Gas Cloud «Mught»


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Reported By: Kim Eastland in GW08 Module

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: Mught 'Gas Cloud' (1d2 (1)): Init +1; atk see description; AC 30; HD 2D5 hp 6; MV Fly 45' ; 1d20; SV Fort -3, Ref +0, Will -3
Mutations: Special

Number Appearing: 1d2
Morale: 13
Hit Dice: HD 2D5
Armor: 20 (AC 30)
Size: Variable

Movement: MV Fly 45'

Attack: See Description

MS: 3   PS: 3
IN: 10   DX: 12
CH: 0   CN: 2

Frequency: Extremely Rare
Organization: Positive and Negative Pair
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Electricity
Habitat: Ruins and places where electricity is stored, collected, or charged.
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Mught are gaseous creatures that live on stored energy, such as batteries, energy cells, and the like. they can detect stored energy at a range of 130 meters. They are constantly on the move and can control the direction of their bodies under normal inside air currents. Because of this they will never go outside, but rather travel long distances through fissures in the earth, old undergound pipes or cables, and so forth. They can easily travel wihtin a building through air ducts, under doors, etc. They are easy to spot in dim light and look like miniature rolling clouds

Equipment: Mught are often found around charged energy cells, electrocal generating equiptment, or operational machines. While Mught do not have any treasure of their own, they are often an indicator of operational look admist junk.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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