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Reported By: Zirra Scrohunter in GW05 - Rapture of the Deep

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Great Barracua

MCC Stat Block: Kooda (2d6 (7)): Init +10; atk bite melee +6 (1d16+1); AC 17; HD 23D7 hp 92 each; MV Swim 56' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -3
Mutations: Taller, Chameleon Powers, Speed Increase (Improved)

Number Appearing: 2d6
Morale: 2d4+1
Hit Dice: HD 23D7
Armor: 7 (AC 17)
Size: Large 4 - 5 Meters

Movement: MV Swim 56'

Attack: bite melee +6 (1d16+1)

MS: 2   PS: 14
IN: 2   DX: 10
CH: 2   CN: 15

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: A Battery of Kooda
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Fish, Squid, Shrimp, and it is know to attack humanoids
Habitat: Occurring worldwide in near shore tropical and subtropical seas (30N - 30S), common in the western Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts (U.S.) to Brazil. It is also found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea as well as the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific, and the Red Sea. It is rare or absent in areas of the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): This mutated descendant of the great barracuda retains many of the habits of its ancestor. To become a successful feeder, the Great Barracuda developed a technique of racing through a school of fish with its blade like teeth attacking the helpless fish. After it injures and immobilizes some of the fish, the barracuda returns to snatch them up. Koodas do the exact same thing, but are even more effective due to their larger size and their mutations. The Kooda's Speed Increase is improved in that it can be used three times per day. Koodas use their highly evolved instincts to take advantage of the disorder that occurs around dusk, when the nighttime fish switch places with the daytime fish. It is at this time, when their prey least expect it, that Koodas make their attack.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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