Wargs «Podog»


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Reported By: James M. Ward and Gary Jaquet in 1st Edition

Role: Race & Mount
Base Stock: Mastiff

MCC Stat Block: Podog 'Wargs' (1d10 (5)): Init +2; atk bite melee +7 (1d5+6); AC 15; HD 4D7 hp 16 each; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -1
Mutations: (P) Immune to Poison, Mimic Sounds (1% have Dual Brain)(M) (1% have Telepathy and 1 other random mutation)

Number Appearing: 1d10
Morale: 9
Hit Dice: HD 4D7
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Large 2.5 Meter

Movement: MV 30'

Attack: Bite melee +7 (1d5+6)

MS: 6   PS: 40
IN: 10   DX: 11
CH: 6   CN: 12

Frequency: Common
Organization: Pack
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Temperate / Subarctic Plains and Forest
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: None

Description (Initial Observations): The Podogs are huge mutated mastiffs that can be ridden by man-sized creatures. Podog packs consist of a mated pair and half the pups from the previous litter. Podogs will have a litter of 1d6 pups per year for 1d10 years.

Description (Additional Observations): A podog is a huge, mutated mastiff standing more than a meter and a half high at the shoulder. Podog coloring is usually a deep bay, but some run towards a chocolate or black coat. One in one hundred podogs is a prize breed, with the dual brain mutation and its attendant additional one to three mental mutations. These animals, when encountered, are always the leaders of their packs. Podogs are sometimes found as mounts, but in their wild state they often hunt humanoids.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: In the wild, Podogs hun humans as prey in packs. They are immune to all poison. When excited by combat or the hunt, the podogs will bay in such a way as to exactly mimic sounds made by their prey. There is a 1% chance that a given Podog will be a prized breed with dual brain, telepathy, and an extra mental mutation. If someone were to breed two prized Podogs, this chance raises to 10% for each of their offspring.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Podogs are very intelligent creatures and have a rich oral pack tradition. They are not tool users, but they certainly understand some basic implements like bows and arrows or simple machines. If they are encountered as mounts, it is because they feels friendship for the person riding them-a podog will never allow itself to be saddled and ridden by a stranger' In thr wild, podogs are clever and dangerous hunters, using thrir sound imitation to maximum effect and making fast, hit-andrun attacks to weaken strong prey.

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