Reported By: Randy D. Johns
in Dragon 98 - Ares Section June 1985 - GW2
_System Retrieval Failure: Ecological Data Not Found_ - There is a failure in retrieving the ecological role information for this creature. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' data is either not present or inaccessible in our current system.
Base Stock: Garter Snake
MCC Stat Block: Hogart 'Thunderbirds' (1d4-2 (0)): Init +4; atk bite melee +9 (1d30+6); AC 15; HD 9D7 hp 36; MV 4' or Fly 45' ; 1d20+1d14; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +2
Mutations: Heightened sense (vision), new body parts (feathered wings), sonic boom generation (see below), taller
Number Appearing: 1d4-2
Morale: 7
Hit Dice: HD 9D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Gargantuan 30 Meters Long
Movement: MV 4' or Fly 45'
Attack: Bite melee +9 (1d30+6)
MS: 16
PS: 60
IN: 13
DX: 7
CH: 3
CN: 16
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Mated Pairs
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: arctic and Subarctic regions
Tech Level: 0
- 0
Artifacts: (LOTS)
Description (Initial Observations): This mutant snake has changed beyond recognition since the Social Wars, and it now lairs in mountainous regions and near the north and south polar areas. Being clumsy and slow on land, the hogart prefers to stay aloft and avoids contact with almost all other creatures.The hogart is capable of creating sonic his mutant snake has changed beyond recognition since the Social Wars, and it now lairs in mountainous regions and near the north and south polar areas. Being clumsy and slow on land, the hogart prefers to stay aloft and avoids contact with almost all other creatures.The hogart is capable of creating sonic booms from snapping its wings. Sonic boom generation is a conscious physical mutation, useable three times per day, and it will affect all those within a 20-m radius in front of the hogart. The sonic boom blast causes 6d6 points damage, and all those who fail a constitution check (CON x 5) will become deaf for 24 hours. A hogart will only attack out of hunger or if attacked first.The hogart has learned to use its heightened vision to scan intelligent parties carefully from high altitudes, thus avoiding the more dangerous oppo- nents. If necessary, a hogart will delay attacking an enemy until the opponent is engaged in combat with another crea- ture or until the opponent is asleep. The hogart will then drop out of the sky like a rock, coming to a sudden halt directly over the victim as it snaps its wings and generates the sonic boom. It can then hover and continue to generate thesonic boom every action turn thereafter. Hogarts can sometimes (if carefully approached) serve as guides, for theyknown the territory around their snowy lairs very well. Hogarts do not like yexils for some reason, and often attempt to blast them out of the sky.Hogarts have snow-white scaly skin and feathered wings, with a coarse blue mane running from the backs of their heads to their tails. Their wing feathers are highly prized for decorative pur- poses, and four sacks full of feathers (as much as can be taken from a hogart) would be worth about 150 gold pieces.
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