Propeller «Whirrzler»


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Reported By: John M. Maxstadt in Dragon Magazine 130

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Sword Plant (agave)

MCC Stat Block: Whirrzler 'Propeller' (1d4 (2)): Init +9; atk cut melee +13 (1d30+6); AC 12; HD 34D5 hp 102 each; MV Fly 23' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref -1, Will -3
Mutations: Mobility/flight (special), texture change (variant), modified leaves, adaptation, increased sense (smell), and size increase.

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 1d4+3
Hit Dice: HD 34D5
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Normal 1.5 Meters across

Movement: MV Fly 23'

Attack: Cut melee +13 (1d30+6)

MS: 2   PS: 30
IN: 2   DX: 7
CH: 2   CN: 14

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carrion, often from slain prey
Habitat: Desert, Drylands, and Radioactive deadlands
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Whirrzlers are carnivorous desert plants that have developed a unique method of flight. They have no gas bags, instead rotating their flat rosettes of leaves so rapidly that they lift off like helicopters. They use this ability to settle their roots on carrion. Whirrzlers must feed fairly often; from time to time, they attack larger creatures wandering the desert. Whirrzlers are light metallic blue in color, so they are hardly visible at a dis- tance. However, they never surprise crea- tures that can hear, because of the low whirring sound they make when they fly. Whirrzler leaves are as hard as iron and as sharp as swords; they attack by edging sideways into their opponents and slicing with several leaves at once. Whirrzlers attack creatures with AC 1 or 2 only once before flying away, since this hurts their leaves (doing l-4 hp damage to them).Whirrzlers have the adaptation muta- tion, so each can only be injured once by any nonphysical form of attack. The GM may decide to which attacks any given whirrzler has become immune, or may roll 1d6 2 to see how many immunities it has developed. The GM should then roll 1d8 for each immunity on the following table. Whirrzlers encountered in radioac- tive deathlands are assumed to be immune to radiation.1d81 - Immunity2 - Cold3 - Heat4 - Light and lasers Electricity5 - Sonic blast and blasters 6 - Radiation7 - Life leech8 - Molecular disruption

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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  1. 🐾🛠️⚙️☢️Propeller «Whirrzler»☢️⚙️🛠️🐾

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