Description (Initial Observations): Also called the grizlion, this fearsome predator is actually neither bear nor cat, but rather a giant mutation of the wolverine. If anything its ferocity has increased with size. The griozlion is fully 3 meters from nose to tail and over 1.5 meters tall at the shouldder. Its fur is black and dark brown, often with dark yellowish coloration around the face or haunches. It has vicious claws, and its mouth of razor-sharp teeth is usually twisted in a snarling grimace.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete
Behavior: Behavior not recorded
Society: Thankfully, bearcats live in forested hills and mountains, usually far from civilization. During particularly harsh winters, however, bearcats have been known to come down to lower altitudes and find food in or near settled areas.
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