Yellow Living Mold «Cyn I'xon»


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Reported By: Kim Eastland in GW08 Module

Role: Mold
Base Stock: Mold

MCC Stat Block: Cyn I'xon 'Yellow Living Mold' (1d3 (2)): Init +2; atk 3 x claws melee +1 (1d8); AC 12; HD 3D5 hp 9 each; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Mutations: (P) Animal Parts - Claws (M) Intution. Takes damage from energy weapons.

Number Appearing: 1d3
Morale: 8
Hit Dice: HD 3D5
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Small 1 Meter Sphere with 3 arms and 3 legs

Movement: MV 30'

Attack: 3 x Claws melee +1 (1d8)

MS: 9   PS: 10
IN: 9   DX: 10
CH: 0   CN: 12

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Symbosis
Activity Cycle: Any, but out of the sun
Diet: Symbotic
Habitat: Underground Tunnels, caves, or installations
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: None

Description (Initial Observations): The sarbis looks strikingly like a 2-meter-tall bipedal aardvark. Its body is covered with coarse yellow to gray fur, and its face is dominated by a long snout. The hands, while manipulative, end in powerful claws good for digging and fighting. Sarbises can be found in almost any terrain except the coldest. Their settlements or camps invariably signal the presence of minerals, for the sarbis are passionate miners. The camps are a mixture of above and underground constructions. Sarbises are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to 'claim-jump' their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings. Sarbises rely on trade for food, clothing, and other interesting goods. In exchange, they sell refined minerals ingots of pig iron, copper, lead, tin, nickel; bags of sulphur, salt, and coal; whatever is useful from the earth. Because few others have the talent to dig and smelt these needed metals, sarbises are often left unmolested, even in the most hostile territories. Each camp is ruled by a strong man, a single leader who achieved his position through bullying and threat. All trading in the camp is controlled by the strong man or his minions. Sarbises will often buy artifacts useful to mining, sometimes offering other artifacts or to make useful implements in exchange.

Reactions: It is the most common type fo I'Xon. If destroyed, dried for 2 days in the sun, mixed with Tabacco and smoked, it will provide the smoker with the equivalencey of full resistance to Intensity 9 or less gas or spores for 24 hours. One wedI'Xon makes three doses.

Behavior: Varks are not warlike creatures, and mainly prefer to be left alone. They favor defensive tactics, especially burrowing out of danger. However, once roused, they are tenacious fighters and will continue until death or victory is gained. They are quite comfortable with most types of Tech III weaponry and will use it to their best advantage. Sarbises are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to 'claim-jump' their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Sarbises can be found in almost any terrain except the coldest . Their settlements or camps invariably signal the presence of minerals, for the sarbis are passionate miners . The camps are a mixture of above- and underground constructions. Sarbies are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to 'claim-jump' their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings. Sarbises rely on trade for food, clothing, and other interesting goods. In exchange, they sell refined minerals-ingots of pig iron , copper, lead, tin, nickel, bags of sulphur, salt, and coal; whatever is useful from the earth. Because few others have the talent to dig and smelt these needed metals, sarbises are often left unmolested, even in the most hostile territories . Each camp is ruled by a strong man, a single leader who achieved his posmon through bullying and threat . All trading in the camp is controlled by the strong man or his minions. Sarbises will often buy artifacts useful to mining, sometimes offering other artifacts or to make useful implements in exchange.

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