Two Horn «Boarz»


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Reported By: Jeffrey Williams in MM2

Role: Race
Base Stock: Common Boar

MCC Stat Block: Boarz 'Two Horn' (2d4+1 (6)): Init +5; atk 2 x claws melee +4 (1d8+2) and gore melee +4 (1d10+2); AC 16; HD 5D7 hp 20 each; MV 10' ; 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
Mutations: Chameleon Powers, Energy Reflection - electromagnetic; Heightened Constitution; Heightened Strength; Immunity radiation/Int 13 or lower; Modified Body Parts - enhanced spine , legs, and manipulative forepaws; New Body Parts - modified tusks, claws; Size Increase; Mental Blast- variant- see below

Number Appearing: 2d4+1
Morale: 9
Hit Dice: HD 5D7
Armor: 6 (AC 16)
Size: Medium 1.8 Meters

Movement: MV 10'

Attack: 2 x Claws melee +4 (1d8+2)
Gore melee +4 (1d10+2)

MS: 10   PS: 17
IN: 10   DX: 16
CH: 9   CN: 18

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Omnivore with a preference for meat
Habitat: Artric Tundra, Plains, Grasslands, Desert, Deathlands, Ruins
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): These bipedal, humanoid boars are one of the deadliest species on Gamma Terra. Cruel, cunning, and sadistic, they hunt and scavenge in packs of three or more for sport and survival.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: They rarely attack PSH or other mutant animals on sight. They will attack a large party, but wait until it has been softened first. Their preferred methods are ambushes, or luring the unwary into snares, pits, and deadfalls. They achieve a high degree of success by using their chameleon powers to hide out in the open while using their mental blast mutantation. Their mental blast mutation is a variant that renders the opponent confused and bewildered for 1d4+ MS rounds. At this time they will attempt to lure their prey into a trap and finish him off. They are not cowards so they check for morale once very two turns. Battle is glorious but only if they have the advantage. They enjoy hand-to-hand combat, but are capable and usually possess Tech Level II, III, and IV items, but very rare for the latter. As well as their pack association, their ranks can be found it the Iron Society and Zoopremists, but only as guerilla warriors or terrorists. They are openly hostile to the Peace Brigade (Racketeers with no sense of Morality or Honor) and Ranks of the Fit (whom they consider stupid zealots).

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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