MCC Stat Block: Fhot l'Xon 'Orange Living Mold' (1): Init +4; atk 4 x claws melee +3 (1d3+1); AC 13; HD 5D5 hp 15; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0
Mutations: (P) New Body Parts - Claws, Aromatic Powers - Poison (Intensity 10) Displacement. Takes normal damage from projectile weapons (needlers, slug throwers, bows)
Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 10
Hit Dice: HD 5D5
Armor: 3 (AC 13)
Size: Medium
Movement: MV 30'
Attack: 4 x Claws melee +3 (1d3+1)
MS: 12
PS: 13
IN: 12
DX: 13
CH: 0
CN: 15
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Organization: Symbosis
Activity Cycle: Any, but out of the sun
Diet: Symbotic
Habitat: Underground Caves and Ruins
Tech Level: 0
- 0
Artifacts: None
Description (Initial Observations): A two meter tall egg-shaped quadruped with two pairs of arms. This orange living mold looks like a bizarre egg. It is usually solitary and feeds on lesser I'Xon.
Reactions: If destroyed, taken immediately and sealed in an airtight glass or certamic container, and left for two months, it will decompose into a liter of Intenity Corrosive acid.
Behavior: The feelers and 'eyes' combine to give the n'thlai radar/sonar and 360 degree sight. They can not be surprised. Vegetarians, Nature Worshippers, Healers, Comando Fighters.
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