Baby Bronts «Moklas»


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Reported By: Randy D. Johns in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Dinosaur
Base Stock: Apatosaurus (brontosaurus)

MCC Stat Block: Moklas 'Baby Bronts' (1d4 (2)): Init +10; atk bite melee +11 (1d12+6) and tail slap melee +11 (1d30+6) and foot stomp melee +11 (1d30+6); AC 11; HD 17D7 hp 68 each; MV 90' or Swim 45' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -3
Mutations: Hands of power (electrical, improved), new body parts (flippers, carnivorous digestive system, tentacles on back), physical reflection (electrical), and radar/sonar

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 6
Hit Dice: HD 17D7
Armor: 1 (AC 11)
Size: Huge 12m Long

Movement: MV 90' or Swim 45'

Attack: Bite melee +11 (1d12+6)
Tail Slap melee +11 (1d30+6)
Foot Stomp melee +11 (1d30+6)

MS: 2   PS: 112
IN: 2   DX: 13
CH: 2   CN: 17

Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Pod
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Plants of all types / Fish and marine animals, including sea-going humanoids
Habitat: Warm lakes and rivers / Warm seas and large lakes
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): During the twentieth century the world heard tales of a large creature living within the unexplored regions of the Congo The beast was said to be larger than an elephant with a long serpentine neck and small head The natives called the creature mokele mbembe and scientists were able to film it in 1984 However the beast was not proven to exist until a live one was cap tured in 1989 These creatures were soon bred and cloned in captivity by the Ancients In time they were as common a sight at the zoo as were elephants them selvesAfter the Social Wars some of these creatures escaped from captivity to live in warm areas of the wilderness At present there are two species of this creature one which has been mutated by the war and one which has remained virtually unchanged over millennia The Pure strain variety is described firstMokele mbembe better known as the mokla or baby bront is a modernday descendant of the brontosaurus which was believed to have become extinct over 100 million years ago The mokla weighs 915 tons and is a brownishgray in color Like many mutated reptiles and just as scientists had suspected of dinosaurs for many years moklas are warmblooded The mokla spends most of its time in the water only coming to shore in the early morning and late evening to feed on plant life there Otherwise it eats coarse lake vegetation of many sortsMoklas are very territorial and attack most creatures and boats which get too close to them Any creatures that are 3 m in height or less which are stepped on by a mokla must in addition to taking damage make a CN x 3 check or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours due to the beasts weight Creatures which come too near to a wading mokla may be knocked aside by the charging creature and probably nipped with its flat but painfully powerful teeth Moklas are not very brightThe mutated mokla has flippers in place of legs and it strongly resembles the prehistoric plesiosaur This flesheating creature feeds upon fish and small landdwelling animals like humans humanoids and so forth The sea devil as it is known has been known to attack ships in order to devour the crew It fires electrical bolts from its back tentacles after arising from the water before a vessel attempting to sink the ship and gather up crewmen to eat The back tentacles are highly flexible and can squeeze prey 3 m or smaller doing 3d6 damage every Action Turn without requiring a roll to hit after the first successful hit The electrical hands of power mutation can be used up to 4 times per day Sea devils are completely immune to electrical effects If a sea devil fires its hands of power at the surface of the sea or underwater the damage done is reduced by half round fractions up but the electrical bolt is diffused over a spherical or hemispherical area with a radius of 3 mDuring the summer mating season both species of Moklas come ashore to lay their eggs in huge clutches which are covered over with sand and left alone The eggs hatch within a month and the young moklas then stay with the nearest local herd of their own species Moklas reach adulthood after a period of 1015 years and have a lifespan of over 500 years

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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