Description (Initial Observations): They appear as 1 meter tall flying squirrels who now walk on two legs, have manipulative paws, and can speak. They can spread the membranes that streach from their hands to their feet, leap off a high area, and glide.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: A Rakee can not be killed. He regenerates completely in one turn, no matter how he was destroyed. Rakee's will bind themselves to the strongest opponent they think will have the ability to finally kill them, and once they do get killed they will continue to return to this opponent in hopes of making their death last longer. If the opponent doesn't engage after 3d3 attempts they Rakee will find someone else to attack and follow. If the opponent does engage, than the Rakee will bind themselves to this new master until someone more powerful comes along and impresses the Rakee.
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