Death Trees «Nep Ep»


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Reported By: Kim Eastland in GW06 Module

Role: _Record Incompletion Notice: Role in Ecosystem Not Specified_ - This creature's database entry is incomplete. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' field has not been specified and may have been omitted during data entry.
Base Stock: Pine Tree

MCC Stat Block: Nep Ep 'Death Trees' (1d2 (1)): Init +8; atk electrical discharge +5 (1d7, 10'); AC 16; HD 16D5 hp 48; NO MOVEMENT; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -3
Mutations: (P) Adaptation; Modified Roots- Squeeze; Modified Branches- Electrical Discharge (see below); Contact Poison Sap; Aromatic Powers

Number Appearing: 1d2
Morale: 6
Hit Dice: HD 16D5
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Large 5-8M


Attack: Electrical Discharge +5 (1d7, 10')

MS: 3   PS: 13
IN: 2   DX: 11
CH: 2   CN: 9

Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Nutrition from the Soil
Habitat: Forests
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): The narl ep resembles any of a myriad of conifers; pine trees, spruce, evergreens, etc. It cannot move and cannot attack at any distance, but has various mutations that allow it to kill prey close by, which then decomposes and provides nutrients for the tree. The usual form of attack for anything close to the nep ep is to grab or trip it with the roots, hoping it will, in its struggle to break free, either brush against the contact poison sap or come within range of the tree's electrical discharge. The roots extend out in a 7m radius from the trunk, so the aromatic power can easily lure prey within range of the roots.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: The tree can absorb and store electricity over a period of time (electrical storms, etc.) then release it when desired. This electrical discharge has a range of 3m from the tree's branches (5m from the trunk) and cause 4d10 points of base damage depending on the size of the tree (GM's decision). The nep ep also has unique boring tendrils that only activate from the roots when and item with a lot of energy is dropped or left under the tree. The tree senses this power and bores up under and through the item, draining it of its energy. Therefore, there are usually some items of an electrical short under the tree, usually buried beneath the fallen needles. The GM should determine these items randomly; the number of items found is 1d6. There is only a 25% chance any item is in useable shape, it will have a small hole bored into it and will always be drained of all power. Even those items beyond repair may still be scavenged for parts or as curiosities.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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