MCC Stat Block: Ba'mutan 'Rock that Gasses' (2d3 (4)): Init +4; atk bite melee +10 (1d30+6); AC 16; HD 14D7 hp 56 each; MV 20' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref -3, Will +0
Mutations: (P) Shell, Absorption - Physical, Reflection - for Non-Mental Attacks), Gas Generation
Number Appearing: 2d3
Morale: 16
Hit Dice: HD 14D7
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Gargantuan
Movement: MV 20'
Attack: Bite melee +10 (1d30+6)
MS: 10
PS: 100
IN: 10
DX: 3
CH: 2
CN: 10
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Herd
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Herbivore
Habitat: Forest, Plain, Hill
Tech Level: 0
- 0
Artifacts: None
Description (Initial Observations): Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. They can grow up to 30 feet in length, and they are over 12 feet tall. They are primarily nocturnal and thus almost completely blind in the daylight. However their hearing is excellent and can get around with just that sense. Ba'mutan have large shells that can conceal the formation of a "land pearl". A little less than half of the Ba'mutan out there have these pearls. There is no way to determine if a given Ba'mutan has a pearl outside of killing it and spending four days extracting it from its shell. Because of this, over time the Ba'mutan who were solitary creatures have become extinct and the only surviving creatures are herd animals. This means that groups of these creatures will be found together and attacking one to extract its pearl will cause the whole herd to panic and attack.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Gas generation generates a cloud that has a 25' radius centered on creature. The gas dissipates after 1d10+2 turns. Any creature not completely protected from the environment takes 3d10 damage per turn of exposure, and their vision is obscured.
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