Blackuns «Attercop»

Reported By: James M. Ward in 0th Edition - Metamorphosis Alpha

Role: Monster - Domesticatable
Base Stock: Garden Spider

Conversion Not Complete
Mutations: Unknown

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 14
Hit Dice: More observations needed
Armor: 6 ()
Size: Small 1.5 Meter

Movement: More observations needed

Attack: More observations needed

MS: More observations needed   PS: More observations needed
IN: More observations needed   DX: More observations needed
CH: More observations needed   CN: More observations needed

Frequency: Common
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Any Temperate or Tropical
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: D

Description (Initial Observations): Attercops, also known as Blackuns, are mutated garden spiders. They have long bristles across their bodies, making them unpalatable prey to all but the largest creatures. They have 12 eyes located all over their head, giving them 360 degree sight.

Description (Additional Observations): Attercops, also known as Blackuns, are mutated garden spiders. They have long bristles across their bodies, making them unpalatable prey to all but the largest creatures. They have 12 eyes located all over their head, giving them 360 degree sight.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: The attercop attacks with a bite, causing 1d4 damage. As the teeth hit their mark, the creature uses its electrical generation to jolt the prey. Once its victim stops moving the attercop trusses it in stick webbing, Creatures held in this manner must make a DC 10 Strength Check to escape. Attercops keep their prey as long as four days before they settle down to feed. Because of the creatures extraordinarily high Mental strength, the attercop is completely immune to all mental attacks except illusions. These mental attacks always succeed. The attercop is a solitary hunter, allowing no others of its kind within its web or territory except during fall breeding, Female Attercops deposit a half-meter diameter egg sac containing over 1000 young. Blights, bloodbirds and carrins hunt these young Attercops, likking all but a few dozen before they are large enough to defend themselves. The Attercop's dale resistant web sometimes stretches over an area of 60 meters in diameter. Creatures captured in the web need to make a DC 5 strength check to escape. Any loot found in an Attercop's web is merely indigestible waste to the spider. The lil, commonly take refuge within or behind attercop webs, although some fall prey to the spider.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: The attercop is a solitary hunter, allowing no others of its kind within its web or territory except during fall breeding, Female Attercops deposit a half-meter diameter egg sac containing over 1000 young. Blights, bloodbirds and carrins hunt these young Attercops, liking all but a few dozen before they are large enough to defend themselves. The Attercop's flame resistant web sometimes stretches over an area of 60 meters in diameter. Creatures captured in the web need to make a DC 5 strength check to escape. Any loot found in an Attercop's web is merely indigestible waste to the spider. The Lil, commonly take refuge within or behind attercop webs, although some fall prey to the spider.

Additional Creatures

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