Lizard Fish «Cren Tosh»

Reported By: James M. Ward and Gary Jaquet in 1st Edition

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Pike / Alligator

MCC Stat Block: Cren Tosh 'Lizard Fish' (1d3 (2)): Init +1; atk bite melee +3 (1d4+1); AC 17; HD 5D7 hp 20 each; MV 30' or Swim 60' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref -2, Will -1
Mutations: (P) Shapechange into Lizard

Number Appearing: 1d3
Morale: 6
Hit Dice: HD 5D7
Armor: 7 (AC 17)
Size: Medium 2M Long

Movement: MV 30' or Swim 60'

Attack: Bite melee +3 (1d4+1)

MS: 7   PS: 14
IN: 3   DX: 5
CH: 3   CN: 7

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Mated Pair (with young)
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Pond, Lake, or Swamp or any land next to these features
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: X

Description (Initial Observations): The cren tosh (or "lizard fish" as it is sometimes known) is a 2 meter long fish with silvery-green scales and a relatively flat body. With its mutant shapechanging ability, it can appear as various other creatures and even operate on land for up to 24 hours at a time.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: The transformation power can only be used once every 24 hours. In the water the fish lives under the overhanging banks where it makes its nest which it lines with shiny objects. It is a vegetarian.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Cren tosh live in lakes, rivers, or steams, burrowing long tunnels into the muddy banks to use as a nest. They line their nests with shiny pebbles and objects they have collected, and lay their eggs there. They defend the nest fiercely until the eggs hatch, then the young cren tosh are left on their own.

Additional Creatures

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