Sea Gators «Draguns»

Reported By: Danny Moynihan in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Monster
Base Stock: American alligator

MCC Stat Block: Draguns 'Sea Gators' (1d4-2 (0)): Init +7; atk bite melee +11 (1d30+6) and ram melee +11 (1d30+6); AC 12; HD 28D7 hp 112; MV Swim 40' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref -3, Will -2
Mutations: Gills, new body part (projectile-firing digestive system), taller, and water dependency

Number Appearing: 1d4-2
Morale: 2d4+2
Hit Dice: HD 28D7
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Huge 15m Long

Movement: MV Swim 40'

Attack: Bite melee +11 (1d30+6)
Ram melee +11 (1d30+6)

MS: 4   PS: 61
IN: 2   DX: 2
CH: 2   CN: 13

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Individual or mated pairs
Activity Cycle: All
Diet: All animal life
Habitat: Caribbean sea and Atlantic Ocean
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Draguns still resemble their ancestral alligator forms, though they are much larger and cannot leave the water. They establish territorial areas across sea beds, defending them fiercely (even against ships and submarines just passing by). Being particularly stupid and rather clumsy, draguns may be slowed and stopped by heavy, steel cable nets dropped across their paths. They seem to like basking on the surface of the ocean during sunny days, and they are often encountered during these times.Draguns possess a rudimentary form of communication consisting of bellows, croaks, and grunts, all of which are uttered while the dragun is floating on the surface. Mutant reptiles may learn to imitate these sounds with some success (50% chance of getting a vocalization correct), and this technique, coupled with an amplifier, has been used to attract or drive away these beasts.Draguns have three forms of attack. They prefer to bite and swallow prey that is man sized or smaller, there being a 15% chance per bite that such prey is gulped down whole. A swallowed character takes 2d6 damage per action turn from slow suffocation and drowning on water the dragun swallowed, plus an amount equal to his or her base AC from digestive acids. The victim may only attack with daggers. claws, or teeth against the dragun's insides (AC 9). The dragun must be slain in order for a victim to be removed. Once this is done, 100 points of damage must be inflicted on the dead dragun's midsection, either by persons outside the dragun or by a swallowed victim, to free the captive. Note that a dead dragun floats easily and can be towed to land.Draguns also like to ram ships and other creatures that are floating on the surface of the water, using their snouts as battering rams. A vessel of sailboat size or smaller is 90% likely to capsize if rammed; a ship the size of a sailed frigate would have a 5% chance of rolling over.Finally, draguns have a New Body Part: a gizzard that collects large stones and can expel them forcefully out of the dragun's open mouth. A fired stone weighs 2d4 kilograms, has a 40 meter range, and does 6d6 points of damage to whatever it strikes. Draguns only fire stones when floating, not underwater. Because of this effect, and because of the blasting sound made when the stone is launched, the original name of `dragon'was modified to its current form. A dragun has 1d4 such stones which may be fired at any particular time.If a dragun senses any sort of poison gas on the water's surface, it immediately submerges and flees the area.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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