Ecobot - park


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Reported By: Ted Tschopp in Ted Tschopp

Role: Robot
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: #N/A
Mutations: Unknown

Number Appearing: More observations needed
Morale: More observations needed
Hit Dice: #N/A
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Unknown

Movement: MV 10'

Attack: See Description

MS: More observations needed   PS: More observations needed
IN: More observations needed   DX: More observations needed
CH: More observations needed   CN: More observations needed

Mission: To Care for the crops, animals, buildings, grounds of a farm

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Tech Level: -
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): An ecobot is basically humanoid, and is most notable feature is its four evenly spaced arms. It has two legs and 1 1/2 meter long arms with hand manipulators. Half of its large, barrel-like chest is a sorage tank (100 liters) for whatever needs to be carried: seed, water, milk, feed. etc. It has a polite but firm, male voice.

Equipment: The ecobot comes standard with an envirolyzer, soil analyzer, shovel, IR camera, 5x range telescope, radio, spotlights, stun ray pistol, and chainsaw

Reactions: A common I.D. card allows the operator to com-mand the robot to perform any menial farm/landscaping chore or to temporarily stop whatever it is doing. A supervisor's card can reprioritize the chores or command the ecobot to perform nonfarm-related or nonpark-related tasks, so long as it doesn't leave the farm or park property. Only a civil authority card or a program override card can get the robot to leave its territory. The ecobot will never respond to mutated animals or plants as sentient creatures on an equal level with people. Its particular programming is geared to have it take care of animals and plants. On the farm, animals are to be kept in the pens or the barn. In the parks, people are ordered to stay away from the animals for their own protection. If they do not, the animals are stunned and taken away to a safe place. Animals are shooed, or even stunned, to keep them out of groomed, landscaped areas. Plants are only allowed to grow in specified places. On the farm, a sentient plant would be considered a weed to be cut down if among the crops (or crop area). Other locations arc okay for a plant to grow in as long as the plant doesn't interrupt traf-fic patterns. In a park, plants are allowed to grow wild only in the natural areas. Sentient plants in a landscaped area will he cut down and removed.

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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Ted Tschopp

  1. Soldier Robot
  2. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️Ecobot - park☢️⚙️🛠️🐾
  3. Ecobot - farm
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