Hulk Mollusk «Rust'ee»


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Reported By: Scot Hoover in MM2

Role: _Error 410: Ecological Role Data Gone_ - The 'Roles in the World/Biome' information for this creature is missing. This data may have been permanently lost or was never recorded.
Base Stock: Snail

MCC Stat Block: Rust'ee 'Hulk Mollusk' (1d3 (2)): Init +8; atk 3 x tentacle melee +6 (1d20+2); AC 17; HD 15D7 hp 60 each; MV 3' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -2
Mutations: Increased Size; Poison (into 12 Acidic); Diminished Sense [D] no hearing, taste, smell; Regeneration; Immunity - radiation; New Body Parts tentacles; New Senses - vibrations,heat

Number Appearing: 1d3
Morale: 9
Hit Dice: HD 15D7
Armor: 7 (AC 17)
Size: Gargantuan 4 square meters

Movement: MV 3'

Attack: 3 x Tentacle melee +6 (1d20+2)

MS: 5   PS: 16
IN: 2   DX: 11
CH: 1   CN: 11

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Underground, Ruins, Deathlands
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): These are mutated garden snails that make their homes in old rusted appliances, vehicles, and robots. They creature itself is a 4 meter formless blob with 3 tentacles sprouting from its sides. They are very vulnerable in this state (AC 10). But because of their unique habitat, they are almost always well protected, by the sturdy carapace" of whatever metallic hulk they choose to live in. Young rust'ee can be found in small metallic appliances, oil drums, etc. As they grow larger they will periodically move into something larger. The biggest rust'ee may inhabit an Ancient robot or even a car or a truck!

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: A rust'ee will usually appear no different from any other heap of scrap metal until prey comes near. Then, the creature will shoot out one or more tentacles which both stun (2d10 damage) and poison (into 12) their victim. Once subdued, the carcass will be hauled into the shell to be devoured.Rust'we aren't intelligent and don't appear to be social creatures. But explorers have reported seeing more than one of them where enough metal exists (e.g. old scrap yards, parking lots, and industrial ruins).Archivists have been known to keep rust'ee as guard beasts to deter any who would try to steal from their holy lands.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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