Thrum «Scorpito»


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Reported By: Scot F. Kent in MM2

Role: _System Retrieval Failure: Ecological Data Not Found_ - There is a failure in retrieving the ecological role information for this creature. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' data is either not present or inaccessible in our current system.
Base Stock: Scorpion

MCC Stat Block: Scorpito 'Thrum' (4d6 (14)): Init -1; atk 2 x claws melee -2 (1d3-3) and stinger x melee -2 (1d3-3); AC 13; HD 2D7 hp 8 each; MV 13' or Fly 20' ; 1d20; SV Fort -2, Ref -2, Will +0
Mutations: Wings

Number Appearing: 4d6
Morale: 9
Hit Dice: HD 2D7
Armor: 3 (AC 13)
Size: Tiny 5 cm

Movement: MV 13' or Fly 20'

Attack: 2 x Claws melee -2 (1d3-3)
Stinger x melee -2 (1d3-3)

MS: 11   PS: 3
IN: 2   DX: 5
CH: 1   CN: 4

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Non-arctic Forest, Hills, Desert
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): A scorpito is a mutated form of scorpion. The creatures are approximately 5 centimeters long. They are equipped with a pair of pincers, a jointed tail tipped with a stinger, and a pair of membranous wings.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: The stinger injects intensity 5 debilitative poison on a successful attack. Scorpitoes have two eyes forward and three additional eyes on both sides of their bodies. The quality of their vision, however, is very poor. They can't see clearly, but they are attracted to motion due to their numerous eyes. Male scorpitoes are typically broader and have longer tails than the females. When resting or waiting for prey, they will typically hide in a concealed location in a group of rocks or on the limbs of leafy trees. When flying, a swarm of scorpitoes makes a loud thrumming sound that can be heard from several hundred meters away. The sound is quite recognizable and most creatures known to stay away from it. While a single scorpito is not a particularly dangerous adversary, a swarm can be deadly. The creatures usually attack only in self- defense or for food. They have a voracious appetite in order to provide energy for flight, however, so hearing a swarm approaching is a sure sign that they are hunting.A swarm of scorpitoes will usually attack all at once. It is rare for them to retreat once an attack has begun. This is usually an all-out offensive with the goal of killing the prey. The intent is to land on the prey so that its pincer and tail attacks can be used. When flying, a scorpito can only use its pincer attacks. A successful pincer attack will allow the creature to land and use its stinger attack on the next round. The scorpito may use its pincer to hold on to the victim after it has landed. In this case, it can only attack with one pincer and its stinger. A successful attack on the scorpito is needed to dislodge it.In-fighting within a swarm is typical, though the intent is usually to subdue rather than kill. Males generally lead attacks when hunting, though an attack swarm may also include females without young. The swarms typically do not stay in one area for very long. They can essentially be considered nomadic. Potential prey usually becomes scarce after the animals in an area learn to associate the thrumming noise of the swarm with danger.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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