MCC Stat Block: Skyzorr'n - Queen (in Colony) 'Giant Ants' (1): Init +4; atk maniable melee +4 (1d4+2); AC 15; HD 8D7 hp 32; MV 30' or Burrow 40' ; 1d20; SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +3
Mutations: (P) Physical Reflection - Nuclear, Radiation Eyes (16)(M) Radar, Telepathy (only with other members of the colony), Total Healing(D) Phobia - Sarbis. Immunity to any mental mutations except those of another Skyzorr'n Queen.
Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 50
Hit Dice: HD 8D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Huge 4 Meters Tall 6 Meters Long
Equipment: Skyzorr'n usually use Tech Level II devices and weapons, except for the sacred warriors which often have Tech Level III weapons.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: The Skyzorr'n have a rigid class structure that is kept intact by the physical descriptions, abilities, and purposes of each level. The Skyzorr'n queen is the leader of the colony and mother of future Skyzorr'n. The queen's body is so huge she looks like a giant spider at first glance. She is in constant contact with different members of the colony and, since she is always located in the center of the colony and is well protected, it is almost impossible to sneak up on her without teleporting to the spot. Her function in life is to direct the colony in its expansion and to mate with a sacred warrior and thus provide young Skyzorr'n every year. If she gives birth to a new queen (50% chance at any birth), she will drive it and all the young Skyzorr'n out after a year so that they will start their own colony. The only exception to chis is when the queen is too old, and then the new queen kills her and takes control of the colony. The average lifespan of a queen is 250 years, compared with 100 years for a lesser Skyzorr'n. Skyzorr'n queens are notorious for their love of expensive items. Knowledge of appraisal has been passed down from generation to generation and a queen can estimate an item's worth easily. All queens have quite a hoard , but it is exceptionally well guarded. It is rumored that there is a Queen Prime on Gamma World, the queen of the queens who mentally keeps in contact with her subjects and directs their world-conquering plans and operations. No proof has been brought forth concerning this yet.
Behavior: Behavior not recorded
Society: No other race gets along well with the Skyzorr'n; they are fierce, warlike beings who believe it is their destiny to one day rule Gamma World. They belong to no cryptic alliances and owe allegiance only to their own race and destiny. This does not mean that they are isolationists; the Skyzorr'n frequently trade with merchants and other races for the treasure their queen desires. Skyzorr'n peons or warriors are often hired out as guards or workers in exchange for payment. This also gives the queen a way of gaining information and keeping track of the activities of other societies.
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