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Reported By: Gary Gygax, Paul Reiche III (GW1 Legion of Gold) in GW01 - The Legion of Gold

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Catfish

MCC Stat Block: Letharp (1): Init +9; atk see description; AC 14; HD 48D7 hp 192; MV Swim 45' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +0
Mutations: Chameleon powers

Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 8
Hit Dice: HD 48D7
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Huge 4-7 meters

Movement: MV Swim 45'

Attack: See Description

MS: 9   PS: 12
IN: 2   DX: 7
CH: 2   CN: 12

Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Underground Nutrients
Habitat: Freshwater Lakes and Ponds
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Letharp are huge, bottom-feeding fish which range in size from four to seven meters in length. Letharp have silvery-white underbellies and solid or mottled backs which range from blue-brown to yellow to brilliant orange. Mottling is usually white, groy. ar yellow. Coloration is seldom unchanging for very-long, since letharp have chameleon powers. Their heads are cov- ered with a bony plate around which are many enlarged and thickened scales. Projecting upwards and forewards from this plate is a horn-like bone growth whose length varies (accor-ding to the size of the lethorp) from one meter to nearly two meters.Normally sluggish and peaceful, sudden movements or passing shadows throw a letharp into a state of alarmed frenzy which results in the creature swimming in a blind rush (double normal movement far up to 100 meters) towords the possible threat, either to frighten the intruder away or to kill by ramming with its horn. Because of this unpredictable behavior boats are often smashed or holed by frightened letharp.Knowledgeable mariners are reported to paint the bottoms of their vessels a bright yellow-orange, far this color tends to repel or possibly reassure the would- be attacker.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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GW01 - The Legion of Gold

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  2. Termite Folk «Buggem»
  3. Screamer
  4. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️Letharp☢️⚙️🛠️🐾
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