Seer Lizards «Sleeth»


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Reported By: James M. Ward and Gary Jaquet in 1st Edition

Role: Race
Base Stock: Alligators

MCC Stat Block: Sleeth 'Seer Lizards' (1d10 (5)): Init +5; atk weapon melee +9 (1d10+6); AC 15; HD 10D7 hp 40 each; MV 30' ; 1d20+1d14; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1
Mutations: (M) Plant Control, Precognition, Telepathy, Total Healing

Number Appearing: 1d10
Morale: 12
Hit Dice: HD 10D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Medium 2 Meter

Movement: MV 30'

Attack: Weapon melee +9 (1d10+6)

MS: 15   PS: 40
IN: 10   DX: 11
CH: 10   CN: 15

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: College
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Any temperate / tropical / non-arid except mountains
Tech Level: 3 - 6
Artifacts: I, W

Description (Initial Observations): Sleeths are highly intelligent mutated lizards who walk erect. They have hands with opposable tumbs. They tend to live in small, peaceful, scholarly communities.

Description (Additional Observations): Sleeths are lizard-like humanoids, the intelligent descendants of alligators . They have an erect stance, tails, long snouts, and dexterous hands . They are dark green in color.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: All Sleeths each have one non-defect random non-species mental mutation. They are immune to illusions and can negate force fields within 30 meters of them. Sleeths will almost always (90%) befriend travelers, providing assistance when necessary.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Sleeths live in peaceful, scholarly communities. Each sleeth village is headed by a dean, who often presides over a governing body called a faculty. In times of trouble, the deans of neighboring villages gather together and form a college . They then elect a president from among their number to preside during their decision-making. Once the trouble is dealt with or the major decision made, the college and presidency dissolve, and the deans return to their villages. The faculty is composed of professors, the most respected members of sleeth society. Beneath the professors are teachers and students. Visitors are often referred to as transfers. Sleeths tend to be friendly to transfers . They are subtly arrogant in the extreme , however, believing themselves to be men tally superior to all other races. Sleeths build beautiful villages and towns. They make full use of their plant control ability. Though sleeth villages and towns are mostly Tech Level III, they almost always contain high-tech items. These items are put to easse living contiinos and for defense.

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