Rok'Ee «Skwil»


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Reported By: Michael Price & Garry Spiegle in GW03 - The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Squirrel

MCC Stat Block: Skwil 'Rok'Ee' (1d6+1 (4)): Init +3; atk bite melee +1 (1d8); AC 17; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 23' or Fly 23' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +0
Mutations: Beguiling; Doubled Pain [D]; Empathy; Heightened Balance; Physical Reflection; Stunning Force; Teleport Objects; Total Healing; Weather Manipulation

Number Appearing: 1d6+1
Morale: 5
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 7 (AC 17)
Size: Small 1 Meter

Movement: MV 23' or Fly 23'

Attack: bite melee +1 (1d8)

MS: 11   PS: 10
IN: 5   DX: 15
CH: 8   CN: 8

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Scurry
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Herbivore
Habitat: Forests and woodlands
Tech Level: 0 - 2
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Skwil are dog-sized mutant squirrels that inhabit most of Gamma Meriga's wilderness. This shy creature is easily recognized by it's curly light brown, gray, and black spotted fur, and it's large zebra striped prehensile tail. These mutated squirrels are so shy that they use their Empathy powers to detect the approach of other beings and can only be surprised on a roll of 1. If they feel sufficiently threatened by the approaching creature, they will use any number of protective mutations (Beguiling, Physical Reflection, Stunning Force, Teleport Objects, or Weather Manipulation) to ward off the intruder. These mutants are quite acrobatic (Heightened Balance) and live most of their lives in the branches of trees.Skwil are mildly intelligent and can speak in short simple phrases when using Trade language. They love collecting shiny items and stealing things from other creatures (Teleport Objects). These mutated squirrels are able to use small weapons and items of the Ancients with their front paws. Their main source of food are berries, nuts, and fruit found in the fertile wilderness. Skwil often, because of immediate dangers or because of incredible laziness, teleport food from neighboring trees or bushes into their paws. Although these mutants are very sensitive to pain (Doubled Pain [D]) they overcome this debilitating defect by employing their powerful mutation, Total Healing.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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  1. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️Rok'Ee «Skwil»☢️⚙️🛠️🐾
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