Heer Kitties «Purrlions»


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Reported By: _Incomplete Record Alert: Reporter Information Missing_ - This creature's record is incomplete. The 'Reported by' field is missing and might have been lost in system errors or data purges. in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Mounts / Guards
Base Stock: Domestic House Cat

MCC Stat Block: #N/A
Mutations: Heightened balance, heightened vision (no night penalities), and taller

Number Appearing: 2d6
Morale: 1d10
Hit Dice: #N/A
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Large 3 Meters Long 1 Meter High

Movement: MV 45'

Attack: #N/A

MS: 8   PS: 10
IN: 3   DX: 11
CH: 2   CN: 11

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Mated Family
Activity Cycle: Crepuscular (Dawn and Dusk)
Diet: Small Animals, espeically squeekers
Habitat: Temperate Forests, Grasslands, and Hills
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Purrlions are among the largest mutant felines in North America, reaching 3.5 m high at the shoulder and 9 m long (excluding the 3 m tail). Possessing a beautiful tiger-striping over a golden- brown coat, purrlions are fairly easy to domesticate as guards, and some communities have even used them as steeds, though they are not the best. A purrlion comfortably carries up to 230 kg of mate- rial, including riders, at full speed, but it wont often carry any more than that. Purrlions have a loping gait that is very uncomfortable for riders, particularly if the purrlions are moving quickly.Purrlions are able to climb large trees and steep slopes using their claws. One may even do this with a rider on its back, though the rider had better be securely fastened to his seat. Purrlions move very softly despite their size, causing opponents to be surprised on a roll of 1-4.Like their ancestors, purrlions have an affinity for certain smelly herbs and flowers, particularly catnip. Certain forms of mutant catnip cause purrlions to behave in a dazed and irrational manner, though the purrlions usually cause no injury to anyone while under the effects of this substance.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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