Bot «General Household Robotoid»


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Reported By: James M. Ward in 0th Edition - Metamorphosis Alpha

Role: Robot
Base Stock: Robot

MCC Stat Block: General Household Robotoid 'Bot' (1d10 (5)): Init +3; atk 2 x grippers melee +4 (1d6+1) and 2 x tentacles melee +4 (1d7+1); AC 14; HD 5D12 hp 33 each; MV 23' ; 1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -1
Mutations: None

Number Appearing: 1d10
Morale: More observations needed
Hit Dice: HD 5D12
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Medium 2 Meters tall

Movement: MV 23'

Attack: 2 x Grippers melee +4 (1d6+1)
2 x Tentacles melee +4 (1d7+1)

MS: 6   PS: 13
IN: 2   DX: 9
CH: 16   CN: 16

Mission: To perform household tasks, including cleaning, maintenance, and personal attendance.

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Electricty
Habitat: Ancient homes, Ruins, Wasteland
Tech Level: 4 - 6
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): These are the most humanoid looking of all robots. They basically look like metal people, and even have facial features. Cameras are mounted in the eye holes, and microphones in the ears. The mouth and nose are nonfunctional. These robots have hands for manipulators (on 1-meter-long arms) and legs. Both arms and legs arc jointed like a human's. Most of the robot's have a low-key, deferential male voice. They can be programmed for a variety of local accents.

Equipment: The household robot is equipped with a cleaning and polishing attachments, maintenance tools, a trash compacter, a vacuum unit (with hose), an incinerator, a storage bin and a spray nozzle attached to small tanks of cleaning liquids, disinfectants, insecticides, communicator, fire extinguisher, flashlight, voltmeter, external thermometer, and hot plate in the palms. It has a replay video screen built into its chest. Generally, the house would have re-mote cameras that the robot could monitor or display on the same video screen.

Reactions: The lowest level of common I.D. card was for children. It allowed them a very limited set of commands for the robot. They could not order the robot out of their presence. It would not let them engage in harmful activities, even if they tried to order it to do so. Adults had higher level common I.D. cards without these restrictions. Owners had a supervisor's card and maintenance card. Programmers cards were highly restricted and only the manufacturer had them. Household robots would obey almost any civil authority card, particularly those from emergency services. They ignore security cards. As a rule, the household robot is very polite and will perform harmless tasks given it by people that don't even have an I.D. card. However, such a request is ignored if the robot has a task, or if it would cause harm to people or property, or if it would leave a stranger unattended in what the robot considers its home territory.

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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