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in Dragon Magazine 108
Role: Companions
Base Stock: Barking treefrog
MCC Stat Block: Ribbets 'Flying Frogs' (2d8 (9)): Init +2; atk see description; AC 20; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 6' or Fly 15' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +2
Mutations: Devolution, displacement, levitation, magnetic control, telepathy, time manipulation (variant), wings (vari- ant, limited), and a unique mutation (memory erasure)
Number Appearing: 2d8
Morale: 1d4+1
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 10 (AC 20)
Size: Tiny 5cm long
Movement: MV 6' or Fly 15'
Attack: See Description
MS: 16
PS: 2
IN: 13
DX: 10
CH: 7
CN: 7
Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Army of Frogs consisting of a single mated pair and their children
Activity Cycle: Nocturnal, Crepuscular
Diet: Small insects and invertebrates
Habitat: Treetops ain moist orests and jungles and on pond banks
Tech Level: 0
- 0
Artifacts: Unknown
Description (Initial Observations): The frequent compan- ions of lils, ribbets are small, green, splay- footed frogs with considerable mental powers and a lively sense of humor. They seldom attack a creature with injury in mind, unless seriously threatened or harmed themselves, but they often play pranks, particularly on a low reaction roll. Their favorite tricks involve levitation, magnetic control, time manipulation (which does not cost them hit points, but is limited to two days maximum and can be split down to five minutes), and memory erasure, a mental attack which, if successful, erases 1dl2 hours of accumu- lated knowledge in one creature. The range of this attack is 30 m, and it can be made once per five Action Turns. Multiple successful attacks are cumulative in effect.Ribbets are almost always encountered in treetops, about 15 m above the ground. They are in range for most of their attacks, but they are difficult to spot at that distance and angle, since they sit on green leaves larger than themselves. It takes a check vs. IN x 1 to spot them well enough for any kind of to hit roll. Rib- bets are not unfriendly and can be hired, recruited, or negotiated with. However, they are capricious, and their material needs and wants are few, so they can be difficult to persuade.Ribbets glide rather than fly, using their large, webbed feet and the skin flaps on their sides, behind their forelegs. They cannot take off from ground level, and generally glide from tree to tree. They can move 1 m horizontally for every 1 m altitude with which they start.
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