_System Retrieval Failure: Ecological Data Not Found_ - There is a failure in retrieving the ecological role information for this creature. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' data is either not present or inaccessible in our current system.
Base Stock: Jellyfish - Man of War
MCC Stat Block: Armada 'Man-o-War' (1d4 (2)): Init +1; atk see description; AC 10; HD 2D7 hp 8 each; MV Fly 4' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -2
Mutations: Gas Bags; Poison paralytic; Acid
Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 5
Hit Dice: HD 2D7
Armor: 0 (AC 10)
Size: Large 3m+
Description (Initial Observations): No doubt about it, the brilliant hues that this mutant species of Portugese Man-O-War comes in are a warning of extreme danger for anything that crosses it's path. Armadas float slowly along coastal rivers and streams, supported about 2-3m above the surface by a natural hydrogen balloon, aided by the wind, or pulling themselves by their larger, visible tentacles if the air is still.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: It hunts by means of a etheral network of almost invisible stinging filaments that float in a 2m radius around the creature's main body, that carry an intensity 16 Paralytic Poison. Only a faint, silvery shimmer in the air around the Armada betray's the filament network's presence. Once a victim is paralysed, the jellyfish pulls itself rapidly toward it's prey and attacks with it's deadly main cluster of tentacles, that combine an Acid Attack that does 2d6 per round of contact, and an Intensity Level 17 Poison. While it mainly targets smaller birds and insects, it's more than able to digest prey of any size. Armada's reproduce by budding, and most specimens encoun- tered have 1d6 smaller hydrogen pods. These begin life as extra support balloons for the tentacle network, and split off to become independent adults when they grow large enough. One of the best ways to handle one of these creatures is to attempt to nail the hydrogen balloons from a distance, but this should be done carefully, because the gas inside has a tendency to explode, blanketing a 10m area with loose filaments and tentacles segments, which usually take a couple days to lose their potency.
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