Killer Turtles «Niregs»


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Reported By: _Error 404: Reporter Data Unavailable_ - We're unable to retrieve the 'Reported by' information for this creature. This data may be corrupted or missing from our records. in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Mount / Beast of Burden
Base Stock: Snapping Turtle

MCC Stat Block: Niregs 'Killer Turtles' (1d4 (2)): Init +10; atk 2 x bites melee +6 (1d16+1) and 2 x claws melee +6 (1d6+1); AC 12; HD 33D7 hp 132 each; MV 19' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0
Mutations: Dual brain, mental shield (in each brain), military genius (left brain only), multiple body parts (two heads, eight legs), sonic blast (improved; both heads), and telepathy (right brain only)

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 1d6+1
Hit Dice: HD 33D7
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Large 3 Meters wide 1 meter tall

Movement: MV 19'

Attack: 2 x Bites melee +6 (1d16+1)
2 x Claws melee +6 (1d6+1)

MS: 9   PS: 14
IN: 9   DX: 10
CH: 7   CN: 15

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Mated family
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Small animals and insects
Habitat: Temperate Swamps and Forests
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Each head will have seperate Mental Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.Descended from the snapping turtle, this two-headed creature is certainly one of the strangest mounts that can be found. A nireg is basically friendly in nature, though its left head tends to be aggressive in attitude and its right head prefers to solve things without a fight. Since the right head does all of the talking with other creatures, the left- sided head can be rather surly if ignored.Niregs are dangerous in combat. Aside from the bonuses that the left head gets in combat, a nireg can generate sonic blasts simultaneously from its two mouths. These blasts can be focused on a single target within range, and the two blasts combine to produce extra damage equal to a third sonic blasts effects. The two fore feet are clawed and can be used in fights as well. If an opponent is bitten by one of the huge, parrotlike beaks (which always strike first), then claw attacks against the bitten person are made at +4 to hit on the die roll.A nireg (if willing) can carry up to 200 kg at full speed over any terrain but the rockiest, and can haul up to 400 kg at half speed over smooth ground or roads. Niregs typically have a single name despite having two separate personalities.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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