Heavy Construction Bot «Engineering Bot, Heavy Duty»
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Reported By: James M. Ward
in 0th Edition - Metamorphosis Alpha
Role: Robot
Base Stock: Robot
MCC Stat Block: Engineering Bot, Heavy Duty 'Heavy Construction Bot' (1d4 (2)): Init +7; atk 4 x tentacles melee +13 (1d14+6); AC 18; HD 13D12 hp 85 each; MV Treads 150' or GravPods 100' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1
Mutations: None
Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 6
Hit Dice: HD 13D12
Armor: 8 (AC 18)
Size: Gargantuan 18 by 6 meters
Movement: MV Treads 150' or GravPods 100'
Attack: 4 x Tentacles melee +13 (1d14+6)
MS: 6
PS: 150
IN: 6
DX: 11
CH: 16
CN: 16
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Programmed
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: None
Habitat: Any
Tech Level: 5
- 7
Artifacts: None
Description (Initial Observations): This cigar-shaped unit is 18 meters long and 6 meters in diameter. Its 4 retracting 12 meter long cranes can lift 2000 kilograms each and its 8 heavy duty 18-meter long tentacles can handle 800 kilograms each. The Robot also has four 6-meter tentacles for handling human equipment. A tractor/pressor beam can lift 2000 kilograms at a 30-meter range. Special equipment includes batteries of 2d4 sonic torches, lasers, atomic torches and power tools. Most units also have 6d12 triangular duralloy sheets and a supply of assorted rivets, plates, bolts, etc. plus the special tools needed to use them. All units are sealed for underwater use.
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