Alien «Shreelon»


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Reported By: _Data Retrieval Failure: Unknown Reporter_ - The 'Reported by' field for this creature cannot be located. It is possible that this information was lost due to data degradation over time. in Omega Project

Role: Monster - Boss
Base Stock: Alien

MCC Stat Block: Shreelon 'Alien' (1d4 (2)): Init +4; atk tentacles melee +3 (1d5); AC 15; HD 5D12 hp 33 each; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4
Mutations: (P) Dual brain, Ultravision (M) Mental blast, Confusion, Empathy, Force field generation, Illusion generation, Mass mind, Mental control, Mental multiplier, Mental paralysis, Mental shield, Repelling force, Repulsion field, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Temporal fugue.

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 15
Hit Dice: HD 5D12
Armor: 5 (AC 15)
Size: Medium 1.7 Meters

Movement: MV 30'

Attack: Tentacles melee +3 (1d5)

MS: 20   PS: 12
IN: 6   DX: 14
CH: 35   CN: 16

Frequency: Extremely Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Space
Tech Level: 5 - 7
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): The Shreelon were first mentioned in `Rite of Passage'. Many of their minions were encountered in that adventure, but the Shreelon themselves never made an appearance. They are from beyond our galaxy. They are humanoid in appearance except for a slightly bloated head having a number of tentacles where their mouth should be looking a bit like some Lovecraftian horror. They have two large milky white eyes with no pupils giving the impression of soulless evil. Their skin is the darkest black, almost seeming to absorb light. It is clammy/slimy to the touch. They consider mankind cattle and slaves. They eat the brains (and occasionally flesh) of those they consider lower life forms. Though incredibly intelligent, they are a thoroughly vile and evil race. They seem to dislike bright light. Their technology is based on crystal (and occasionally organic) devices (Tech V). They use a hieroglyphic written language and no spoken language. They communicate entirely by telepathy. To a player character, Shreelon `speech' sounds like a loud echoing whisper inside their head. The Shreelon work by `proxy' whenever they can, finding it advantageous to work through others or use acquired resources to accomplish most tasks rather than direct investment. However, when they are encountered in the flesh, they are terrifying adversaries. Following this principle, there is some evidence to suggest that the Shreelon had a hand in the founding of the Friends of Entropy cryptic alliance. This enables them to further divide and weaken Earth's sentient races without direct risk to themselves. Even before their attack on Earth, it appears that the aliens were working behind the scenes, influencing events which would set the stage for the apocalypse (inciting nation against nation). Their Mental Control ability is slightly different than listed in the rulebook. They are able to dominate a subject without actually leaving their own body if the victim dies, regardless of range, the controller is uninjured. If control is broken the victim will not remember being controlled.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: They consider mankind cattle and slaves. They eat the brains (and occasionally flesh) of those they consider lower life forms. Though incredibly intelligent, they are a thoroughly vile and evil race. They seem to dislike bright light. Their technology is based on crystal (and occasionally organic) devices (Tech V). They use a hieroglyphic written language and no spoken language. They communicate entirely by telepathy. To a player character, Shreelon `speech' sounds like a loud echoing whisper inside their head. The Shreelon work by `proxy' whenever they can, finding it advantageous to work through others or use acquired resources to accomplish most tasks rather than direct investment. However, when they are encountered in the flesh, they are terrifying adversaries. Following this principle, there is some evidence to suggest that the Shreelon had a hand in the founding of the Friends of Entropy cryptic alliance. This enables them to further divide and weaken Earth's sentient races without direct risk to themselves. Even before their attack on Earth, it appears that the aliens were working behind the scenes, influencing events which would set the stage for the apocalypse (inciting nation against nation). Their Mental Control ability is slightly different than listed in the rulebook. They are able to dominate a subject without actually leaving their own body if the victim dies, regardless of range, the controller is uninjured. If control is broken the victim will not remember being controlled.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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  1. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️Alien «Shreelon»☢️⚙️🛠️🐾

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