Giant Ants «Skyzorr'n - Peon (in Colony)»


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Reported By: Kim Eastland in GW08 Module

Role: Race - Caste
Base Stock: Ant

MCC Stat Block: Skyzorr'n - Peon (in Colony) 'Giant Ants' (1d20+20 (30)): Init +2; atk 2 x hand weapons melee +1 (1d4) and manible x melee +1 (1d3); AC 12; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 8' or Burrow 11' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -2
Mutations: (P) Physical Reflection - Nuclear (M) Radar, (D) Phobia - Sarbis. Immunity to all mental mutations except those of their queen

Number Appearing: 1d20+20
Morale: 5
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Medium 1.5 Meter tall

Movement: MV 8' or Burrow 11'

Attack: 2 x Hand Weapons melee +1 (1d4)
Manible x melee +1 (1d3)

MS: 4   PS: 12
IN: 5   DX: 11
CH: 2   CN: 10

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Colony / Hive
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Any
Tech Level: 2 - 3
Artifacts: Unknown

Equipment: Skyzorr'n usually use Tech Level II devices and weapons, except for the sacred warriors which often have Tech Level III weapons.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: the cephalothorax has two long growths on it that fire darts. When the darts are fired, spinnerets on the edge of the 'harpoon' guns attach webbing to them enabling the lurker to reel in prey. Each harpoon gun can fire 8 darts a day.The poison of the darts is of a paralytic origin with a 'D' resulting in paralyzation for 1d8+12 rounds, while that of the fangs is a neurotoxin with a 'D' resulting in death.A lurker will usually cover the ground of a large area and cover the web with debris. When a victim gets entang-led in the web, the lurker will start firing its darts at the prey. If the victim falls to paralyzation, the lurker will emerge from his ambush spot and web up the victim and drag him off to be consumed at a later date. If the victim is still standing after all darts are fired, the lurker will emerge and attack with fangs and hooks. If the lurker is losing badly in a battle, it will attempt to run off.If more than one lurker is encountered, it will be either a mating pair or a female and her young. These young lurkers have only half the hit dice of their parents and their poison intensity level is 8-12.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: No other race gets along well with the Skyzorr'n; they are fierce, warlike beings who believe it is their destiny to one day rule Gamma World. They belong to no cryptic alliances and owe allegiance only to their own race and destiny. This does not mean that they are isolationists; the Skyzorr'n frequently trade with merchants and other races for the treasure their queen desires. Skyzorr'n peons or warriors are often hired out as guards or workers in exchange for payment. This also gives the queen a way of gaining information and keeping track of the activities of other societies.

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