Termite Folk «Buggem»


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Reported By: Gary Gygax, Paul Reiche III (GW1 Legion of Gold) in GW01 - The Legion of Gold

Role: Race
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: Buggem 'Termite Folk' (1d10 (5)): Init +2; atk 2 x claws melee +3 (1d6+2) and bite melee +3 (1d10+2); AC 14; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 13' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +0
Mutations: usually none, but occasionally Gas Generation and Heightened Abilities (see below)

Number Appearing: 1d10
Morale: 7
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Medium 2 - 3m

Movement: MV 13'

Attack: 2 x Claws melee +3 (1d6+2)
Bite melee +3 (1d10+2)

MS: 10   PS: 16
IN: 7   DX: 10
CH: 7   CN: 7

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Tech Level: 1 - 6
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): It is rumored that the Buggers appeared even before the onset of The Shadow Years, having been spawned decades earlier by the radioactive fallout of an atomic bomb test. In appearance, these malevolent creatures have the synthesized features of a man and a gargantuan insect. The creatures are bipedal (standing between 150-200 centimeters) and have only two arms. Their bloated abdomen and thorax are connected to a large head complete with long, fern-like antennae and broad mandibles.When attacking, Buggers either strike with their two claws and bite for 1-6, 1-6, and 1-10 points respectively or they can use a crude weapon such as an axe, sword, or mace. When using a weapon the creatures can also bite.These termite men live within nests made up of a myriad of burrowed passages and chambers. Due to the lack of light in the Buggem nests, the creatures hove developed heightened senses that allow the Buggers to see in the dark. Buggem nests ore found in almost all climes and are easily recognizable by the prominent mound of dirt formed over the opening into their chambers. Like any of their smaller relations these termite creatures are primarily fungus eaters, raising their own food supply deep within their dark burrows in strange fungus gardens.Although they prefer to remain in their nests, Buggers must occasionally venture outside to get hosts for their parasitic infants. These hosts ore invariably humanoid and always perish during the eventual hatching of the young. In a world of far more dangerous creatures, the Buggem species survives partially due to two unique mutations that occur occasionally among their kind. Appearing in one creature out of twenty, the Buggers' first mutation is that of gas generation. Several different types of gas are possible with varying probability of appearance. The types and associated probability are: 1-40 Opaque Gas, 42-80 Caustic Gas, 81-100 Poison Gas Each mutated Buggem is able to generate only one type of gas, and may use this ability only three times per day. All Buggers are immune to any of the gases` effects.The second mutation is more rare, occurring in only 1% of the species. The abnormality causes the termite man's size and strength to decrease, but, in return the Creature gains greater dexterity, heightened , and telepathic ability. These telepaths are able to communicate with any member of their hive regardless of distance or physical obstruction. They direct all important actions taken in their nests, allowing a degree of intelligence to enter into their lesser brothers' actions. In addition. these biological freaks use archaic weaponry such as blasters, lasers, and death roy projectors whenever such advanced weapons ore available.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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