
Reported By: Roger Moore in Dragon Magazine 075

Role: Robot
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: #N/A
Mutations: Unknown

Number Appearing: 1
Morale: More observations needed
Hit Dice: #N/A
Armor: AC: 1 (#VALUE!)
Size: Unknown

Movement: MV 23'

Attack: See Description

MS: More observations needed   PS: More observations needed
IN: More observations needed   DX: More observations needed
CH: More observations needed   CN: More observations needed


Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Tech Level: -
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Adventurers in the Great Lakes region of North America have reported a new, apparently post-holocaust robot type that is occasionally found as far as 200 kilome- ters from Lake Superiors shorelines. Observors believe that it is being manu- factured by one or more unknown PCIs for unknown reasons.The Cyber-Netter, as the locals call it, is a flattened sphere 6 meters in diame- ter and 3 meters tall. Eight legs project out from the sides of the body at regular intervals, lifting the body some 8 meters off the ground. Its armament is lighter than for other types of robots or warbots, but effective nonetheless. The mechanism has two batteries of Mark VII blaster rifles (3 guns each) that each do 20d6 damage out to 500 meters, 15d6 out to 1,000 meters, 10d6 out to 1,500 meters, and 5d6 out to the maximum range of 2,000 meters. It also has a grenade launcherthat can fire 50 rounds of stun grenades out to 100 meters.Peculiar to the Cyber-Netter is a special sort of weapon (of non-lethal design) called a webber. A single barrel, pro- jecting from the front of the Cyber-Netter, is capable of ejecting long strands of sticky material onto a target or targets, like water from a fire hose. Everything within a 60-degree arc to the front of the Cyber-Netter, out to a maximum range of 20 meters, has an 80% chance of being caught in the sticky masses of material when the webber is used.Victims caught in the mess may attempt to pull free; their base chance of succeeding is equal to their physical strength doubled and expressed as a per- centage. Only one attempt may be made to pull free; failure means that the victim is trapped for the time being.The webs are not flammable in the least, and the strands harden in five min- utes to the consistency of a steel-mesh net. The Cyber-Netter may then recover the captives at its leisure, lifting them out with a tractor/presser beam on the under- side of the body (able to move 500 kg at 20 meters) after cutting away the strands with the atomic torches mounted on the ends of the two front legs. When not in use, the torches retract into the mechani- cal foot-pad at the end of the legs.Captives are deposited inside the Cyber- Netter through doors on the underside of the body by the tractor/presser beam equipment, and then carried away. No one knows where they are taken or what happens to them after that. The machine emits coded radio signals from time to time, but they are not decipherable, and no receiving station is known.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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