and predators. If attacked it will try to flee.Euryl are hunted for food by MA and MH. In some areas they are an important farmed animal.
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