Tree Gator «Screps»


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Reported By: _Warning: Reporter Identity Not Found_ - Attention: The identity of the individual or entity who reported this creature is currently unavailable in our database. in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Race
Base Stock: American alligator

MCC Stat Block: Screps 'Tree Gator' (1d12 (6)): Init +9; atk bite melee +1 (1d4-3); AC 15; HD 13D7 hp 52 each; MV 90' or Climb 45' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Mutations: Anti-life leech, density control (others), heightened balance, shorter, sound imitation, and a unique mutation (friendship generation)

Number Appearing: 1d12
Morale: 1d6+4
Hit Dice: HD 13D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Tiny 20cm long

Movement: MV 90' or Climb 45'

Attack: bite melee +1 (1d4-3)

MS: 16   PS: 2
IN: 16   DX: 16
CH: 9   CN: 12

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Congregation of alligators consisting of several families
Activity Cycle: Nocturnal, Crepuscular
Diet: Nuts, Fruits, and Leaves
Habitat: Temperate forests
Tech Level: 1 - 6
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): A small, tree-dwelling variety of mutant alligator, screps are bright red in color and easily visible among tree foliage. Despite their small size, screps are highly intelligent and possess manipulative hands on their fore- limbs as well as on their rear legs. Their tails are almost as prehensile as those of spider monkeys.These social and friendly creatures live in well-ordered communities among high treetops. They contruct nests from twigs, leaves, and stems, and use rudimentary tools to hollow out holes in trees for shel- ter. Some screps probably live out their entire 200-year lifespans without ever touching the ground. Some screps, being curious and fascinated by technology, carry small Tech II and Tech III devices and weapons, though this is not commonly done.Screps get along especially well with intelligent reptilian beings, but few crea- tures want to attack them anyway. This is probably due to a unique mutation screps possess, termed friendship generation. This unconscious mental mutation oper- ates continuously, and it produces an effect similar to the plant mutation allure- ment, in that anyone within its range may be persuaded that the mutant is a cher- ished ally who must be protected and defended at all costs. This is treated as a mental attack, with the mutants Mental Strength serving as both the range of the mutation in meters and the attackstrength. Since the presence of several mutants with this power requires individ- ual attack rolls for each, those who visit screp communities almost always report that those are the nicest places that any- one could ever imagine.Screps do have one enemy a mutant form of chuckwalla that has made its way into areas bordering screp forests. This creature is not very large, but it is raven- ously carnivorous and possesses a strong form of mental shield. Screps hate these creatures, known as guans, and often recruit friends to fight them.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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