_Record Incompletion Notice: Role in Ecosystem Not Specified_ - This creature's database entry is incomplete. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' field has not been specified and may have been omitted during data entry.
Base Stock: Earthworm
MCC Stat Block: Tremorworm 'Graboid' (1): Init +9; atk 4 x tentacles melee +5 (1d8+1) and bite melee +5 (1d30+1); AC 16; HD 14D7 hp 56; MV 23' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0
Mutations: Heightened Sense - touch; New Body Parts tentacles; Sonic Blast - attacks do 3X damage and the worm retreats for 2d4 rounds
Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 10
Hit Dice: HD 14D7
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Huge 6 Meters
Description (Initial Observations): A big worm with 4 tentacles with mouths from its own mouth. The mouth has 3 sections that look like beaks.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: A graboid attacks from underground using its tentacles to ensnare its prey, then it draws the prey to its mouth and tries to swallow the prey.
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