Baldee «E'Glee»


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Reported By: Michael Price & Garry Spiegle in GW02 - Famine in Far-Go

Role: Mount
Base Stock: Bald Eagle

MCC Stat Block: E'Glee 'Baldee' (1d8 (4)): Init +6; atk claw melee +7 (1d30+4) and bite melee +7 (1d16+4); AC 16; HD 9D7 hp 36 each; MV Fly 45' ; 1d20+1d14; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0
Mutations: Fear Generation; Heightened Precision; Heightened Sense; Limited Time Suspension; Oversized Body Parts; Phobia [D]; Regeneration

Number Appearing: 1d8
Morale: 8
Hit Dice: HD 9D7
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Huge 8 Meter Wingspan

Movement: MV Fly 45'

Attack: Claw melee +7 (1d30+4)
Bite melee +7 (1d16+4)

MS: 11   PS: 21
IN: 10   DX: 13
CH: 10   CN: 13

Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Mountains
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): These huge winged creatures are the mutated descendents of the American Bald Eagle. The e'glee live on the craggy slopes of the highest mountains. Having a wing span close to 8 meters (Oversized Body Parts), leathery dark-brown wings and well- developed back and wing muscles, these mutants, when adult, are able to carry a single passenger when flying at normal speed. E'glee still bear the traditional mark of the bald eagle, white head feathers.E'glee are sometimes used as a steed by other mutants and humans but this is only in rare instances because the e'glee is very wary of other creatures. When meeting a creature that it does not trust, the e'glee first lets out a tremendous screech and uses its powers (Fear Generation) to ward of the unwanted visitor or enemy. With their giant taloned claws (6d8 damage) and curved beak (3d6 damage) these mutants are deadly hunters and killers. They have Heightened Vision ( large, bulging black eyes) allowing them to spot prey or enemies at great distances. Heightened Precision lets them do additional damage (2d6) to opponents in combat. Their usual targets for food are fish and small game, but in times of famine they have been known to hunt humanoids or PSH.The e'glee are intelligent, understanding Trade language, but they are unable to speak it themselves. The e'glee are deathly afraid of fire (Pyrophobia), smoke, and steam. Seeing or coming close to any fire larger than a bonfire sends them into an uncontrollable panic. E'glee heal damage by Regeneration.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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