Robotic Hunter «Manhunter»


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Reported By: Scott A. Hutcheon in Dragon Magazine 113

Role: Robot
Base Stock: Unknown

MCC Stat Block: Manhunter 'Robotic Hunter' (1): Init +13; atk see description; AC 11; HD 25D12 hp 163; MV GravPods 450' ; 1d20+1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Mutations: Unknown

Number Appearing: 1
Morale: More observations needed
Hit Dice: HD 25D12
Armor: 1 (AC 11)
Size: Unknown

Movement: MV GravPods 450'

Attack: See Description

MS: 17   PS: 90
IN: 17   DX: 19
CH: More observations needed   CN: More observations needed


Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Tech Level: -
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): This incredibly fast tracking and killing machine was designed for unknown purposes about which Gamma World sages can only speculate. Its abilities and functions make it a perfect construct for following and killing oppo- nents, but the original need for the heavy armor and weaponry of the Manhunter is unknown. The unit may possibly have been used to defeat rogue Defense Borgs and Warbots, in conjunction with several others of its kind. Other uses may have included assaults on advanced-tech gue- rilla squads, but this is not known for sure.The Manhunter is an exceptionally pow- erful robot, but is extremely rare and found only in the surrounding areas of the Cybernetic Installations they were com- manded to guard. Others can possibly be found patrolling vast regions, still follow- ing ancient, outdated programs. They ignore all beings that are not directly affected by their missions, unless foolish characters attack them. As with other units of the Hunter class, the Manhunter continues to follow its mission until com- pleted, ignoring all other commands from any source.This 16-meter-long, 8-meter-wide, 2- meter-high hunting and tracking machine is covered in weapons and sensors. On each side of the unit are 2-meter-long, 1-meter-wide, and 1-meter-high ovoids stored in depressions (these are the cyber robots detailed below). Near the back of the Manhunter are four smaller ovoids (only .5 meters long) stacked in a row, their front ends aimed forward. On the bottom of the robot is a faint outline of a hatch (leading to the stasis chamber) and many projections surrounding it (the pres- sor/tractor beam). On the upper side are the main batteries of weapons and most of the tracking equipment. The sides of the unit are fitted with all of its close-range weaponry.The Manhunter is capable of using all weapons and defenses (including screens and fields) simultaneously. For long-range and immediate killing purposes, the Manhunter has several effective weapons. The unit has a battery of two lasers at- tached to each of twelve optical scanners; each has a range of 500 meters and does 10d6 hp damage per battery. A photonrifle that delivers 18-intensity radiation has a range of 300 meters and a weapon class of 5. Four automatic rifles that have a range of 200 meters and do 10d10 hp damage per burst are included, each equipped with enough ammunition forfive bursts. Two micro-missile launchers with 2d10 missiles are on the sides, each with a range of 1000 meters. One top- mounted mini-missile launcher with 1d10 missiles has a range of 3000 meters and can be fired individually or simultaneously with the micro-missile launcher.Two black ray guns (front- and rear- mounted) have a range of 200 meters, and a laser cannon (front-mounted) does 20d6 hp damage and has a range of 1000 me- ters. A fusion cannon that does the same damage as a fusion bomb but only has a range of 50 meters is centered on the top. A molecular disruptor that has the same effects as the mutation molecular disrup- tion, but has a range of 150 meters and twice the normal chances of disruption, is also top-mounted (on the robots front). A fission gun occupies an upper-rear plat- form, having a ray with the same effect as a dirty fission bomb, with a range of 4000 meters and a weapon class of 16. A top- mounted bomb launcher that has a range of 750 meters is able to fire the following bombs: matter bombs (up to four Alpha, two Beta, or one Delta), fusion bombs(only two), clean fission bombs (only two), mutation bombs (up to four), and negation bombs (up to four). Only one type of bomb load may be carried.The Manhunter also has a grenade launcher (with capacity for up to 100 grenades of any type) that has a range of 150 meters and is used to ferret out hid-den individuals and destroy buildings. The unit has a stun-missile launcher equipped with six stun missiles; each missile has a range of 500 meters and has the effect of stunning everyone within a 30-meter range of the impact for 2d4 search turns. Both weapons are side-mounted on oppo- site sides of the robot left for the gre- nade launcher and right for the stun-missile rack.Two forward-mounted Mark VI rifles and a battery of four stun-ray rifles (two front, two rear, all bottom-mounted) round out most of the long-range offensive weap- onry. The unit is fitted with a forward- underside taser rifle that has a range of 1000 meters and does 4d8 hp damage, wrapping a cable around the character; only a combined or individual strength of 21 or greater can free a trapped victim (see the Robohunter for details on this weapon). Fifty spare cables are included.A battery of four razor rifles is mounted on the forward underside of the robot. They have a range of 90 meters and each do 8d6 hp damage per hit (causing an additional 1d4 hp damage of bleeding per action turn until blades are removed and wounds are healed). For close-range com- bat, there is a needler rifle with needles coated in a sleep-inducing serum. This serum causes characters to fall asleep for 4d10 action turns. The needler is another front-underside weapon.The Manhunter has several weapon devices not described elsewhere. The unit can spray a heavy nerve-affecting gas. This heavy gas flows down to the lowest level possible (draining into holes) and causes creatures caught in the cloud to save against the effects by rolling under their constitution on d20. Characters who fail this roll are totally unable to perform any movement voluntarily (involuntary muscles such as the heart and lungs still function normally) for 4d20 action turns. Twelve vents (six per side) spread the gas in a 20-meter radius around the robot. Enough gas for six uses is provided.Another gas that can be sprayed up to 20 meters away affects only metallic ob- jects. This gas coats such objects with a chemical that, in two action turns, turns the metal into a frail glasslike substance. Any object coated with this gas is de- stroyed if struck against any hard surface and melts if it is a heat-using device (such as a laser pistol). The chemical must be washed off as soon as it comes into con- tact with metal to counter the damage. The Manhunter is coated with a substance that makes it immune to the gas itself, unless the covering of the robot is cracked to admit the gas into its interior.The Manhunter can also drop a canister that explodes on impact, sending special particles raining down on the ground below. These particles cover a 50-meter- radius area and only affect organic mate- rial (characters totally covered in metallic or plastic armor are unaffected). The robot has only four of these cannisters. Attacked creatures suffer 1d6 damage per action turn for 1d4 turns (while particles are still in the air). Unless affected victims made a CON 2 check on percentile dice, they lose 1d10 points of strength, dexter- ity, and constitution as well for 2d8 hours (no score can drop below 1).The Manhunter also has a force-field destroyer that inflicts 100 hp of damage to all force fields within a 100-meter range, but it wont affect unprotected characters. A force field that can sustain up to 200 hp of damage per action turn is part of the Manhunters protection. The hull of the robot is covered in a thick duralloy shield- ing that allows the unit to operate under- sea or in near vacuum conditions. A reflective hull causes laser attacks to do up to half damage on hits (the robot can take 200 hp of damage from lasers until the reflective ability is destroyed and laser attacks are then made at normal damage).The robot is surrounded by a paralysis field that has a range of 20 meters. This field stuns characters as the paralysis rod can, and it allows the Manhunter to make attacks that automatically hit the para- lyzed victims. This field has enough power for 30 action turns of use.The Manhunter itself is equipped with a holographic projector, which it can use to make itself appear invisible or camou- flaged in the surrounding vegetation.There is a 1% chance per action turn that the projection will flicker, allowing onlook- ers to realize the deception and make attacks as normal until the Manhunter leaves the area. While hunting or tracking, the robot is totally soundless and surprises characters on a roll of 1-5 on d6.A robotic deactivation/activation field can be used up to 200 meters away. The robots can also be controlled by special circuits as if the Manhunter had Stage IV I.D.Herbicides and fungicides can besprayed over an area of 100-meters radius per use (10 such uses possible) to destroy ground cover for hiding fugitives. The unit can immerse its entire self in water, but is incapable of combat while in this environ- ment. It has special remote-controlled drone units which are described below.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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