Thought Masters «Serf»


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Reported By: James M. Ward and Gary Jaquet in 1st Edition

Role: Race
Base Stock: Human

MCC Stat Block: Serf 'Thought Masters' (1d10 (5)): Init +4; atk weapon melee +5 (1d8+3) and 2 x claws melee +5 (1d3+3); AC 14; HD 8D5 hp 24 each; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1
Mutations: (P) Heightened Strength, Partial Carapace(M) Deathfield generation, Density Control (others), Life Leech, Light manipulation, Mental Blast

Number Appearing: 1d10
Morale: 10
Hit Dice: HD 8D5
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Medium 2 Meters

Movement: MV 30'

Attack: Weapon melee +5 (1d8+3)
2 x Claws melee +5 (1d3+3)

MS: 13   PS: 18
IN: 11   DX: 11
CH: 11   CN: 11

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Patrol
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Omnivore
Habitat: Subarctic / Temperate Plains, forest, Rough
Tech Level: 2 - 6
Artifacts: M, W

Description (Initial Observations): Serfs are semi-nomadic mutated humanoid that live in quasi-military clans, wearing ancient police and military uniforms as clan symbols.

Description (Additional Observations): These humanoids have claws instead of fingers on their hands and with them can make two attacks per round. The claws carry intensity 8 debilitative poison. Serfs have a partial carapace, a ridgid, horny plate that covers the top and back of their heads.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Serfs have claws instead of fingernails and can make two cal attacks per turn that inflict Intensity 8 Poison. Serfs prefer mental combat tophysical combat (90% chance to attack with a mental attack). They carry Tech Level I gear or higher if they have access. A large Serf clan will organize into a gridage of 10d10+50 troops led by a general who holds power with superior strength and cunning.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Serf, are either encountered as a small patrol, or may be found in large "brigades" of 5d20+50 individuals. (a bridage will include 30% females and 30% children.) Serfs are militant, and prefer to dress in uniforms imitating ancient military and police designs, using these as clan symbols. They are lifely to attack other brigades of serfs as they are other enemies. Although they are a Tech Level II society, they readily use higher Tech Level equipment if shown how to operate it. They are semi-nomadic, traveling when food in a partiiclar area becomes scarce, or whth the changing of seasons. Once every few years, at the whim of the commander, a brigade travels to Gran Rads. Once there it partipates in a festival of celebration with other serf bridages, holding fladitorial contests and swapping stories. One serf clan, the Ministers of Thought, never leaves Gra Rad. Its memvers believe that a serf leader called the Forstar will be born to their caln there, and will lead the serfs to create a great new Nation.

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