_Error 410: Ecological Role Data Gone_ - The 'Roles in the World/Biome' information for this creature is missing. This data may have been permanently lost or was never recorded.
Base Stock: Unknown possibly Alien
MCC Stat Block: Kraw 'Demon' (1d3 (2)): Init +4; atk bite melee -1 (1d3-3); AC 10; HD 8D5 hp 24 each; MV Fly 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +1
Mutations: Summoning, Two Gamma Eyes, Mass Blast (see Below), Fear Impulse - Android (D), Special Teleportation.
Number Appearing: 1d3
Morale: 15
Hit Dice: HD 8D5
Armor: 0 (AC 10)
Size: Small .75 Meters tall
Description (Initial Observations): Kraw are repulsive looking creatures that resemble a floating, human brain with two large red eyes and a suker like mouth full of needle sharp teeth. No one knows how they float but they seem to have no duration or height limitations.
Equipment: Kraw do not collect or use any equiptment.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: Kraw are extremely evil creatures that seem to enjoy harming others. It has been suggested that they do not orignate on this planet, but that theory has never been proven. Kraw have an unreasoning fear of androids and will run at the very sight of them. When they desire, Kraw can teleport to any distance, within line-of-sight (max 1km). Kraw will not usually perform this action, as teleportation is their sole action. Otherwise they have two actions.
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