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Base Stock: Cicada
MCC Stat Block: Cid'Tal 'Nymph' (1): Init +3; atk sap x sucker melee +6 (1d8+4); AC 15; HD 6D7 hp 24; MV 15' or Fly 8' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Mutations: Full Carapace; Sonic Blast (see below)
Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 7
Hit Dice: HD 6D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Large 3 Meters
Description (Initial Observations): This mutant cicada is the terror of green folk everywhere. Other than its size, it looks exactly like their small ancestors.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: When a cid'tal sees prey, it flies to the attack. It uses it beak to punch a whole into the plant to get at the vascular tissue. If the prey resists, the cid'tal uses its beak and whine to kill the prey. The whine has a range of 35 meters and does 7d6 points of damage. It can be used 1/5 rounds. Remember to check equipment damage!It is unknown where the nymphs lair. The adults live for 3-4 weeks during the summer. Also the cid'tal appears only once per 17 years (and in great numbers).
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