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Reported By: James M. Ward in Polyhedron 15

Role: Robot
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: X.M.A.S (1): Init +10; atk fist melee +15 (1d30+6); AC 11; HD 18D12 hp 117; MV 23' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0
Mutations: Unknown

Number Appearing: 1
Morale: More observations needed
Hit Dice: HD 18D12
Armor: 1 (AC 11)
Size: Medium 1.8 Meters tall

Movement: MV 23'

Attack: Fist melee +15 (1d30+6)

MS: 10   PS: 47
IN: 12   DX: 14
CH: More observations needed   CN: More observations needed


Frequency: Extremely Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Christmas Time
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Tech Level: 0 - 6
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): The X.M.A.S unit was oringnally designed to serve in department stores around the world. The general design became so popular that it wsa manufavtured with grav sleigh and robotic servo reindeer. The unit that landed in New Hope had obviously been modified into something different than the original design intended. It will be friendly to all the people of New Hope and give out tous and hte like to kids. It will talk to everyone and ask them what they want and promise to bring it the nex year ( a promise that cannot be kept). If the characters contine to attack after it lands, it will be forced to devestate the town, until some mutant destroys its power source.The unit is also equipt with Vibro Dagger, a Stun Greande Thrower , Laser Pistol, and Laser Rifle.Although it normally operates with hand and foot controls, it does have limited audio control capacity and will obey simple directional commands. All units, including the laser weapons, are powered by broadcast power from the robot factory, giving units a range of 500 kilometers. The S. Reindeer will react to any physical attack with the flame thrower in their tails. Their mini-missiles are shot on the instructions of the X.M.A.S. unit. If the X.M.A.S. unit is destroyed, the X Unit Sleigh and remaining S. Reindeer will return to the factory at maximum speed. Although the X.M.A.S. unit is programmed to be jolly, it will not allow itself to get into situations where it can be easily destroyed.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

Additional Creatures

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Polyhedron 02

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Polyhedron 15

  1. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️X.M.A.S☢️⚙️🛠️🐾
  2. X Unit Sleigh
  3. Servo Reindeer

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